ITT:pure cringe
Reply to this post or your favorite band breaks up and never releases another album.
pls no
what if they have already broken up
too bad they already have
but just in case any other of my still active bands
AnCo might still release something good.
Then they get back together and release a shitty comeback album and ruin their legacy forever
this album
Good one my dudes XD
>not browsing in tomorrow style
That already happened, they're doing their last concert this fall (which I'm of course attending) and released a final album a month ago. Joke is on you
just as good as the original desu
fuck you
uh oh
why dont you write a song about it mark
Aw hell nah
They already broke up mate.
This meme is stupid. Why are you supporting it?
I hope The Smiths don't break up
At least they're not wrong generationers
If I reply to you post you'll commit sudoku in your sleep
you don't have to do this :(
every meme is stupid, but then again what would Sup Forums be without them
oh shit I got quads in the first time ever
double checked mate
why is this cringe? incredible rendition of an already incredible song
Nice dubs
>50's-90's hipsters rockbands
they'll never break up until one of them dies
>I burn their CDs for fun
Well that just sounds like a huge waste of money
You are the chosen one
oh gahd
The Dead died with Jerry, but I'd like Dead and Company to stick around a little bit longer
Not exactly cringe, but related.
>stringy strangy suck my wangy
holy kek
How is that funny?
what does the iou thing mean, I don't understand normies
wake me up
This cunt just named every entry level popular band and movie from those eras. Do these people have any level of self awareness?
grumpy faggot, are you actually disliked by the fact that we thought it was funny?
Has this kid actually grown out of this cringeworthy phase yet? Nothing wrong with liking music but this kid is a classic pseudo intellectual.
Too late
Jokes on you my favorite music is from the 80s and all the artists are old and fat.
It's this senpai
>50s-90s is an era
>literally the cringiest thing one can say
literally the cringiest thing one could say
that said
>fight club
>not released in the 21st centruy
>reservoir dogs
guy doesn't even know his entry level shit
Yeah billy. it was not funny.
doesn't mean i hate you. I'm in love with most men and women.
now here's something funny.
too bad TGTB&TU is actually very good
Because it's better than a thread of the same tired circlejerks over Time Machine Modulus and pictures of tumblr users with Crosleys and at least this helps derail it
hes in 'ere dog
so meta
How is that funny?
>implying people actually grow out of that phase
they just quiet down and doubt themselves more
>and by they i mean we
so does having given wildflower, oh idk, maybe a day before he panned it give him some bullshit critic-cred?
honestly, give all albums time. it takes a few listens.
holy shit fight club actually wasn't released in the 21st century. that movie is 17 years old man, til
Idk. i like it.
this isnt pure cringe, this is actually regular cringe
you whore
>the BEST era is '50s-'90s
Jokes on you faggot they already did
Can't risk it familia.
Legit hope you kill yourself
Meant for
>not listening exclusively to solo acts
Fuck off, you're not getting a (You) from me.
this is high art
i love my mommy
holy shit this meme is exporting outside of /memetal/ ?
fuck yeah
the (You) thing started on Sup Forums's /brit/ general