>Favorite album(s)?
>Least favorite album(s)?
>Favorite Track(s)?
>least favorite track(s)
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
>Favorite album(s)?
>Least favorite album(s)?
>Favorite Track(s)?
>least favorite track(s)
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
I liked the one where he made a heartfelt song that I could emotionally connect to on any level.
Oh wait, he never made that.
Go listen to Celine Dion if you want sappy emotional songs.
I'll listen Blind Willie Johnson or Beethoven, actually.
Zappa's music isn't exactly about emotion though
fuck this hack.
nice meme
>Favorite album(s)?
In no particular order:
Hot Rats
Grand Wazoo
Bongo Fury
One Size Fits All
>Least favorite album(s)?
I don't know, probably something from the early-to-mid-80's.
>Favorite Track(s)?
I don't know, probably something off Roxy or One Size. I think that was when his songwriting peaked.
>least favorite track(s)
Fuck, I don't know. He has so much stuff. I don't listen to the shit I don't like.
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
Don't care. I saw Dweezil a few years back with Zappa Plays Zappa, and it was surprisingly great.
If you can't connect to Watermelon In Easter Hay on an emotional level then you have no soul.
Give me more Zappa to feel to.
>i've never eaten the yellow snow
Yeah, middle school humor doesn't exactly make me tear up.
>i don't like Frank Zappa because of his sense of humor
you are REALLY missing the point
??? not the guy you're insulting, but this is such a dumb response and I love Frank Zappa
I'm not missing the point at all, I'm just being upfront about the fact that I don't like the point to begin with.
You changed what he said entirely and then used what you changed his argument into to refute his point.
>He said "I don't like this TYPE of humor"
>You said "I don't like him for being funny"
Do you see how that's different?
his magnum opus
zappa nerds are the fucking worst.
working at a record store and having people talk your ear off about how great zappa is and how many of his son's guitar clinics they've been to is really fucking annoying.
>Favorite album(s)?
The Grand Wazoo
>Least favorite album(s)?
Francesco Zappa because it's creepy.
>Favorite Track(s)?
A Pound for a Brown on the Bus
>least favorite track(s)
Not sure. I don't like Sharleena.
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
Gail was a real bitch.
Plenty of shitty sappy music on Cruisin' with Ruben & the Jets too :^)
Dunno what you want, the equivalent of someone holding a sign that says "THIS IS SAD', "THIS IS EMOTIONAL"?
The long form tracks (King Kong, Little House I Used to Live In, Brown Shoes Don't Make It) are also fairly filled with emotion (note: there are more human emotions OTHER THAN "OMG so sad :(((((((() without it being cheesy.
Quote the post where I said I was looking for sad music.
That's why he's asking.
Nah, he seems to implying outright that since I'm asking for emotional music I'm asking for sad music. If he wasn't he wouldn't have written
>(note: there are more human emotions OTHER THAN "OMG so sad :(((((((()
>Favorite album(s)?
Roxy and Elsewhere Joes Garage, One size fits all, You can't do that on stage series.
>Least favorite album(s)?
Thing Fish
>Favorite Track(s)?
Penguin on bondage, City of tiny lights, A token of my extreme, Inca Roads.
>least favorite track(s)
Anything from thing fish
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
don't care
>listening to music for emotion
Get a load of this faggot
>Satire and parody is middle school humor
It shows you haven't heard Zappa at all.
No, you're missing the point because you're responding to a silly post as if it was a legitimate attempt to convey an emotional Frank Zappa song.
"Don't Eat The Yellow Snow" is the height of Zappa silliness. Nobody---not even hardcore Zappa fans---have an emotional response to that song.
You're missing the point because it was just a silly song lyric and you're feeling the need to point out that you don't tear up to middle school humor.
>Inca Roads
My nigga.
Is amusement an emotion? What I love about that line of songs from don't eat the yellow snow to cosmik debris is how the joke builds up trough the songs and the punch line comes up when you don't expect it, he does the same with Joe's Garage with the whole robot sex.
I've listened to all the "canon" Zappa (well, rock canon, not Zappa-fan canon) albums besides Hot Rats (and the double live album with Lennon if that counts as rock canon). The one I enjoyed the most was Lumpy Gravy.
And yes, satire and parody are easily middle school humor. Intelligent satire and parody isn't. There's a line and Zappa doesn't seem to have crossed it.
>I don't find it funny
>Is clearly not smart enough.
That's a middle school mindset right there.
No, immaturity that could be found on your average Family Guy episode isn't funny.
I'm still waiting for you to quote the post where I said emotional music = sad music.
Sadness is an emotion, therefore those songs qualify as emotional music because they are evoking an emotion on the listener.
You're also dumb. Like the average Sup Forumstant.
>Sadness is an emotion, therefore those songs qualify as emotional music because they are evoking an emotion on the listener.
I never said that, that was simply my reaction to the songs which were presented to me, which happen to be sad.
Let me rephrase, you were directly implying/stating that I was saying only sad music = emotional music in I'm asking you to show me the post where I did.
I like this and haven't heard any other Zappa. What should I listen to next?
>Favorite album(s)?
We're Only In It For the Money
>Least favorite album(s)?
The Man From Utopia
>Favorite Track(s)?
Peaches En Regalia
>least favorite track(s)
You Are What You Is or anything from the 80's.
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
Not sure.
Also, I've noticed that his 60's work sounds good while high while his late 70's-80's work doesn't sound good while high, which I think is an indication to the actual quality. It's hard not to crack up hearing Frank say "I'm completely stoned" when you're completely stoned.
Yeah, I hate everyone who talks to me too.
Uncle Meat
You guys like George Duke?
Freak Out!
Nice to know Zappa fans are only friends with other Zappa fans.
Best ITT, but joe's garage sounds goddamn amazing when you're balls high
My favorite album has been You Are What You Is. I've been listening to it frequently for the past year and its just the most solid well rounded in my opinion.
>Favorite album(s)?
You Are What You Is
>Least favorite album(s)?
Lumpy Gravy
>Favorite Track(s)?
Apostrophe, We Are Not Alone
>least favorite track(s)
Lumpy Gravy
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
I've never really given much of a shit about the family other than having an immense amount of disgust and hatred for Dweezil who's done nothing but ride his father's coattails. Its particularly unpleasant considering Frank made his opinion on things like people covering his music, etc... very clear.
>tfw I was about to start a Zappa thread myself
Serendipity, I guess.
I'm listening to Hot Rats, We're Only In It For the Money, and Freak Out.
Where should I go next? I like the jazz fusion/improv feel of Hot Rats, but I also like the song structures of his Mothers era stuff.
What are his best classical albums?
>Favorite album(s)?
Hot Rats is my shit. We're only in it for the money is coming close.
>Least favorite album(s)?
Haven't listened to enough Zappa albums yet.
>Favorite Track(s)?
Willie the Pimp, Gumbo Variations, Concentration Moon.
>least favorite track(s)
I don't like anything right now, as I've only listened to a few albums.
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
Meh, people want money. It's not my family.
One Size
We're Only In It
Grand Wazoo
Burnt Weeny
I'm more of a fan of his Mothers of Invention work, I love just about all of their stuff.
>tfw when you hear Freak Out for the first time
Can never experience that moment again..
This for literally every answer
Gail Zappa was evil.
>Favorite album(s)?
Uncle Meat
We're Only In It For The Money
Overnite Sensation
>Least favorite album(s)?
Im not big on his 80s rock stuff'
>Favorite track(s)?
Big Swifty
What's The Ugliest Part of Your Body?
Peaches En Regalia
King Kong
Dog Breath, The Year Of The Plague
>i have never listened to zappa
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
I just found out about it. Fuck Diva and Ahmet. Dweezil is based and Moon sounds exactly like her dad when she writes.
>Dweezil is based
You are fucking delusional, just like Dweezil is.
He is a spoiled fucking brat who's transformed his failed music career into a sideshow where he burns effigies of his father and people pay him for it.
>transformed his failed music career into a sideshow where he burns effigies of his father and people pay him for it.
The only one delusional here is you. Zappa plays Zappa is fine.
And that would matter if Frank hadn't made it apparent that he distains the concept of a band of musicians who play the music with him playing the music without him, decades ago when the Mothers did shows without him and again when he is quoted as saying “I don't care whether I'm remembered. As a matter of fact, there's a lot of people who would like to forget about me as soon as possible, and I'm on their side! You know? Just ... hurry up and get it over with. I do what I do because I like doing it, I do it for my amusement first, if it amuses you ... that's fine. I'm happy that you'll participate in it. But, uh, after I am dead and gone, there is no need to deal with any of this stuff, because it is not written for future generations, it is not performed for future generations. It is performed for now. Get it while it's hot, you know? That's it.”
Zappa tried to help Dweezil make a name for himself when his was young, he wasn't any fucking good at it. Now what does he do? He cries because he can't label himself by the name he forced his parents at eight years old to give him that's been making him all his money his whole life.
there's a difference between butt-blasted former members of the mothers trying to go "hey look at us!" and his literal son doing it after he's dead
No, there isn't.
What is Take Your Clothes Off When You Dance?
yeah actually there is autist
No, there actually isn't, you spoiled stupid shit.
Dweezil is a child who never grew up, got shit handed to him on a silver fucking platter and doesn't owe a cent to himself. Everything he owns is the result of his fucking father, not himself.
go to bed diva
He literally recycles his dead father's material and passes it off as his own.
>Go With What You Know is a 2006 album by Dweezil Zappa. Among other tracks, the album features an alternate version of his father Frank Zappa's composition "Peaches en Regalia". The version, culled from a previously unreleased alternate edit of the Hot Rats version, features new overdubs by Dweezil.
go to bed, diva
Oh, and then there's his album Automatic in which Dweezil was spreading his almost non-existant talent so thin that the album included just hits as the Hawaii Five-O theme and You're A Mean One Mister Grinch! Oh, what original compositions.
And his fabulous cameo in the movie Running Man in which he delights the audience in quoting lyrics to his father's songs.
That must've been an easy paycheck.
go to bed diva
>music was shallow to the point of evaporating and had no legs to stand on other than being stylized and different. Except saying that it was different doesn't do it justice because his "style" could only be described as random bullshit
>not that this is inherently bad, but he also did it without any kind of charm or sense of self-awareness. It's just tacky and annoying.
>everything he produced was incredibly half-baked, lazy and aimless. I don't think even he knows where half of his albums were going or why they existed. Most of his albums were moderately interesting for the first 2 songs and then immediately delved into aimless, tacky bullshit that just existed as filler and I can't describe because they were so shallow and uninteresting I immediately forgot about them
>lyrical content almost always entailed nothing and was just meant to sound cool, and on the off-chance that it did it may as well not have because it was just embarrassing.
>the composition is often nothing short of terrible. It's disjointed, aimless, ugly and irritating to listen to. Uncle Meat consisted mostly of instrumentals and it sounds like it was made by a 5 year old
>released a staggering amount of material and managed to create virtually nothing of interest
>pseudo-intellectual child that repeatedly embarrassed himself on national television when asked to provide some kind of case for his music or commentary on the music industry
Frank Zappa was quoted as saying "Without change, progress is impossible" but missed the mark entirely by making things that were vapid beyond being different and may as well not have been.
It's fedora-core. It's just as vapid and easy to digest as the most pleb pop music there is but it has a zany, pseudo-edgy stylization for no particular reason that makes the listener feel like they're cool and different.
Not that I expect any kind of rebuttal to this. His fans are idiots with a surface-level appreciation of music.
>He literally recycles his dead father's material and passes it off as his own.
He literally fronts a COVER band.
And that single track off Go with What You Know
is credited to his father.
>passes it off as his own
The fuck are you talking about? He has never once claimed he wrote that song.
You know, he also performed some arias from Bizet's opera Carmen, are you gong to accuse him for riding Bizet's coat tails?
Oh and don't forget he still hasn't paid his lawyer for his divorce!
Is it because he doesn't have the money because Frank's estate finally decided to cut the cord with the little shit?
I think so. Maybe he should fucking figure out his own shit.
lol the only one with a fedora here is you
>are you gong to accuse him for riding Bizet's coat tails?
I don't know, did he come out of Bizet's cock?
You probably won't find what you're looking for in Zappa's work. He often made fun of and ridiculed so called ''heartfelt'' songs.
go to bed diva
>Not having a local record store that's named after zappa
Pink Napkins hits me somewhere that doesn't normally get hit.
silliness and snark imply mindstates too, ykno
YAWYI is pretty good
Broken Hearts Are for Assholes
The title track is one of his best songs
>>Favorite album(s)?
Joe's Garage and Hot Rats
>>Least favorite album(s)?
Absolutely Free
>>Favorite Track(s)?
Son of Mr Green Genes, Sleeping in a jar
>>least favorite track(s)
Anything from absolutely Free
>>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
Didn't know there was any
What's wrong with Absolutely Free?
I don't know why but I don't like it, I've listened to it multiple times and I just don't like it.
>Favorite album(s)?
Waka flocka jawaka, Freak Out and Overnite sensation (the latter got me into Frank Zappa)
>Least favorite album(s)?
Most of the bootlegs. Thought much of Läther was filler
>Favorite Track(s)?
The Return of the Son of Monster Magnet, Who are the brain police, Montana and just the entire Waka/Jawaka.
>What do you think about the drama with the Zappa family?
Didn't know there was any. Don't have an opinion on the subject.
I'm just gonna leave this here.
He doesn't seem to be really into it
Got a shirt because I thought it was funny and didn't find out until months later that it's officially licensed Zappa merch. AMA