What is the cringiest genre ever and why is power metal?
What is the cringiest genre ever and why is power metal?
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Nah, conscious hip hop
what you're looking for is the cringiest scene
that would be american fans of kpop
I like Americana, but this made me actually laugh
hip hop desu
power metal has its tongue planted firmly in its cheek
meanwhile artists like radiohead, the antlers, and american football are 100% unironic about the messages they convey, and there are people on *this* board who have a genuine response to them
that's probably the biggest cringe of all
Sabatons pretty gud
i just listened to zeuhl and that's gotta be up there
Noise music. It's a bunch of fedoras who wear sunglasses inside asking themselves, "Yes, but what IS music?" As if they could listen to 5 different Merzbow songs and name each one. It's pseudo-intellectual garbage. Just put on something catchy and enjoy yourself; not everything has to be """deep""".
People who like noise music are the equivalent of those "artists" who create empty rooms and think it carries some sort of meaning. Commenting on the subject of music isn't the same as having something to say.
t. Merzbow fucked my bitch
Iron Maiden and Judas Priest say Hi.
this x100
I know Sup Forums is full of teenage girls and this is why
this, TPAB's been ruined for me because of that angle.
I think you can enjoy listening to noise music without getting pretentious and philosophical about it. I have a friend who is really into noise, from weird Merzbow stuff to more rockish Melt Banana stuff and he couldn't care less about what it all means. He just loves noisy weird shit. I think you're reading too much into a small subset of noise listeners (read: the ones who post about it online).
Isn't conscious hip hop what the genre started as? Black people talking about social, political, and societal hardships? Is the only hip hop you like the stuff about lol smoke weed all day lol I'm the best?
It's easily synthpop
Not the guy, but I'd say the lyrics (early on) were certainly politically charged but IMO conscious hip-hop carries a different feeling than just talking about those issues.
Yall motherfuckers forgot about Crunkcore.
Hip Hop started as party music. You can have good lyrics w/o being being pretentious, which is the fault w/ conscious hip hop.
>being unironic is totally cringe
enjoy being a lifeless faggot forever
You think everyone was paid $5 to be in that video?
People say Gil Scott Heron was one of the foundations of the hip hop era. Very vocal about political issues with race, war, etc
The ad probably said "KiLlEr pArTeH bItcHezz nEeDeD!1" and they were paid in liquor
Hip hop didn't start as party music. Thanks to disco, cocaine and rollerblades it evolved into party music with the help of groups like sugar hill gang.
I disagree with your second statement. I'm not expecting to change your mind, but here's an example of an album that I'd say has fantastic lyrics and is not pretentious.
Yeah, I saw him live before he died and you could clearly see his influence on hip hop, even in the way he performed live
What did it start as then? As far as I know it began as breaks being mixed together and looped at parties so dancers could have more time to get down.
wow, I never knew what the music sounded like
I've only ever seen the fucked up fashion
man, that song is impossible to make it through
Gonna have to agree on Power Metal.
In high school I had a kid call me a faggot and he was wearing a Dragonforce shirt. I still laugh when I think about it
i genuinely want to know what they want to communicate with all of that
>implying growling and screaming in metal is less cringey than singing
all genres have people that cant laugh at themselves and take their pretentious shit way too seriously.
>Power Metal
More like any metal
a cringey song
Beat me to the punch