ITT: One of these
ITT: One of these
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here you go
patrician detected
This was harder than I thought to balance out ratings properly.
>tfw most Sup Forumstants will have absolutely no relation to this discog
beginning dump 1/9
>inb4 people will only reply to my last post
i can feel how no one cares about these great bands but everyone cares about my final pleb band
i can feel them pleb tears already
here we go
I was totally digging your taste untill I saw your qotsa ratings, those are terrible my man
Other than that, good taste friendo
i will never understand qotsa fans
>build up you final post as something to get the plebs mad
>it's the same fucking QOTSA/Kyuss chart that's in all of these threads
Good job on saving that image and posting it again
that's because i always post in these threads, tho
>didn't even notice i always post that one image with the other bunch
classical pleb qotsa fans
>pod is only an 8
Do you really expect me to believe that someone who says "i can feel them pleb tears already" has anything but a newfag?
Really, show me when you've posted all of them together in the archive.
(Also, I don't even listen to QOTSA)
pleb from Sup Forums here, haven't been to Sup Forums for more than one day, but I love Kent. Röd is a fucking masterpiece and Du & Jag Döden gives me the chills everytime
>has anything but a newfag
u retarded son
also i don't know if someone copied these ratings or something, but those are originally mine, idk and idc baka desu senpai
Bitch Magnet is raw, love it.
posting my one from last thread
isn't kent a swedish equivalent to coldplay? i used to listen to them a bit in 2010-ish.
what are the 1st and 3rd of the upper row called? haven't got those myself. also, 13 songs is a 10/10 as well.
i didn't find without a sound to be that bad, really. you're living all over me is definitely their high point though.
surfer rosa+come on pilgrim combined are definitely 10/10, i can understand your score on doolittle but that's a personal 10/10 as well. bossanova and trompe le monde aren't as good as the first ones but still very enjoyable imo
worst ratings itt desu, michigan is atleast 9/10, illinoise is more like 8, age of adz needs atleast 2 points more and carrie and lowell is definitely not his best... i have to admit i haven't listened to his whole discography yet so can't comment on the rest. also, all delighted people ep is probably the same rank as c&l in my books. maybe better.
I'll admit that I fucked up typing has instead of is, I'm probably fucking dyslexic or something. I just don't see why you'd go out of your way to be a contrarian asshole to prove what exactly? If you legit didn't like the band, or at least a half decent troll, you would have at least made a statement on why you didn't like them as opposed to "lol qotsa plebs".
i'm not trying to be contrary tho, i just don't see the appeal in qotsa, more specifically post-2002 qotsa
demos an margin walker. 1st ep + margin walkers were later combined into 13 songs, which is a compilation. also every single pixies album is good 2bh
Du & Jag Döden is by far the best album
I'm obviously a big fan so don't take it seriously if you disagree. I'll post more in a bit.
i love vapen & ammunition. good chart.
> badmotorfinger and louder than love that low
Take it back
alright, i'm gonna post a more intricate review.
first things first, josh homme started out as a really young guitar player (iirc he was like 16 or so) for a legendary metal band called kyuss, and just with that he started out great so consequently i will always think his later work is worse. not that it's bad by itself of course, but if i'm comparing kyuss will always be much better. kyuss is imo the high point of his career, it's just such a good band, i think most people will agree with me on this.
qotsa imo started out as a sort of kyuss side-project which basically took kyuss's riffs but put them into catchier songs, a sort of pop-stoner metal if you will. and it worked really nicely actually. qotsa's first album (which is basically just a josh homme solo album right after kyuss broke up) works really well, i love all of the instrumentals. i know he tried to look for a lead singer for his new band but because he didn't like anyone he saw for the range he wanted, he sang himself of that first album. and it sorta works, it's not amazing but it does the job. the songs sound cool and sorta dirty too, like an updated version of 70's music without the degrading part of the 80's.
next came rated r, a more commercial album, that despite everything works well and is basically a followup, but without the "edge" (not trying to sound ironic here, josh homme's music imo always had some punkish feeling to it), a bit more washed out. still the songs are decent. songs for the deaf is basically a more well produced and more thought out follow up, with technically better songs.
the thing about these 2 albums (rated r and sftd) is that they're both ok. they're not amazing jaw dropping, and they're not weak and lame either. 3 years later, when lullabies came out, i thought this trend of being lamer would stop but it only increased. lullabies has basically no good points going for it other than it sounds like previous qotsa albums. (cont.)
(cont.) lullabies is weak, most songs are passable (little sister is probably the only one i can tend to like more) and their overall structure is too embedded in this bluesy sound that's just kinda eh. era vulgaris is sort of a mess, the title track (probably the most interesting song) isn't even a part of the track list, the singles are "ok" (a rammstein cover and a lame qotsa style love song), the structure of the whole album is kinda weak. the album was kinda forgettable for so long, it's strange people seem to praise it so much these days. for its time no one cared about it.
like clockwork, the new album, is even weaker, the songs are too long for stuff that just never becomes interesting, everyone seems to praise it for no real reason, and when you talk to these people it just feels like its the first album they've listened too for the first time start to finish. protip: there are way better things out there. i could talk about it more but why? it has no theme (people insist it does when most songs don't even flow together), the song struture is weak for qotsa standards, nothing is catchy (this is important for qotsa since this is their whole purpose) nor is it introspective (not like kyuss), it's just something eh that sort of exists.
idk i just feel like josh basically took the way of every beat up washed out rock start has, his songwriting skills declined, became less interesting, and sadly only became well known in retrospect (this is important), which means every time people get to hear a new qotsa album they think it's the second coming of jesus (since all those other ones were too right?), when it's just another weak album from an ok guy who did some interesting stuff some years ago.
it's really overrated and it tires me to have to reply almost solely about qotsa every time i post these ratings. qotsa isn't even that good or popular in Sup Forums, or at least it wasn't a few years ago.
I thought the songwriting on Like Clockwork was great, it's one of my favourites if not my favourite qotsa record
And no, this is not my first qotsa album, I've been a long time qotsa and Kyuss fan
Also, sftd is better than rated r, I thought rated r was rather bland actually
Leaves Turn Inside You not at least a 9?
Kill this fucking meme how do you regurgitate the same shit every single day of your life every chance you get like holy shit bro do us all a favor and go out and fuck a female please
i thought the same when it came out too actually, but listening to their discography one day made me realize it's actually a pretty decent album.
idk what to tell you about like clockwork, then, i just don't like it and i don't see the appeal. to each his own i guess.
De här betygen är inflaterade helt åt helvete. Hur fan är Vapen & ammunition en tia? Gå tillbaka till Eskilstuna.
Subtract 2 from each of those scores and that looks pretty accurate
Illinois>Michigan>All Delighted People>Age of Adz=Carrie & Lowell>the rest
Damn dude do you only like stuff if p4k likes it?
This has got to be the weirdest taste in AnCo I have ever seen.
Like usually if Spirits is a top they like Danse and HCTI. Its like you just started listening to AnCo, but somehow like Spirits.
What would you rate Indie Cindy?
Personally I would rate em like this:
SR 10
D 8
B 7
IC 6
Not gonna happen because he's obviously a fucking faggot
kill yoruself my man
>those QotSA ratings
holey moley
>vitalogy is the best pearl jam
>superunknown is the best soundgarden
Not bad, bro. Not bad. I figured you'd try to be contrarian with Soundgarden and rank Superunknown low just because it's popular.
like a 5 or a 4 even
nah superunknown is like the best grunge album out there probably. perfect songwriting
Neither Pablo Honey nor The Bends nor Amnesiac nor In Rainbows nor Moon are that good.
>Thrills and Bowl of Fire not God-Tier
I agree with this chart so much. Neil has been based since Damn Skippy.
>carrie & lowell
>the most consistently boring
>the least adventurous
>the most cringe-worthy lyrics
>god tier
Carrie & Lowell is, at best, Angsty High School Poetry Tier.
Thrills is barely a proper Andrew Bird album. It's got a lot of good ideas, but it's more just him experimenting and trying shit out to see what happens. There's no cohesion and no refinement.
Bowl of Fire at God Tier? Are you fucking kidding me? It's not bad at all, but it's nowhere near his Eggs/Armchair/Beast output.
this took a while
Man Who Sold The World probably isn't an 8 in my book.
Honky Dory is top tier.
Pinups is a bit too hight.
Station to Stations definitely isn't God Tier.
Lodger and Scary Monsters are definitely too high.
Let's Dance? Really?
Good job recognizing that Heath was great.
Not bad friend.
David Bowie 5/10
Space Oddity/David Bowie 8/10
Man Who Sold The World 7/10
Hunky Dory 10/10
Ziggy Stardust 10/10
Aladdin Sane 10/10
Pin Ups 5/10
Diamond Dogs 9/10
Young Americans 9/10
Station To Station 9/10
Low 10/10
"Heroes" 9/10
Lodger 9/10
Scary Monsters 10/10
Let's Dance 8/10
Tonight 4/10
Bowie goofs AKA Never Let Me Down 3/10
Black Tie 6/10
1. Outside 10/10
Earthling 7/10
Hours 6/10
Heathen 9/10
Reality 7/10
Next Day 8/10
Black Star 9/10
>Man Who Sold The World probably isn't an 8 in my book.
>Pinups is a bit too high.
>Lodger and Scary Monsters are definitely too high.
>Let's Dance? Really?
I can kinda see these, but I'm a huge Bowie fan. Also, I don't know why people hate on Let's Dance so much. I don't like the albums following it or the effects it had on Bowie, but I still like it.
>Good job recognizing that Heath was great.
I'm pretty sure everyone knows it was great, but thanks anyways.
1 million hours in paint
Let's Dance is underrated and commonly associated with Tonight and Never Let Me Down. Shame really, for what it is (an 80s dance album with some smart song writing) it's pretty remarkable.
Literally me
I'll probably make one for LOC/CV and maybe SFH later on
is the first album cover a reference to HANL?
What a pleb
Pulaski at Night is his best tho..
I'll just leave this here :')
>I'm pretty sure everyone knows it was great, but thanks anyways
I think fans know it's great, but he has such a huge catalog that, among the general populous, it's never mentioned in the same breath as his great 70's output.
Jimmy Buffet ratings when?
TGM is God tier, the seer is inferior
Swans are Dead is amazing
Amnesiac is leagues better than the bends and amsp m8
Adz is his best imo
>age of adz
Respekterar åsikten, även om jag aldrig har varit i Eskilstuna.
Generellt sätt skulle jag ändå säga att deras average skiva ligger kring 7-8, och jag betygsätter personligen dessa charts utifrån bandets diskografi. Jämfört med deras övriga skivor är det enligt mig helt klart en tia, om man jämför med alla album i världen så skulle jag säga att det är 8.5-9.0. Men sen är jag en äcklig fanboy för Kent so yeah.
>prospect hummer and hcti 5
lol why are these bands together? Jon Fine was in Don Caballero for like 7 live performances or something, but that's it.
cause bitch magnet and slint each have very small discographies and even the two together would make up a small pic. don cab also as a small-ish discography so i just put them all together for genre thing
thread's dead :(
Pablo Honey = 4/10
The Bends = 7/10
OK Computer = 7/10
Kid A = 10/10
Amnesiac = 9/10
HTTF = 7/10
In Rainbows = 10/10
TKOL = 5/10
AMSP = 8/10
>Let It Be
>Anything higher than 5
That album was a trainwreck
How can anyone think this?
I've been meaning to check out his discography but have no idea where to start. Suggestions anyone?
Please Please Me 9/10
With The Beatles 9/10
Hard Day's Night 10/10
Beatles for Sale 9/10
Help! 9/10
Rubber Soul 10/10
Revolver 10/10
SGT. Pepper 10/10
Abbey Road 10/10
Let It Be 9/10
I'm not even joking...
Känns som jag är den enda som i stort sett älskar alla Kent-album lika mycket, jag tycker verkligen de är skitbra allihop. Men om jag skulle vara tvungen att rangordna dem blir det ungefär:
Du & Jag Döden
Hagnesta Hill
Tillbaka till Samtiden
Vapen & Ammunition
Då Som Nu För Alltid
Jag är inte rädd för mörkret
En plats i solen
Får man fråga vad det är som får dig att sätta Verkligen över Isola, och hur det kommer sig att Tillbaka till Samtiden är så högt upp? No hate, bara intresserad.
>white album
what you smoking son
Det är nog inte tillräckligt många låtar som tilltalar mig på Isola, på Verkligen tycker jag samtliga låtar är mycket bra, men endast en handfull på Isola. (Dock har jag varit lite dålig på att lyssna på just det albumet av någon anledning, kan vara låtar jag egentligen skulle tycka mycket om, om jag gav de några chanser)
Jag gillar det nya soundet på Tillbaka till samtiden, och tycker att texterna är fantastiska. Favoriter är Vid din sida, LSD, någon? och Columbus
ultrapleb detected
The White album was fucking fantastic user, what are YOU smoking