Why doesn't this get the recognition it deserves?
Production wise it's one of the greatest, most interesting albums I've ever heard.
I honestly think it's the best DG record
Why doesn't this get the recognition it deserves?
Production wise it's one of the greatest, most interesting albums I've ever heard.
I honestly think it's the best DG record
Other urls found in this thread:
lack of stefan. it's more an andy album
some people only care about stefan
Because people who got into dg from fantano
and the money store don't really get it.
Notm outdoes it instrumentally and has more presence from stefan.
Also its really rooted in electronic sounds like jungle, wonky and bass music. DG gets labeled hip hop constantly so thats bound to drive down its popularity.
idk man, but it's autistic how people dismiss it
my favorite album, the music along with the videos feels so esoteric and unnerving
it does get recognition on this board. It's pretty much overrated on here. It's like NotM without the catchiness. Second half is weak af excluding the last track.
I'm autistic and I love it
Their last great album imo
conceptually, it's a masterpiece
Big House and the title track are both pretty good imo
I care about all of the members equally which is rare for a band, as I usually picture the lead vocalist as the face of the band.
When one member of DG isnt there as much, I think the music suffers.
You keep throwing around that word but I dont think it means what you think it means.
You haven't heard much then
Because it's a horrible, uninspired LP. It's just NLDW but worse in every single way. As a Death Grips fan, I fucking hate this album. It's completely uninteresting and you've got shit taste if you honestly think it's their best.
>It's like NOTM without the catchiness
World's least intelligent post
This exactly. If you exclude the first and last tracks, the entire thing just feels completely unfinished. For me it's not even about lack of Stefan as much as it's like they threw a bunch of bleep bloops together and never figured out where they were going. Look at the 1:12 mark of This Is Violence Now, or the 0:20 mark of Bootleg. It's terrible.
If they'd held tracks like Feels Like A Wheel to be interludes-ish for later albums, or just waited to refine the songs, I think it would have been a lot better.
They both get long, percussion driven and instrumental jam sounding like a hella album but more electronic
You have been banned from the channel
It's the most generic of their LPs.
It's kind of like like Andy went all Eddie Van Halen synth on us.
Not to say I don't like either Government Plates of indulgent Eddie Van Halen synth riffs.
I guess, but EVH on synth as far as Death grips, it reminds me of EVH on Fair Warning and 1984 where it sounds really weird and fucked, whereas later its just cheese
independently, I like Gov Plates and I think its pretty good. I'm not sure where the generic part is (maybe I haven't listened to enough electronic music? idk)
why can't this
GP is somewhere in my top 3 DG albums for sure. love the heavy electronics, all the loops and arpeggios, and the chopped vocals are one of my favorite aspects
>It's like NotM without the catchiness
>It's just NLDW but worse in every single way
do either of you have any familiarity with synthesizer-centric music outside of Death Grips? good lord.
>I honestly think it's the best DG record
as much as i love it, posts about how underrated it is and how it's their best album are slightly annoying. It's obviously not. It can be your favorite but it's objectively their worst album- that doesn't mean it's bad though. I prefer it to NLDW personally but the songwriting is just worse. Lack of lyrics hurts it too.
also fantano
I'm inclined to agree OP
>Production wise it's one of the greatest, most interesting
How old are you?
its like every meme grips fan calling the nerd with the glasses "da best elaktronic music producer evar" without ever saying why or what criteria they used to come up with such (ignorant) opinion
It was too ahead of its time. I didn't truly "get it" until I heard Niggas on the Moon.
generally when you know little about something you think you know quite a lot because you don't understand how much there is to know...
a lot of people have a little knowledge and actually started noticing "production" thanks to the tubez and Sup Forums and so on....
Only bad song is I'm Overflow, everything else is great.