Is there an album you know of dealing with the pain of breaking up? Not due to hating each other, but due to issues that just can't be fucking fixed? 20 month long relationship just ended...wasn't going to work cause I'm going back to college full time (full scholarship, 7 year undergrad to doctorate program) and she wants to travel the world. I know AF is the gold standard, but anything else like it?
Feels Bad Man
The Antlers - Hospice
Tame Impala - Currents
Specifically the track "Eventually"
This one might not be what you're looking for, it's more
>tfw my ex/crush doesn't care about me anymore
But it is an absolute gut punch to the feels, especially after a breakup.
War - Baby It's Cold Outside
Toadies - Dollskin
Supertramp - Casual Conversations
Incubus - Love Hurts
Fuck off
Already had those feels when I found Sup Forums years ago - goddamn its a brutal awesome album
Sorry, I just hate Tame Impala
Damn this is amazing
Ah shit...Toadies. We used to do possum Kingdom together at karaoke...goddammit
>Is there an album you know of dealing with the pain of breaking up?
check ur gf privilege shitlord
lmao thank you for the laugh :)
I'm still listening to Dear - goddamn this album is amazing.
The part about friends and it sucks that I gotta go through a loss of so many friends cause they were here friends for the past decade and were only my friends through her...fuck
I've done this goddamn thing half a dozen times in my life and it never gets easier.
I'm the guy who recommended Dear, glad you're liking it! I'm still getting over my 20 month relationship as well, OP. Trust me when I say it does get easier. It may take a long time but it will happen. Don't give up!
>I'm still getting over my 20 month relationship as well,
wow brag more asshole i literally hate you
Well I mean, I pretty much hate those 20 months now. The aftermath is a lot worse than the experience for me.
But you'll get a gf, tripfag. Yes, even you! Just stay positive and goodness will come!
stop humble bragging jerk
Try this, I always use it for when I'm depressed. It's not inherently sad, it just sounds like the music... understands.
I got exactly what you need.
This one too.
I understand your bitterness but just trust me! Open up that heart of yours and wonders will come your way :)
I sincerely wish you the best.
Gotchu friendo