What do you think of my haul?

What do you think of my haul?



Couldn't fit it in the picture but I got lumpy gravy for free.

Also is Scott Walker's Bisch Bosch any good?

>green album
Literally just download island in the sun and you're set

that rush album is good

>4 cds

Bish bosh is great. 8/10 for me

All 4 are great. 2112 is the best of the bunch and White is my aoty.

Yes, it's good, but I prefer The Drift or Tilt more.

While we're in a CD thread, are the cd masters of tom waits albums good or should I just stick with vinyl?

Stick with spotify


>using the word haul in the first place

Weezer's Green is their most underrated album next to Red

debate me

>physical media

Non physical media is literally for underage plebs


any chance you will justify that opinion?

No because it's a subjective opinion and not a fact, autismus. Justification is a spook.


Do you even listen to music?

I dont own everything i listen to

I don't own any of the music I listen to, yet my music folder is more than ten times the size of yours.