How do you feel about this?
New Sum 41
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still gotta wonder how they went from pop punk to pseudo-metal
Only the first 2 albums were really pop-punk, the others were... something else
blink-182 wishes their comeback was as good as this
this album completely blows blink out of the water. now THIS is what you call a comeback.
THIS is what I call a proper comeback! blink who??
This album will definitely kick the new Blink-182 albums ass
this was mixed like shit
its like they're trying to make a meme video
What do the memes have to do with anything?
wew lad
hopeless records intern please be less obvious.
shit i just realized those are the comments on the video lol, still, those are hopeless record interns posting on youtube
aren't they a little old for this
what's wrong with it?
i'm kinda stumped on this as well
i think this is what plays on clear channel modern rock radio stations nowadays
they're trying to stay relevant by connecting with "what the kids are into nowadays"
well what else are they gonna do? this applies to not only the aging pop punkers from the 90s/early 2000s but also rappers from that era too. like they're going to be 60 and still performing music for young adults and shit. it's really weird.
>unironic fedora
fwee fwee tabonga
The chorus goes something like.
"take me away, cause I wanna feel, something thats real."
I would have spun it into some criticism about american youth culture having been reduced to meme spouting and youthful rebellion have turned into passive agressively tweeting shit.
but somehow I think even that is a bit to smart for sum 41.
i didnt like it very much, music like this has been done before any they arent doing anything new. it seems like they are just trying to make money instead of making music because they enjoy it, at least that is my opinion.
Is this real?
>sum 41 favourite childhood band
>loved Screaming Bloody Murder's progressive style as an adult
>backed this record
>it's probably going to be shit
Deryck's said in the past he only really cares about touring and recording new material is literally just to keep changing up the setlist.
No, it's all in your imagination
holy shit how could a human being create something this bad
i liked this and want to know other stuff like it and am really not happy about either of those statements
I liked it.
The right amount of "social media is stupid" without coming across as pretentious.
Anything's better than this
I'd have liked to have seen Fat Deryck music actually
>guitar hero controller
they couldn't be more out of touch
so bad its actually pretty good. people take their maymays too seriously on here.
>MV has memes on it
What the fuck is with those memes?
Michael Gira's like almost 60 and still makes music that doesn't make him look like he's trying to be young. It's not hard to grow old and not make people cringe.
idk about the memy vid, or the lyrics, but that riff is pretty decent
I mean it's cool and all that the guy isn't dead, but did he have to go back to making music?
This was really good
DTLI > Chuck > UH = SBM > AKNF > HOP
Based on that, how much would I like their new album?
Probably as much as DTLI or Chuck.
>SBM below any of the others
This, SBM is easily their best album, and this one at least started in he right direction, ignoring the maymays
>this one at least started in he right direction
>no 12-minute songs
Don't get your hopes up.
SBM was their most sophisticated album easily but it came off as really pretentious to me. But I haven't listened to it since it came out so maybe I'll have to give it another go.
>le donald trump is evil xdddd
Into the trash it goes.
>neo-Sup Forums cares about Sum 41
Old Sup Forums cared about Lady Gaga and metal. Fuck off, you clearly haven't been here long.
why are we calling this anything other than complete and utter trash, what the fuck
>le maymays eks dee
Whether you like him or not, his unfavorability is very high. Plus 99% of musicians are liberal and probably hate his guts.
If you dislike music not for the music itself but for the music video, just end it now senpai
I think its pretty good, a nice shift from the pop punk of the early days, you should give it another try
Thank God he's contrarian enough that I can openly like him on Sup Forums without feeling enbarrassed.
>no ponies
Fucking dropped.
I don't wanna waste my time
Song is better than anything from their last album, but that's a terrible music video.
They have been singing things like this for about 12 years, I think you understood it correctly
.It's not going to be shit, but I gotta admit it's a bit deceiving for the first single of the album. So I'm gonna go for 'decent, but not Chuck or SBM level'
It's not as catchy as I hoped it would be (most Sum 41 songs stay in my head after the first listen) and I feel like Deryck's singing performance is worse than on SBM.
Also nice numbers
They peaked at their last album, Screaming Bloody Murder
See They have gone from pop punk/punk rock on their first two albums to hard rock/melodic hardcore/pseudo metal on the last three (if you disregard UH). It's actually one of the few teenage-core bands where there's an evolution in their sound.
They tried to go back to their original pop punk sound in Underclass Hero and it was an utter failure.
>not liking music because of the political taste of the artist
He's always been a left wing person. 'Moron' appeared on a 'Songs against Bush' compilation album.
There is nothing wrong with metal. It has highs and lows just like any other genre
metal is the anime of music
What metal have you listened too?
babymetal, disturbed, the list goes on...
thats your fault for listening to that gay shit
I've literally seen like three other music videos literally exactly like this, down to the cut-out memes and guitar hero controllers and shit. I wonder if they buy these videos from the same dude.
Also, I used to love Sum 41, but holy fuck that mastering is awful.
which ones? Its a recurring theme for sure tho
Oh boy, you are not helping your case.
how is it weird? "celebrity" is a fairly new thing. elvis died young, john lennon died, michael jackson, bob marley and tupac all died young. we dont actually know what its like to have 60 year old pop stars.
it is weird that their art or sound doesnt evolve into something more mature, but bills need to be paid, and im sure they actually love making this type of music.
lil yachty 1 night video. its memetastic.
how about you piss off back to tumblr lad
Fuck off
what about mccartney, stones, bruce? not pop i guess
they quit for the most part. they dont really make or do anything new
They dress like a kpop band. What happened?
>we're after the Reddit audience
Well, you got 'em.
>Nyan Cat
Have you listened to Chuck? It's not new territory for them.
quite not bad, but still not that intriguing
Fuck sake, cave sponge is officially dead. Sticky this
it sounds horrible, the mix was completely brickwalled and it sounds super compressed and overproduced.
Was he faking his own death back then?
Holy shit, there's so many cringy comments on this video.
Jesus christ, Le wrong generation attitude has transferred to the next generation
The heroin girl looks better after
Good to see the singer doing OK
>no JUST Brendan Fraser
>no Bane
they fucked up
Not that bad
I will always have a soft spot for Sum 41
Also, Brown Sound is back, only he could save them desu