Needle Drop Podcast

How does Sup Forums feel about Anthony Fantano's podcast? Is he good at interviewing people? Any memorable episodes?

I just listened to Craig Jenkins ep, it pretty much confirmed to me everything I hate about modern music writers - that guy is such an inarticulate asshole.

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he had a really good episode with filthy frank.

That nigger (jenkins) should pull yeezys dick out his ass sometime

I tried listening to the one with Sam Hyde of Million Dollar Extreme, as a fan of MDE. Sam wouldn't let up this shitty Jamaican accent which was sort of funny but then just wouldn't stop. And then they got into serious questions and I just didn't like listening to Sam talking in a serious voice and not saying funny shit so I stopped the video. Fantano's good at what he does tho, imo.

Having talked to him on Twitter at length, Craig is one of the only guys that I can sincerely and wholeheartedly say that I hate.

I don't hate him in a teenage / hyperbolic way; I genuinely believe the world would be a better place if he would die.

Links to Twitter conversations? Or do you care to summarize why you hate him? Why is he so loathed? I've read some of his p4k reviews btw, I just don't remember what was so bad about them.


I dislike several things that Fantano's done but the podcasts are surprisingly consistent quality-wise. I'd prefer it if he kept doing them since some were pretty nice. He at least gets points for keeping it cool during the Craig Jenkins one, holy shit that guy was bad.

I disliked it too. His videos also seem less interesting now since he's revealed his actual political alignment. I don't care about it personally but it it was funny thinking he could sincerely be making fun of either side.

>His videos also seem less interesting now since he's revealed his actual political alignment.
Where and when did he reveal this? I guess I haven't kept up too much. As far as I can tell, he's always making fun of extreme left-wing, overly-sensitive, "triggered," hardcore Bernie type fans. So, I'm guessing he's pretty right-leaning convervative?

Inarticulate asshole huh? You wouldn't use that to describe Mr. Vegan Trap-flavored-beats himself?

>Or do you care to summarize why you hate him?
I don't, really.

To dignify Craig with any depth of character beyond tumblr BLM dogshit and black people Twitter would be dishonest to the nature of my interaction with him.

Craig is the special kind of fucking idiot that knows just enough to manipulate everything around him so that it appears to be against him and he can posture as some kind of @deray hero for black people Twitter and his token status as a journalist.

Yeah, he is. He reveals this like halfway into the podcast. I don't have any problems with it like I said, but part of the draw to his videos is that you never knew if he was making fun of the Bernie fans, or if he was making fun of the other people making fun of the Bernie fans. I honestly thought that is what he was going for, but I guess not.

Someone PLEASE make him interview James Ferraro.

didn't know there was a needle drop podcast, thanks. I've been looking for a good podcast to listen to for a while now.

he's surprisingly really good at interviewing people. Not the biggest TND fan, but his podcasts are actually really comfy and pretty interesting.

It only exists because he loves listening to himself talk which is why he does what he does. He's a self absorbed turd.

>only interviews literal whos because no actual musician is interested, other "critics" or youtube memers
>acts surprised when nobody listens to the podcast

>implying that anthony's voice isn't magical

he's found something that works for him then
(unlike the rest of us)

The MDE video was fantastic desu

>are there issues that you really take seriously?
>oh yeah
>hell yeah
>ooh yeah
>fuck yeah

I'm kinda tempted to watch the Sargon one but I feel it's going to be 2 hours of MRA bullshit whining

can confirm it is

it's not healthy to have this much hate for someone who probably doesn't even know you exist