joy edition
Kpop general
listening to dear santa ep rn
Do you think little yoojung can survive child birth?
you sure do sleep a lot.
all I see is good night posts lol
intercrural goddess arin...
best edition
You can't get pregnant from the butt....
obviously you'd think that, you made it
Like idols everyone should have beauty sleeps
best yooyoung
i'm not op
>giving him the (you)
i wonder what the impurest thought she's had is
we love joy here. its not just me
fingering lewda..
that's for sure a post-breakup haircut
poor sungjoy.............the system didnt want them to make it
you DONT wanna know
i'd love to >.
probably something ridiculously impure
probably something so impure that if a mortal man were to think of it, he'd go insane
>we love joy here.
This is kpop general not sm shill general
i like this one because it shows her godlike thighs from that era
mimi told me arin told her it was kissing a boy on the cheek
what a fukkin slut
i've forgiven joy and we're back together making little joys now
>kissing a boy on the cheek
more like ar rim lol
ps goddess thighs~
she's incredible
based insider
omo yuju
does any one have pics of arin in that flower dress OMG were wearing?
i thought this was kpop general and not ugly asian jew girl general?
Meanwhile in the alternate universe of CLC's japanese comebacks
based twicefriend
are all gaypoppers asleep?
they wear a lot of dresses with flowers on them, be a little more specific bls
flippin amazing
post the thigh pics then you mad man
this one
post them all arinfriend
mimi is so fukken HOT
reminder joy is more famous than all these nuggus
we love k pop here
no just waiting for some album releases desu
CLC's latest tactic for success in Japan is simply to imitate every group that has had any success in Korea
my waifu is a member of the second most popular girl group in the world
Is it Sana?
are we hyped for unnies
uhhhhh lol??
that webm is like a war flashback to every other kpop release this year and last
im so FUCKIN hype
im gonna miss synth drums yubin but hell that drum thingy she did just there got me
not it's sweetgirlej
>INBA china and SEA aren't parts of the world
I think it sounds pretty good
Interesting taste 2bh
fug ye
which ones? i just saw the VIXX mini but its japanese, not gonna bother
never forget ;_;
I fell for her like 6 years ago when she had short hair
they wore those dresses on 160625 btw
is kimchi actually good or is it just Korean poverty food
kimchi, ice cream bings and ice americano are the most delicious things in the world
Kimchi on rice is fucking nice
burns your mouth and your ass though so make sure you have a good tolerance to spicy shit
its pretty good but its a side-dish/ingredient for sure
people who eat kimchi by itself are either uncultured or koreaboos
nope just busy replaying 17's dope Shining Diamond performance at Kcon
mainly seventeens repackage since it sounds pretty good, and beasts full album highlight
and then for the girls im still waiting for wonder girls, and then official dates for 6muses and dal shabet
not really a fan of any japanese-kpop music ever since after school left the scene. Beasts jap album was pretty good but still average in comparison.
>3 gaypoppers
>0 essays
shameful stuff
kimchi is an acquired taste
you have to get used to it, especially if you're a westerner used to really sweet foods.
that being said, their fascination with iced americano (worst drink on the planet) is MUCH worse
"Ring my bell" again? is this some Korean engrish that is popular?
essayfags are comfy but they only talk about exo
r i n g
be my bell
my bell
ring ring ring my bell
going to a baseball game and seeing Jisoo..
>essayfags are comfy
they're the literal opposite