>mina thread
lizzies power fades...
So I've heard that Twice is finito.
Is that true?
Is BlackPink the Twice killer?
predebut choa
tfw no chaeyoung bestfriend to chat with all night
I still love twiceboy
>Is BlackPink the Twice killer?
You have to ask Dr. Kim if it's possible.
it's a Hime-sama thread!
You can't kill what was never alive in the first place
During one of your talks, could you ask her and Dahyun to leave Twice?
mina is my starlight
i wouldn't do that
i'll be here friendo.
only dahyun though
Why are nugushitters so bad at baiting?
Post the thing that made you fall in love with your waifu. Pic related
The jokes on you, I'm actually a Once false flagging as a OMG fan false flagging as a Once.
You'll never guess my favorite.
i don't know but stop posting this nugu
her qt clavicles
every twiceboy pic
but it's a mina thread
this must be the work of an enemy stan!
ok 1 more then stop
Post some Tzuyu fuckpuppy
why = starlight > hands on me > fashion > the others
wtf who is this dyke
Dats right.
Nugushitters keep repeating the same old forced memes.
There isnt an ounce of creativity in them.
shut the fuck up fistpump you autistic faggot
go play it cool somewhere else
good ting tho
damn, you're so right, you're complaining is super creative and interesting though, please continue
>This ass is lost to us because of stupid Koreans
Chaeyoung being ugly is not a meme, user. It's a fact, just like GFriend being ugly is a fact.
post that mina webm
lmao i clicked the wrong pic, that's newsun
>so mad he went full ESL
Did I strike a nerve there champ?
junghwa so hot
I got you
Chaeyoung's cute and you're dumb
>now he's posting tumblr memes
>small typo
>full ESL
clutching at straws buddy
>posting one of the few who actually can
Dang, I've been outwitted. You win, user!
>one of the few
>can't actually sing
what's your problem, man?
twice wouldn't appreciate you spreading hate, so just stop.
>still mad about TWice's success
its just one guy ignore hem
putting nugushitters in their place isnt spreading hate.
you're probably the main reason people hate twice on here
yes it is
we all like Lovelyz here
they threw a first pitch today!
I'm sure they'll receive the news report of this thread tomorrow.
Again, I'm a fan of Twice, user.
There are just flaws, and I'm pointing them out.
at least no one hates revel anymore
twice is finito guys, we hate blackpink here
Jisoo is so fucking perfect it's ridiculous
how so
okay if you say so friendo
Thanks m8
>how so
you're just a bit of a knob
Nugushitters BTFO yet again.
My job here is done.
Fuck all of you, really
I'm leaving
How is she being a knob
see you tomorrow friendling
Yeah, ahuh, you know what it is
Got myself a barely legal Korean bitch
Yeah, ahuh, screamin' that's nothin'
When I pulled out of her bag, that's nuttin'
i'm talking about you, not her.
some of the smtmeme5 songs are pretty good dubuhonest, I understand why they're reking everyone else in the charts
These fucking whores (both of them)
cool story now post more momo
>she will never tie you up and bully you and lean in real close and whisper "you fucking retarded jerkoff kill yourself lol" and then grind your face with her boots
Why even live?
I bet they threw like girls
holy omo
is there a vid?
You've got a problem
Momo wouldn't do that though Momo is actually really cutesy and girly.
Jessica > Tiffany > Taeyeon
pay attention and respond accordingly to my posts you imbecile
sick freak
Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Sup Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Sup Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it.
Why does Twiceboy like tormenting everyone with bubbles so much?
this dubuhonest bias wrecked me.
What a flop
seo good
seo based
seo jisoo
What can't Eric Nam do?
seo hyun
Hey user, why are you stealing my gig?
Momo is a bit too retarded for that.
gotta show whos boss
best boy in the game