/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Drone Edition

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>Fav guitars?
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>Talk about and play music
>General guitar and bass discussion

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String Tension Calculator (D'Addario based):

Floyd Rose Setup Video Tutorial:

Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2

Impulse Response Pack
>mediafire.com/download/svtfxjtillrdwt8/Gods Cab 1.3.rar
>mediafire.com/download/4n28zkjw0zgmdj9/ASEM RECTO V30 L2.wav


>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene

>Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
>Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
>Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

previous thread

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For the guy interested in Sunn O))) tones, getting baritone strings is what you want. I just recorded this clip, it's a jazzmaster with baritone strings. So you don't even need special pickups or anything.


A bass you can be proud of

Is that yours? Seems like the most diverse pickup setup, do want

>those holes

They're exposed weight relief after a contour was added to it.

Nah, notorious on talkbass, pulled the pic from there.

has anyone tried Riffstation? what's your thoughts on it?

i'm doing the trial version, and so far i like it.
i just wish i could find a torrent that worked, because fuck paying for software.

just bought a used guitar
guess whats in the box

he should have routed below the pickguard to get some more weight relief. Unless he did. Kinda like these smuggler telecasters


Sunn O))) is I'm Drop Ab. 13-68 or 13-70 would work on an SG.

I'm sad that I'll probably sleep through the rest of this thread.

vintage weirdness

Anyone have experience with those classic player jazzmasters? None of the shops in my area have them and I'm a "try before I buy" person. I've also heard the MIJ ones can be found on eBay for maybe a few hundred bucks more

Anyone got an experiences?


sick are you using any reverb or delay? I love the overtones towards the middle, almost sounds like a pad effect.

a hot mech girlfriend! did you get asuka or rei?

I also bought a used guitar. guess when it gets here

He didn't do any weight relief, he just discovered the weight relief accidentally when he added the contour and tried to make it look neat.

That's one right hereI honestly love it, the build quality is perfect. Great wood, hardware etc.. The main difference is the slightly closer trem for a better break angle and the p90 style pickups, which I personally like for a warmer sound.

They're the best deals in used Jazzmasters I think. If you absolutely must have vintage correct tone and specs the classic 60s Jazzmaster is the way to go. I would skip the MIJs they're overpriced for what they are. I've sold every MIJ offset I've had over the years.

I'm heading to bed but from memory I'm running a four layer multi delay into two reverbs. It's a stereo sound. The left reverb is different to the right and there's a slow pan to make it feel spacious. With the delay and pan off, and some filtering it sounds like this.

If you ask again (might be a new thread) in about 8-12 hours I'll be happy to explain any of it in depth if you like.

Or you can drop a message here.


its a fender but not a jazzmaster
nope not really, the color/neck combo might be is somewhat associated with a musician that you'd also associate with vintage
don't really like ibanez

What can I do to add more diversity to my playing? What I mean is, I learned some rock songs and riffs but most of them its playing 3 or 4 chords on repeat. I learned the pentatonic scale to do solos but yeah I guess I could do that once in a while. Maybe add some pedals? Learn to sing? What are your suggestions?

black/maple strat

i was thinbking more hendrix than clapton but i let it count. its a beauty isn't it?

a very boring stratocaster

buy a tort pickguard and then we can talk

Which model is it? How much did it cost?

that was my second guess, sweet axe tho

>maple fretboard

Just looks like a typical Mexican fender, not going to lie.

Why does /gg/ make less music than Sup Forums

How do you like the cobain mustang?

I played one but only for 15 minutes.. I really liked it though. Thinking about getting one if I can find one.

its just a 2012 mexican standard. payed 350€ which would be a bit less than 400$.

well, it is a typical mexican standard. i still like the look of it.

Love, its my number one and has been for 4 years, haven't had a guitar that can compare and I have had 6 guitars since my Kurt Mustang which I sold that bunch, bought a Strat' because I used to love them but ended up trading it for the Mustang on the left which plays 90% as good.

Yeah, no doubt the white with a all maple neck is a classy combo.

Meant to say Love it*, derp.

I'd say that's a good deal.

Would you play a guitar like this?

I'd swap the pickguard first. Then yes.

Is this a plugin for guitar recording?
Just get the BIAS Desktop and Two Notes Torpedo Wall of Sound VSTs instead.

>strat with humbuckers
Fuck no.

I bought this guitar for one sixty moneys. I bet its previous owner opened the door to his closet several times to make sure it wasn't going to fall over before he went to bed. I can't wait to penetrate it with my 1/4" jack and abuse it like the 13 yo lesbian schoolgirl it is.

it's basically Ultimate Guitar Pro, except it analyzes any song you choose and shows you the chords used in that song.
supposedly pretty useful for transcribing and learning obscure songs that you can't find on UG.

Are PRS meme guitars?

Which one is this?

>implying pickups matter when you don't play outside your room


I like using it for figuring out songs. Depending on the recording, you can really isolate the guitar parts. I don't use the chord aspect at all... it's a bit dodgy. Bought during half price Christmas sale. Great software

>removing precious tonewood

Oh no, I got meme'd.

noice. put a lipstick in the neck the bitch can take it

gwenyth paltrow's head

Is this worth a shit?

that wilkinson trem is great, got it on one of my strats

Strum patterns and arpeggios, really dive into those boring chord progressions.

tele vs strat vs jazzmaster vs jaguar?

i'm leaning toward a tele, but afraid it can't do full/thick/grimey sounds like a jazz/jag or crunchy rock. i'm interested in surf rock/shoegaze as well which idk if it'll play very well, i like mac demarco ariel pink mbv pavement johnny marr andy summers steve miller fleetwood mac a wide variety

Is there any reason to get a Strat over a Telecaster?

Axe FX vs Kemper

Tele with a Humbucker in the neck. They're all good for what you want to play though, I just like the tele because of its simplicity. You have less shit that can go wrong, maintenance is super easy etc...

Noiseless pickup settings and a trem.

why do all of you fucking tools care so much about gear
all these discussions are fucking sterile

Axe FX

just a hobby like anything. More interesting than stamp collecting

Trying different gear is a cool hobby dude. Even if you're just a basic player

To piss you off

Sorry mummy couldn't afford nice toys for you for Christmas

i like putting on hardcore metal songs and then shifting the key the song is in until it sounds like an Alvin & the Chipmunks cover.

it never stops being funny.

I love the look of that Woolly Mammoth 7 but was it really with a gorillion dollars?

sure seems like an interesting hobby
>telecaster is better because it twangs
>no strat is better because it was used on X record
Every single time it's the same fucking arguments, which are ultimately pointless because anyone with enough time can make one sound like the other with enough time.
You know what's a better hobby ? Playing the thing and getting better at it.

Anyone else feel like the guitar is a dying instrument?

No, probably the most commonly played, decent guitar stores are a dying business

Let's argue about what hobbies are superior. I pick stamp collecting.

>tfw you're neighborhood pawn shop thinks their mim strats and crate combos are worth their weight in gold

>promoting degenerate stamp collecting
>on a balinese underwater circuit-bending board

>You know what's a better hobby ? Playing the thing and getting better at it.
>Implying you can't do both

I play professionally and have a huge collection of gear, although I do mostly just play my acoustics/archtops. It's nice having a wide range of sounds on hands when you need them.

Better than spending your money on drugs/food/whores.

>Better than spending your money on drugs/food/whores
Seriously, this. The amount some people spent on transient junk is ridiculous and they wonder why they don't have anything nice. I'd rather go hungry every now and then if it means that after a couple months I can buy that guitar I've always wanted.

not trying to be dick rider here, but i just got pic related and am interested in doing the pickup arrangement the mustang guy on here did with theirs (lipstick neck/single coil-sized humbucker bridge). which single coil-sized humbuckers are superior? i'm probably just going to do a gfs in the neck since lipsticks look like their all the same cheap crap on the inside.

When did guitars become so expensive?


why would that make you a dick rider?

I'm not saying having gear is bad, but there's absolutely no point in arguing between two of the most popular things. Half of the thread's already pointless gear posting, we don't need more of it. And we don't need to keep arguing on this either, we're kinda shitting up the thread right now.

Gibson Custom Shop prices are ridiculous. I guess someone is buying them though.

You're right about the lipsticks. Hey, you should consider adding a single coil like pic related instead. It'd be a shame to lose the signature mustang tones.

just because it's oddly specific

what are those? i thought mustang pickups were essentially just strat pickups with a different cover.

I was referring to the bridge configuration, not the pickups themselves. Those are just regular pickups. If you add a single coil in series your can switch between humbucker and single coil.

this. no one cares about what guitar you're playing or what gear you use. it doesn't contribute to the threads and discussions. it's like going to /fit/ and have someone ask you what you bench, and all you can answer is, "oh, amn Olympic Hammer Strength steel bar with German ball bearings and lead infused plates."
it's completely missing the point.

im still trying to make this sound better but it's hard to do much at a low preamp gain. its still a low quality mess fuck. what am i doing wrong?


Damn, those 2x12 crate combos weigh a lot, usa, euro or aus?

See Mustang on right, JB in the bridge is delicious for tones;

The place by me has no clue what they have sometimes. A lot of the things they get are stolen and pawned by drug addicts. The addicts don't know either so they're just going to take the first offer. So i fig they think they're making a profit that's all they care about. Local police actually made them start a database of people that pawn shit and what because thefts and break ins have gotter so common

can custom guitars/partscasters be way better than say mim telecasters, for the price? what to look for in a partscaster/custom guitar?

Dude. You probably suck at guitar. Post a track with you playing something. Try to avoid your "ambient" work.

how does that compare to a "real" humbucker? the guitar is still on its way and i've never really messed around with a switching configuration like it before.

usa. i think pawn stars/storage wars made everyone who sells secondhand shit in this country greedy. the worst is thrift stores that literally put copies of madden 02 behind lock and key.

I like the Dimarzio Super Distortion S. Pretty typical humbucker sounds if that's what you want.

I actually do suck, but I can still meme you to death ;)

Yes if you can do all of your finishing work. For about $500 you can build an amazing telecaster.

Fender American Hardware and Electronics . GFS XGP body and an All Parts neck. Easily as good as an MIA Fender if you can do a good setup.

>meme you to death
Sorry pal, I don't spend much time here anymore. Too busy playing guitar.

That actually sounds pretty cool

I bench a spruce-wood bar with DIY sandbag plates

>not powdered iron that you mined from the mountains


> mfw malmsteen, clapton, hendrix, eric johnson, that guy from iron maiden, rata blanca.
> mfw i took the bait...
> mfw no face

I've heard that femder hardware is overpriced for what you get. I don't recall the brands people were recommending for this stuff though. I have seen Wilkinson for 3-saddle bridges which I'm not a fan of are cheap and folks even put them on fenders.

No way, remember it's the standard for $1500 and up guitars. It's all high quality. If anything it's a bit underpriced. You can get an American tele bridge for around $35, pickups for around $40 each. Knobs and plate for around $20.

That's pretty cheap for quality hardware. Now boutique hardware is another story....

I've had bad luck with the lower end wilkinson stuff, typical cheap chromed stuff, even on their "solid steel" tremolo for strats and it's not much less either.

I have one of those $1500 Strats and it really isn't all that high quality. The neck and body are great nowadays but I still go for aftermarket bridges/trems. The electronics are good, but the Fender switches and CTS pots really aren't the end of the world... Schaller makes nicer switches in my opinion. Same goes for those oil-bath tuners Fender uses nowadays, I mean, it's pretty good but there's a lot better out there.

Definitely not underpriced, you're paying for a brand, they're still factory instruments -as good as they are- and there's a lot more out there.

You can definitely get better stuff out there but you're going to pay for it. For the money I don't think there's anything better than Fender, seriously it's only marginally more expensive than cheap Asian shit. If you want to splurge there's Callaham,Glendale, Don Mare, Jason Lollar etc all better but way more expensive.

What tremolos/bridges do you think are better than Fenders at the same price?