
/metal/ general: qt edition

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In theory, metal is today's real rock and roll--the music of the people. It's basic, it's rude, kids love it, parents hate it. But the closer you look, the stupider and more delusory it seems. Metal isn't basic--it cultivates a pseudo-virtuosity that negates content. The dreams it promulgates are usually foolish and often destructive. Eighty per cent of the "people" who like it are male, and 98 per cent of them are white.

wtf does this thread have to do with music ?

4th for stoner black


Why would it be about music?



This is going okay. He played some metallica some old school. Gonna play Type O Negative soon

Make requests here

as a intellectual i think music should be the focus of this forum

You're about as much as an intellectual as Christgau


who ?

And why is that Tony?

cause i am a intellectual

Just an old fuddy duddy Tony pay him no mind

Yeah, of course, Tony. No one doubts that. No one at all. No one ever in history has doubted your intellectualism.

But why does that mean we should focus on music Tony?

as a intellectual i know that this board is about music ok ? no amount of limbering up will prepare you for my bows


Have a meal qt.

literally gross

How about that fight then Tony. How about it. I'm ready. How about them bows Tony. Can you explain why this thread should be about music, Tony? Is your son gonna get in on this Tony? What's his name, Tony? Is it Tony? Tony Jr.?

Is he hot Tony? Is he an intellectual Tony? Is Tony Jr. a sexy intellectual?

Is your son hotter Tooooony?

His wife's son is better looking than him, but of darker complexion

maybe. got more?

>tfw no blackmetal gf to suck my cock in full corpse makeup...
god that'd be dreamy

let me drop some truth bombs quick

#1 i am stronger then you
#2 i am smarter then you
#3 i have better fight moves then you
#4 experience
#5 katana
#6 kicks

understand ?

I understand perfectly. Let me reiterate.

#1 your
#2 son
#3 is
#4 sexy
#5 youre
#6 cowardly

Did I get that Tony? Is that what you said?

>not digging up a freshly buried corpse to paint up and placing her dried up decaying mouth around your cock

I wonder if she's into meal?

mohawks are decidedly not metal.

thats low even for you
i am going to bed right now but i will be back tomorrow in a few hours and if you do not face me then i will declare victory and if i ever see you irl i will sling ninja stars at your eyes
see you soon COWARD

What are you running away already Tony?

What happened to the bows?

see you tmrw punk

So you're running away?

This is completely unlike you Tony! You, the intellectual with bow-throwing and kicks and sexy children and shit!

Can we actually do metal shit now?

metal is for children !

Not on dudes.

Do you think this chick is into meal?

You always could.

Tony you're back! Wonderful!

i am going now
i expect to fight you again first thing in the morning
i will see you soon~

I have a mohawk and i mostly listen to metal


NSBM is all i listen to anymore, post some gud NSBM

Yeah he's right.

>being in your late 30s
>still pretending you're a suicidal angsty teen


Still going through this list; gonna make a chart when I'm done

It is first thing in the morning Tony. I wanna fight now.

thoughts on this band?

first album i heard was black earth. looked like a cool album cover.

i liked some of it. bury me an angel is one of my favorite metal songs period. but they changed singers. and i hate melodic death metal, which RYM categorizes them as.

i've always liked the amott brothers's soloing, however. i would enjoy everything after their old vocalist left if i could remove the vocals.

which isn't to say angela is bad. she sounds brutal for a chick. but she's not dynamic, which is why she's boring.

just another melodic death letdown if you ask me.

I'm a dude bro

yeah, i figured. i just want to see the hawk, son. the hawk not the cock.
but go ahead and post it if you want.

I used to love Burning Bridges, too bad they dumped their old singer. He hasn't really done anything since then either.

You can always start with memel8th. Prob the best current NSBM band


Really mediocre desu but they're a decent entry level band to show newbs the ropes before diving into shit like Autumn Leaves and God Macabre
As you said, the solos are good, but it's not worth to listening to 2 minutes of rhythmic slop filler and flat vocals just to hear 'em.
Eventually one will just grow out of Arch Enemy

he was good at sounding like a grieving madman, which i think fit the band's themes. of course now they're on some hurr durr anarchy trip.

is this metal guys?

Black Earth is a nice spiritual successor to Heartwork. Other than that, meh.
Johan did have a death metal band with some of the Cadaver guys that got featured on M.B.R's Pantalgia compilation.

>tfw no nsbm qt to go to political rally with

What country is that?

>Fleshgod Apocalypse
>touring together this fall
Is this gonna be the most memed/reddit/cashul tour to date ?


>Not going only for Arkona

What went wrong with Hour of Penance that Francesco had to leave and create this listener friendly shit called Fleshgod ?

Lol fleshgod actually has fans? At least Epica is girlfriend metal

Except you don't have a gf fag.

Howd you know :/

Don't be fucking rude. He has a GF, but she has a BF.

And he listens to trap.

What the fuck is with this cover

this wasn't even me

the fuck is this? did they re-record this?

Yep, now if only the do the same with Cruelty

Daily reminder that theres absolutely nothing wrong with 90s CoF

>This album contains the orginal recording of the band's second album from 1995 with the The Prinicple of Evil Made Flesh-lineup. Since the band did not like the result and the relationship with their then label (Cacophonous Records) got bad, they decided to not release it. Some members left Cradle of Filth to form The Blood Divine, while the rest plus new members recorded V empire... or Dark Faerytales in Phallustein, that was released instead of Dusk... and her Embrace via Cacophonous Records. In 1996 Music for Nations released the re-recorded version of Dusk... and her Embrace with the new lineup.


this might actually be cool...but knowing CoF they'll probably find a way to fuck it up.

this is confusing as shit.

does anyone unironically listen to babymetal?

kek. new bal-sagoth cover was way better


why is my teenage music collection getting rereleased! fuck this.

At least they didn't fuck up the sound. New Starfire actually sounds clearer and more dynamic.

I can't believe I listened to this for almost a decade without checking out the SVEST side or SVEST in general. The DSO side was so good I never minded the b side but their aesthetic is perfect for what I want in bm right now holy shit

Eh, it's more like FBM.

Go listen to Urfaust right the fuck now you nigger

Post more qts



none of that gay shit here, thank you

Can anyone recommend me some more techni-gore?

>Amon Amarth
kek'd irl desu

>kek'd irl desu

cringed irl 2bh


>that awkward hand grab
don't they beat up people for that?

very nice, got any grindgaze?

there was this jap band that combined shoegaze and thrash metal but i forgot the name

It was Coaltar of the Deepers

They're one of my favorite bands 2bh, Wages of Sin is in my top 10, Doomsday Machine probably up there. It's just that their recent output is disappointing, scenecore chick doesn't help.
At least Carcass is still around.

>tfw qt girl i have a huge crush on recommended me fleshgod apocalypse because she knew i liked metal

Post music to kill lefties to

come on now guise

literally best song of all time

>he said, over two and a half hours after they'd finished


Woman in metal should all look like slutty groupies to further elevate the testosterone level in this male dominated genre.

Surprised Russian cops didn't crash this. Looks illegal to the max.

Sloppy playing for an official live video, too.

Post music to kill righties to

punk is garbage lmao

crust is good tho

Hardcore is the worst genre ever