Ask someone who's in a band that recently opened for Deafheaven and caused George to leave the green room by going on a large scale drunken rant about Brexit anything
Ask someone who's in a band that recently opened for Deafheaven and caused George to leave the green room by going on a...
Can you repeat your drunken rant?
What are your and georges postions on it? Who was for/against and is deafheaven even an english band?
What's the band you're in?
Why did he get so mad about Brexit convo?
Brexit is fucking ludicrous
dont care what you think im asking what george thinks
Well, it wasn't that great, but someone brought up the EU and I was basically triggered into regurgitating my accumulated rhetorical Brexit memes, with my own personal spin. I always explain it like this: Any time a country has a chance or takes the initiative to regain its independence in the face of overarching globalist institutions and 'alliances', it is an opportunity to free itself of outside negative influence - i.e. unfair trade deals, mass immigration and, propaganda from the EU itself + other countries. I then explained how Britain, as one of the richest countries in the EU, is not obligated to anyone but itself economically or any other way.
As it so happened, the volunteer assigned to us in the green room was a Boer. As an Anglo, I apologized to him on behalf of my people for the devastation we caused to the Germans during the African Colonial sagas.
whats a green room
Obviously George doesn't agree with it you mong
You sound like a total faggot.
why would he be against individuality?
>apologizing on behalf of someone else
>apologizing for something that happened well over a hundred years ago
a certain word comes to mind
He wasn't actually mad. He came in and was looking to shoot the shit a bit, but my friends and I are pretty high strung. Our singer engaged George about 75% of the way through my rant and they agreed "religion and politics, eh?", then George said "I'm uneducated on all this shit, I don't even know", essentially. My memory is hazy but I believe George listened for a little bit longer after that before leaving the room.
A private room in a venue where bands hang out before and after their performance. Usually just a place they can drink beer and smoke.
I have no problem apologizing on behalf of my British ancestors because I believe their blood runs through my veins, as mine does theirs. I also have the utmost empathy for our Teutonic brethren and I believe we should never war with each other in the face of much greater enemies.
And anyway, I did not mean to apologize but simply to acknowledge our similarities and new sociocultural positioning ~2016. It felt real when we clasped hands and embraced in front of a picture of the Queen on the day of Brexit. Teuton and Anglo, together strong.
>I believe their blood runs through my veins
no, your bloodcells are generated in our own bone marrow
fuck you
I know you're autistic, but did you ever considered that I wasn't being literal?
It's still fucking stupid. All that connects you is geographic location and genetics. Are their arms attached to your shoulders as well? Give me a break.
Are you in Wreck and Reference?