i want a treehouse
5x5 Thread
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le silo is so fucking good
yea it is, glad i snooped your rym
listen to that Barry Truax I bet you'd find it interesting
also Philomel if you haven't
i want a threesome
it was called silo before reddit
a treehouse would be nice
i want a gf
you watch french horror films
you like to go on night drives in your car that cost you under $1000
very into politics
spends time wallowing in self pity and realizes that wallowing in self pity isn't going to help anything but can't help yourself
>spends time wallowing in self pity and realizes that wallowing in self pity isn't going to help anything but can't help yourself
You can really gather that much just by what I listen to? Fuck, man I'm impressed
>you watch french horror films
no no no
i cant watch scary movies
i hate violence
i am indeed interested in politics
but can you guess my political positions
i want a car (to hit me)
I'll hit you with my car, fampai
thanks, can i have the car too if i'm not dead nor badly maimed
This is fun, but if people keep upping the multiplier I'll start having problems fitting everything.
Well, I intend to get the job done.
If you somehow survive though I'll sell it to you.
It's a 2004 Lincoln LS, it's covered in scratches and has a check engine light that won't turn off but don't worry nothing is wrong with the engine.
The original radio is in the trunk I replaced with a Bluetooth compatible radio with a bunch of pretty lights.
How much do you want it for?
I'll give it to you super cheap since I get to hit you with it
$1k is all i have saved up right now, how's that sound
+earthy versions
+ruski cat album
what's that top left hand corner album called again i heard a uchoob track and was meaning to d/l it
plux quba
good enough for me
it has an all black exterior and interior so let the ac run for a bit before driving it in the summer or you might burn your hands on the steering wheel
beatrice dillon rmx is better on that helm release 2bh
shes so lovely
oh as it reads on the cover, i'm stupid, thanks
right on, i won't mind
no prob
you're right, both were good remix picks overall