Can Sup Forums name a bad prog rock drummer?
Can Sup Forums name a bad prog rock drummer?
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Nick Mason
I said bad
I don't think I can.
I know what you said
Phil Collins
Subtle bait or shit opinion?
if they were bad drummers they wouldn't be in a prog rock band
Phil Collins is literally the reason why Selling England by the Pound is so fucking great
Neil Peart
Hasn't he forgotten how to play drums nowadays, or did I make that up?
But in Genesis he was really, really good
you don't forget how to play drums. it's like riding a bike
(unless you're lars ulrich)
Phil's drumming is based af especially in this track
He hasn't forgotten, he just can't play drums because of a spine injury that makes it painful to move around the drumkit or something like that.
That really sucks, he always said he liked to drum more than sing.
does Brann Dailor count? fuck that wanker
Phil Collins is the reason Genesis deviated from prog
The 80s were the reason Genesis deviated from prog, earlier Phil Collins fronted Genesis albums up until 1980 were prog.
Nah, that was most probably Tony Banks more than anyone else
1980 truly was the last year prog music was worthwhile
Is Discipline era King Crimson not prog to you?
There is no bad prog drummer, basically every musician in prog is a virtuoso. If prog it's bad, it's purely the songwriting.
It's Art Rock
>implying art rock is even a genre
>has never listened to Brand X
Plebeians I swear...
I can't think of one. The guy from Gentle Giant can a get a little cringey occasionally.
art rock is prog rock minus the wankery
>Nick Mason
>Prog Rock
pick one you stupid faggot
it's funny because you're wrong