Tell me thugger isn't the best thing in rap right now

tell me thugger isn't the best thing in rap right now

>inb4 thugger litterally sucks dicks

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no homo we smokin penises

3 birdman features

hes not even the best drummer in the Beatles

He's garbage literally meme rap like Timmy Timmy turner.
>she sucking my dick on a plane and I call her airhead
If your impressed with this your fucking autistic lol and he does love dick why you think he wears dresses and paints his nails foh faggot

we're not impressed by the lyrics, but by the sound you dumb fuck

yea man rock will never die!!!

Another plot to emasculate the black man am I right brotha?

Slime Season 3 was his best work yet.

Nigga keeps outdoing himself

>Slime Season 3 was his best work yet.

I agree, bangers front to back, concise too. Not feeling Texas Love or Turn Up though.

The sound is shit lol auto tune is like 10 years old dumb fuck kill yourself please

This faggots goal is probably to do that he making y'all bitches saying homo shit like with the dicks that shit is gay af where y'all fucking pride at bro y'all are some closet faggots baka
and I love rap that isn't shit you fucking moron young thug is just a talentless faggot

"thugger isn't the best thing in rap right now"

>that shit is gay

And what could possibly worse than that.

yeah but young thugs sound isn't you fucking twat

wow you're pretty mad. how's that goin for ya

rap has never been the same since Tupac and Biggie man, that's all I have on my iPad

iPads are designed by the white man to emasculate the black man.

I cant really get down with that gay ass shitt lil nigga be doing but he be makin money. To eachone i guess bruhbruh

>young sounds like 2008 t-pain

proof you haven't listened to his music desu

HIS best work...desiigner is better