ITT: bands that started strong and then got bad for a while and then got good again
ITT: bands that started strong and then got bad for a while and then got good again
Swans obv
the mars volta
Are you dissing Angels of Light?
Because I think this shithead's dissing Angels of Light.
More like Angels of Shite
no, i think he might dissing the 90's folk rock era
still waiting for them to get good again and also be good at the beginning
King Crimson
I'll bite. When was their bad phase?
Johnny Cash
Red Hot Chili Peppers, the new album was pretty good
I wouldn't say bad, but Poseidon/Lizard/Islands sounds uninspired compared to their other works
they're like the opposite man. they started off bad (cheshire cat, dude ranch, buddha) got good (enema of the state, take off your pants and jacket, self titled), and are now at their worst (neighbourhoods, california)
when were korn ever good
>I wouldn't say bad, but Poseidon/Lizard/Islands sounds uninspired compared to their other works
H-HOW DARE YOU, THAT'S... completely agreeable.
For some reason I didn't realize that was a possibility.
Bob Dylan
David Bowie
Pink Floyd
David Bowie, definitely
when scaruffi said so.
Daft Punk
RAM is their best album
Pink Floyd never got out of their bad state.
not their second one.
The Flaming Lips
"I MUST ALWAYS GO AGAINST THE POPULAR OPINION" Jesus Christ you people get annoying. Pink Floyd has always been good, just because they got famous doesnt mean they went bad, doesnt happen to good bands like them.
>Dude Ranch
fuck off
it's their most polished, but certainly not their best
I think Discovery is their best, but I would entertain an argument for Homework
Human After All is the only mediocre daft punk album
Why you so butthurt?
You immediately jump to the conclusion that the dude is being contrary simply to be contrary.
I agree with him.
I like their material with Syd best and I don't really care for their post Waters stuff.
Same, I don't know how that being a contrarian. I'm pretty sure most agree that post-Waters material was poorer. I think OP thought that they meant Pink Floyd was always bad, not Pink Floyd was in a bad state and never got out of it. Probably a confusion.
Your mom
Smashing Pumpkins
>implying she gets better after becoming a mom
Gore is literally the only bad thing they've done, and it's not even bad. It's just subpar
Pink Floyd literally died in a long, protracted series of farts.