So what's the beef with this?
So what's the beef with this?
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the best release since drukqs
just Sup Forums's normal faggotry. Haven't listened yet but the 2 tracks from sc were my favorites of the dump so im excited.
lol cheetahs not beef its cheetah
its good.
I loved both tracks. He still has that "sound" that I like from the Analord series era. People seem to have a grudge against it because "there's no innovation at all" or someshit.
it's boring
if it had been released by a no-namer noone would've given two fucks about it
of course, afx fanbois will eat whatever bland shit he releases these days
explain why is it boring you dip
what exactly do you want me to tell you?
its boring because its boring
there is absolutely nothing exciting or interesting happening
just because it features some OMG S O FUCKING #RARE gear doesn't mean the result is anything but boring wankery
afx hasn't really evolved as an artist, he is still stuck in the past
doesn't mean you have to be always experimental and pushing the envelope, but at least try to do something different and not the same stale shit you've been doing for years
it's just okay really. the soundcloud dumps had oodles of better tunes.
didn't buy it so can't complain
Does anyone know where I can listen to this?
Great grooves, melody, harmony, lots of subtle variation.
It's far from boring, it's just relatively chilled in atmosphere rather than 'in ur face'
It's boring because it's RDJ trying to do /bleep/ and failing horribly at it. Obviously mallDM fanboys who never bothered with /bleep/ stuff will think it's the hottest shit ever.
Thank you!
You can't please anyone.
>Try something new
>"Wtf this is shit I liked when he sounded the same"
>Stay the same
>"Wtf where's the innovation! This is shit"
You're ruddy clueless m8.
Once you stop using buzzwords and start using logic and solid counterarguments, we are going to take your shitty "opinion" as valid.
Haven't listened to Cheetah yet but I did re-listen Syro the other day. Much much MUCH better than what I thought of it when it came out. I actually now think it might be one of his best releases.
most idm split into glitch and flashbulb type stuff which feels like the third wave post rock equivalent to idm
Great argument.
>Once you stop using buzzwords
But that's just what you did in . For a guy calling for logic you sure are poor with logics yourself.
Exciting bait internet friend!
What music do you consider exciting?
fags who say it's no good are just poseurs that never listened to his music or just "discovered" him 3 months ago
it will be part of SAW 3 by the way
don't bother replying, I will be out of this thread
It's just pretty mediocre imo
Not bad, just not great
syro is miles better than cheetah.
And The Tuss as well. This is total shit compared to those two.
But total gold compared to the music most people put out.
this is good /bleep/ you mong
I love Cheetah. I am so happy watching people rage over. I bet Richard is laughing too. One of the most chilled out and groovy records he has put out. Sup Forums has become a meme in itself.
This, just grease up and relax. Stop whining about everything like a little bitch and enjoy life.
Anyone got better quality?
porn music
I'm a hardcore sax fan too.
this is awful desu
sounds like more soundcloud leftovers
drux sux though
they are, at least some of the tracks are.
Protip: It's not boring
People who think this EP sucks are poseurs. Aphex wanted to get rid them.
it's literally the exact opposite in many case but okay
I liked it, just as I liked Syro.
This. This is some Lobster Therememe shit.
people love the idea of aphex twin's music so much that they just praise whatever he puts out.
the album was pretty meh. not bad, not good, a lot of other electronic artists currently doing more interesting stuff
>if you don't like this music you're a little bitch!
>being a little bitch about a joking comment
It was unfunny, you said literally nothing, and nothing has changed that fact that Richard is no longer good/relevant
I amused myself with your 'witty' response. Enjoy being trolled by a 4 hour old post.
Who is "good" or "relevant" in your opinion?
Andy Stott
Literally this
The source is a bleep stream. If you can't calm your autism with that, then wait until next friday
its bad
>yeah i love bleeps, dj andy scott, actress, jon hopkins, the list goes on...