ITT: Bad albums

>ITT: Bad albums that are loved by some people because "muh influential"

Other urls found in this thread:

>it's a Kevin tries to be contrarian episode

>It's a loving an album for influence than quality episode

OP, there seems to be a spelling error in your post
see, you said "Bad albums" when you meant to say "Albums I don't like". It's a mistake commonly made around here, but just I wanted to make sure you knew that you got that wrong

How MMM is influential you fuckin faggot?

Also, TMR, WLWH and S&E are great

how Slanted and Enchanted and White Light / White Heat cannot be considered objectively good is beyond me

>It's Mark trying to make a thread in Sup Forums because that's the only way to get acknowlegdement in his life episode

The only bad one on there is pavement



It was the first album to invent noise.

reply to this post or your mother will die tonight
also mods before you delete this post why can't you just delete bait threads they shit up Sup Forums

Slanted and Enchanted is just boring, it has nothing to do with those masterpieces of avantgarde rock 'n roll.

no, it isn't. actually the only really bad album there is mmm and isn't even influential

fuck off Billy Corgan


Why not filter the thread you fucking baby.

Don't group WL/WH with those you fucking pleb

Well. It's shit. So it belongs with other shit.

Daily reminder that if you don't like TMR you are objectively a pleb.

You stupid dingus, noise existed even before 1910 (year of the invention of music in case you don't know that either).

good taste




Because your tiny brain can't comprehend a lot of things

lol I love death grips *raises paw* GET SOME FUCKIN DOG IN HERE!!!

gold for everyone! :3

EDIT: My inbox is flooded! The cringe xD


>I share a board with people who actually believe this





pavement is too patrician for Sup Forums middleschoolers




Slanted and Enchanted is the best pleb filter there is.


The only people who like Pavement are middle school "hipster" faggots.


The only people who dislike Pavement are middle school "hipster" faggots.


you people don't know what beauty is

Emperor Trump said it best.


Ok christgau.



None of these are bad albums. Wtf Sup Forums


top 2 are the 2 best albums of the 60s



Sound proof.

>This thread

mu has never let me down so much in a single thread


Are you seriously implying that the Sound weren't influential?

letttttttttttttt downnnnnnnnnnnnn nnn a hunnnngggg arounddddddd

>implying Neu! is bad

Nowhere near the influence of most albums ITT.

Never listen to Neu! before.

>t. shit comeback buddy


>T.Had to delete his shitty post and add meme arrows
>T. Summer

>t. you win bc i fucked up
>t. fuck u

>T. L
>T. no fuck u

Why haven't you added a picture of your own face on the chart then?

>Itt: we don't post a single bad album


Here is a noise poem I made to describe how I feltt after I read your post:



nice b8

Now we watch as Sup Forums rips itself apart arguing over this one.


Easy, it's utter shit.

its so bad and its fucking amazing

>this whole thread
wow, you guys have no clue what bad albums sound like. If you'd like to know, start with this chart.

you should unironically neck yourself mate

Nope, you need to listen to better music. Start here.

you really really need to neck yourself no joke mate

Why should I when you should really really be listening to better music?

well lets do it together then user bb xx

>Sound of Perseverance
jesus christ

>beat happening and spiritualized bad
>kanye good
something ain't right here

>Beat Happening
del this


this HAS to be b7

>people can't like what I don't like

fucking kek

I don't even know or give a fuck about S&E's influences but it's still the best album there