Reminder that Discogs is the best way to explore and keep up with new music.
>no opinionated reviews >no retarded number scores >no bad attempts at funny videos >no genre bias or cultural swing >veritable smorgasbord of all music >automated emails for new releases >list options and easy search
Brayden Wood
>and keep up with new music. > discogs
Lincoln Roberts
Sure, if you limit yourself to the most popular music released in one format only.
Jose Edwards
i've only ever used it to find out about obscure releases from artists i already know about. how can i use it to explore and keep up with new music?
Ryan Long
wtf no they have tons of obscure stuff and I dunno what you're talking about one format. I'm pretty sure they dont just list things that are on vinyl.
just for last weeks new release day on Friday June 24th they have 75 entries
Ryan Wilson
Get an account, make lists of all labels and artists and rate some releases you like, check the notifications options for emails and any new release from any of your lists you'll know about. It will also give you recs in general based on all this.
Liam Jenkins
>AOTY >album
Zachary Smith
no they list singles too. I'd be very shocked if all 75 of those entries are LPs
Chase Stewart
>veritable smorgasbord
haha kys
Jordan Watson
It's fucking shit
Carter Lopez
part of the fun of RYM is its retarded community desu
Charles Cox
Great argument, you really convinced me.
Christopher Brown
If only they added a way to follow labels.
Nathaniel Jones
>make a list >add only labels >ensure list is set for Discogs mails notifications >???????? >profit
Noah Turner
Who is this discog rees mogg
Aaron James
> best album >beyonce lemonade
Thomas Davis
I only use it for the new release list
Daniel Stewart
Long-running Oakland, California-based industrial/alternative/metal pioneers NEUROSIS will release their eleventh full-length album, "Fires Within Fires", on September 23 via the band's own Neurot Recordings. The follow-up to 2012's "Honor Found In Decay" was recorded at Electrical Audio Studio with producer Steve Albini.
Another reason that aoty is better than discogs which doesnt list the album until it comes out.
Gabriel Wright
Who cares? You can't listen to it until it comes out so whats the point in knowing?
Sebastian Davis
leaks and singles?
for starters
William Stewart
Kill yourself my man
Noah Foster
eat shit you rat fucking cunt
Dylan Perez
ctrl + f "add to list" on the labels page for some reason they made it really hard to find
Easton Sanchez
>i've only ever used it to find out about obscure releases from artists i already know about. how can i use it to explore and keep up with new music?
Method 1 1- Find a release you like 2-Look for releases that have all the same genre tags.
Method 2 The auto Recommendation on album page. This one is based on what people own, and not rating, and so its a little, shitty, thats why you see boards of canada everywhere, radiohead everywhere, aphex twin everywhere...
Jeremiah Walker
>leaks and singles? To add an album, single, ep.... to discogs you have to haven the album, single, ep in your hand....
Brandon Cook
>this is the typical user My sides
Alexander Adams
>>no opinionated reviews >>no retarded number scores >>no bad attempts at funny videos >>no genre bias or cultural swing >>veritable smorgasbord of all music >>automated emails for new releases >>list options and easy search Everything correct. Also: >no pretentious dickheads giving bad scores just to be patrician, as on rym
what the fuck are you saying correct die die under a monster truck OP is my favbro 4e
Thomas Russell
>no opinionated reviews there are some, and when that's the case, it's so damn good to see tards sperg out.
Colton Lopez
>implying discogs comunity doesn't have its share of annoyances Go to the release page of some relatively known vaporwave tape, look at the comment and count the people asking if someone wants to give them or trade their $150 worth of cassette. And then imagine the number of PM you get when you actually have it.
Anthony Richardson
Youtube recommendations is great as well since the algorithm takes into account the amount of time spend listening to tracks.