This guy literally had a lifelike, full-sized, naked doll of Taylor Swift made

This guy literally had a lifelike, full-sized, naked doll of Taylor Swift made.

What's his problem?

Small dick syndrome

he has bad taste in women, that much should have been obvious already

are you saying you wouldn't if you could? don't lie op you would do it just to grab some tay tay titty

I always knew he was one of us.

Didn't he Snapchat that whole shit?


Because she's famous and he used her image for publicity, he did the same with Trump

It also has to do with the fact that he made that bitch famous, so she owes him credit

too many yes men, he's headed for a bad place.

Ya and it's like 4 inches erect

Pretty small for a guy of his stature

I thought he was blessed?

He also has a really big Zaku. I'm not sure which I'd rather have. I know if it was real Char's Zaku vs real taytay I'd pick the Zaku.

If you had Kanye money who would you have lifelike, full-sized, naked dolls made of?

He's not the first person to do that user

Crayon Pop

What was his name again?


Lmao I have a bigger cock than Kanye wow feels good man

myself id have like 12 and theyd all have different names and i would treat them all differently

I'm guessing that's soft, but congrats on the big one, brah

He made it for a music video, there's no problem. Probably had them destroyed or put in storage afterwards


Looks kinda like my dick and mine is 6.5"-ยจ7"

yes it is

It's a famous dick pic user.
