0.1% music related
taylor swift is secretly autistic [spoiler]and that's why we love her[/spoiler]
even Chris-Chan would fare better
that is adorable
i would marry her
papparazi are trash
not really, just trying to act le quirky/random for the cameras (this is coming from a fan of her music)
okay fun and games are over what the fuck is this
She posts on Sup Forums, what do you expect?
obviously it's taylor swift averting her face from the paparazzi as best she can
she could've just sprinted to her car, that would've looked a lot less weird than whatever they had her do
imagine she's fingering herself, nude below her hips streaming on cam4/mfc or whatever site that'd allowe her to stream without showing her face
lady on the streets............................................................................................
she would have break her leg if she sprint
she could've worn a mask
then they get shots of her face, stupid. which are worth a lot more
it's to spite them
price of fame
taylor not so swift, then
jesus christ
i can smell him through my computer screen
>wiping her hands on her skirt
literally 0/10 would not fuck if forced to at gunpoint
autist clap
She wiped her hands on the napkin in her lap
how does that contradict what i said? or even respond to it
you're dumb
Awww, now I feel bad shitting all over her on here.
She's literally retarded the little dumby.
*grabs by the throat* back the fuck off?!?!
damn lol
you're obviously all pathetic losers who would beg to fuck her
Why was that a question?
best thread i've seen in years
t. ricardo
It's an old meme
>ywn be her gf
literally 6/10 ratface
she's so perfect!
>yfw kanye and taylor end up getting together since they're both autistic
oh you would marry the most renowned female pop star on the planet? wowwwwwie damn that was an opinion worth voicing