5x5 thread. Last 7 days
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5x5 thread
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what software is used to make these images?
you'd love to go water skiing
If you have last.fm you can use tapmusic.net. If not you can use topsters.net
would hang out with
cute covers
topsters doesn't load.
++Gary Wilson
+Dean Blunt, Black Sabbath
++Kool Keith
+Eric B & Rakim
get on my level
yr on yr own level
i dunno wut level yr on
get on my level
you all need to get more funky
whatta ya mean "level"
im desperate for funk recs, please spoonfeed me some entry-level stuff
What's your favorite city pop
what's your lvl and how much xp do you have
Is this Twirly
Why'd you delete your last.fm and RYM accounts
Check out labels you like artists on, my current favourite is Freestyle Records. Kudos Records is a great site too to keep up with new stuff too.
I don't know what a Twirly is?
i always see you in these threads, im the poster of anyways, you always seem to have some sort of chinese/asian folk music, could you rec me some entry-level stuff?
Hint: Synonym for twirl is _____.
Nope, you've lost me.
I'm not quite sure if there is an "entry level" in trad but here are some stuff that I consider to be at least really good:
Tang Liangxing - High Mountain, Flowing Water
The Silk String Quartet - Contemporary and Traditional Chinese Music
Yu Xunfa - Master of Chinese Traditional Music: Dizi
Liu Tianhua - Erhu Solos: 1929-1932
Shanghai Virtuosi - China Beautiful Lady Hanfei
Anna Guo - Chinese Traditional Yan Qin Music
Various Artists - The Ruse of the Empty City: A Traditional Peking Opera
Also check out the compilations in this thread:
Have only heard this first one but I think you'll find them all interesting
I hope these recs are good enough. I haven't listened to as much Chinese trad lately and definitely need to listen to more.
oh Spinny
thank you man, ill check em out
try Palm - my darkest friend
either For You by Tatsuro Yamashita or SONGS by SUGAR BABE
Hope you enjoy em
Great picks, especially Sugar Babe. Songs is easily one of my favorite albums.
+ Finntroll, Gorillaz
+Cattle Decap
+Black Sabbath, Yes
Tatsuro Yamashita just makes perfect summer music, and Songs is particularly good because it was before City Pop became the commercial sensation it was
just great shit, really, even if they're unintentional period pieces
>Tatsuro Yamashita just makes perfect summer music
Agreed. I don't like the beach much but I'd totally stay at one if it was just me and his music.
>Songs is particularly good because it was before City Pop became the commercial sensation it was
I'd say it's fairly different from other city pop releases yet has a similar feeling. Also, it combines based Tatsuro and top qt Taeko Ohnuki which is excellent of course.
>just great shit, really, even if they're unintentional period pieces
Nothing wrong with period pieces desu. Well, I guess it depends but 70s/80s Japan is usually enjoyable.
i don't really see it as beach music (although here is city pop for that) more of the Cruising On Summer type summer music
and i actually fucking love period pieces, intentional or not, but it undeniably can make music sound dated
>Cruising On Summer type summer music
Okay yeah that's probably more appropriate.
>but it undeniably can make music sound dated
Definitely. That can be alright many times though. In fact, it sometimes adds to the fun for me.
music that sounds from another era always has it's own appeal when there really are no modern successors to the genre
I wouldn't necessarily say it always has it's always appealing but the different flavors of the past are at least always interesting.
that's why i said ''when there really are no modern successors to the genre'', the reason why shit like Disco essentially died was because we had other forms of dance music in the clubs, there really isn't a successor to city pop
that guy who is in every collage thread
cool minus newsom
edgy but some ok rap
extra cool, but pablo honey, seriously?! really bad album
I-I like disco a-actually. But anyway, there is modern city pop though right? I haven't heard any modern city pop albums but definitely need to do so sometime.
there was a small revival in japan a couple of years ago, actually
Yeah. Will have to listen to more stuff from the revival and more of the old stuff too.
sorry about some covers missing
+hey that litourgiya is dope
pretty funky
have you ever thought about doing heroin?
why so much odd future shit
also i thought i was the only person who liked father
i like odd future desu