Who /Emo/ here?
Who /Emo/ here?
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how do I find a gf who has good taste in emo?
where do I look?
havent found one either so i have no idea.
I /Emo/
you /emo/
he she me /emo/
but really, this album is pretty cool
are you looking for one like as pictured?
yeah its a really swell album
Girls who dig emo music are both hard to find and probably unstable. The trick is to get a gf who's open to all music and slowly introduce her to the parts of emo that won't offend her.
Most emo album on the planet.
First wave emo is best
Julia? I don't recognize that album.
Midwest emo is not emo.
>current feels
What is then?
*slits wrists once*
>tfw I saw my high school crush walking her dog today after having not seen her for over 4 years
no why'd this have to happen
i'm trying to forget, not remember. i don't want to remember anything
also emo
It's the best emo
I'm ashamed that I found this album through the Touche Amore/Jeremy Bolm RFC record video
Screamo > emo
screamo is terrible
not this
depends on what you consider screamo
All "screamo" fans, please leave.
care to sbustnatiate your opinion ?
u gay
awful an di thought orchid was bad but that comp is the worst
not atm
complete shit
meme, not even obscure, shit
babby's first shit
stop posting
you disservice screamo with that trash
Thanks for the Orchid, my man.
I had "screamo" in quotations for a reason
>has to be obscure to be good
full of hell is good you pussy
I did this but she already had good taste in emo, now she listens to noise with me
care to subsatataite your opoinion?
my nigga
Is blood brothers screamo? That's about when I stopped listening
I don't believe you
>has to be obscure to be good
that's not even remotely what i said
there exists good, popular screamo, like indian summer, and portraits of past, off minor, and maximillian colby
you posted screamo that is not only shit, but also meme shit, by which i mean i'd be much more forgiving if the screamo you posted was obscure yet still shit
that at least shows you've the agency to dig into the genre and find good things
but you posted a prime example of meme-shit and that is not permissible
>indian summer, and portraits of past, off minor, and maximillian colby
not one of these is screamo
Screamo is not metal core, my man.
ps be m ybf unty
Off minor and portraits of past are in the same damn "league" as orchid. Saying one is shit and not the other is laughable. Why can't I like heat death of the universe AND chaos is me?
What a shit, contrarian opinion you have
just cause they yell doesnt mean its screamo lol
That's literally what it means
Pop music
ok pal
>same damn "league" as orchid
are you a fucking idiot? do you still think my problem with orchid is their popularity?
you absolute, motherfucking retard. my problem with orchid is that they're shit, and again, they're not even obscure shit, which is forgivable. orchid is honest to fucking GOD THE MOST MEME, OBVIOUS SHIT that you could post and parade as screamo on this
LITERALLY babby's first shit
AGAIN: i don't have them BECAUSE they're popular. that's NOT my problem, so review this post and return with a legitimate, intelligent retort or fuck off and never reply to me again because i get tired of stupid shits like you real quick
care to substantiat eyoru opinion?
opinion pertaining to what
which of those retards that i just responded to was you
first two yous
you have yet to say whatwhy orchid sucks
though i already know so dont feeel pressured
>first two yous
a direct answer
explicitly link me to the posts you fucking child
the first two replies in yuor post are both me lol
I personally don't like Orchid or any skramz bands like it because it's too fast and emotionless. The bands that incorporate post-rock elements are the best in my opinion.
(City of Caterpillar, Funeral Diner, Envy, Daitro, The Newfound Interest in Connecticut, I Would Set Myself on Fire for You)
bad taste
I like The Number 12 Looks Like You and Sawtooth Grin
genre tags
Did you even have time to look at the links before you shit out all those question marks, kiddo?
are youuu really trying to convince me b y rym genres lol
theyre voted on by people as clueless as you ya know
i dont see why i would click them
reviewing screamo's description it seems a genre appropriate to all of those bands
in any case that's still a source that they're screamo. i've never heard anyone say those bands aren't screamo. you've yet to produce any sort of outside source in support of your claim.
Let me know what junior year of high school is like in a few months, you fucking unironic scenester.
enjoy your ban, child
yu still gotta evidence your orchid claim pal
anyway how about screamo is a meme term that wasnt even around whe nthose bands were playing is that good?
I know of one, but she is beyond me so it will never be.
I just listen to it
the last three lines made me cry for 10 minutes because i know it's true
i don't belong to any scene.
i've never belonged to anything.
you know nothing about me.
stop posting.
>is that good
not at all
what's important is that at the time of these artists' conception they were consciously employing a contemporary group of genre conventions
whether or not bands themselves predate the genre's formal name is irrelevant, because the abstract conventions were still being adhered to
fuckssake dude youre too sautisctic
>beyond me
how so?
why would any emo music offend anyone
Mineral is the best emo band for sure
she is several years older than me, white masterrace, and pretty much a genius as well as qt.
I am tiny manlet with no brains brawn or ambition and a tiny dick.
what exactly are you trying to achieve with this post
did you put any thought into it, at all
i suppose it is blissful to live without inhibitions
i am envious
ah butis only when im drunk
>white masterrace
well theres your problem, you have autism
this album is basically a better version of American football
dont dare compare
that's appropriate.
i'm turning 22 soon and i've never once had alcohol, or recreational drug for that matter
how old are you
i hope you're older
i Listened to this
>listening as normal
>enjoying it sofar
>Nosley comes on
>don't really listen to the lyrics
>last three lines stick out like a sore thumb
>"I know you'll never love me I'll pretend that you love me You'll always be the reason I stay clean"
>get up
>lie down
>turn off laptop
>stop crying
>get up
>think about my life
>think about why i'm still alive
>remember i have people who care about me
>think about people who have died in my family recently
>realize that i still have a long life ahead of me
thank you user.
are there album arts for Halfway to Holland?
all I could find was this, I still need 2 more
same , im gonnna be 23 soon though
>i've never once had alcohol, or recreational drug for that matter
youre missing out
i just cut my hand on a knif by acident is that emo
post your favorite splits
>long life ahead of me
that's not a good thing
what kind of drugs do you abuse
i've never had anyone to drink and do drugs with
i doubt there's much joy in doing drugs alone in your room/dorm
you shouldn't be playing around with knives when you're drunk
>i doubt there's much joy in doing drugs alone in your room/dorm
well its better than sitting alone but sober. i wish i had friends to do drugs with but i dont even have friends in the first place
no drugs
i misunderstood this post so please omit my previous question
at what age do you imagine you'll be dead
idk, ideally ill never die
>post your favorite splits
thatone with warsaw union
Best emo album