>girl that you like has 2 tickets to (insert band you love here) in another state, because there are no tour dates immediately close to your area (swans in my case)
>says person who was originally possibly going is unsure, you'd be going in their place if they end up bailing
>but also says that you could tag along with your own ticket if they don't end up bailing, which may or may not be a catalyst for an awkward third wheel trip/stay/concert situation for either you or the other person
if the latter ends up being the case, is it worth the trouble for the band you love if this is the only opportunity you'd have to see them in the foreseeable future? let alone with your possible s/o despite the circumstances? what would you do?
Andrew Wilson
If you really had a shot with her then you wouldn't be her second choice
Benjamin Hall
it's more so about seeing the band/artist though
Andrew Green
Then go? Don't be so insecure
Lucas Cook
then buy a ticket. if the other person doesn't end up going, sell it.
Sebastian Diaz
easier said than done when you're going to another state by plane and are pinching pennies for said event, are plane tickets easily refundable/sold?
Kevin Robinson
>implying you can be a third weel at a concert
Just buy a ticket and if they bail just resell it, why do you faggots make everything hard for yourself.
Grayson Ramirez
>implying you can't be a third wheel anywhere there's a crowd
Ethan Martinez
It was more a statement that no one gives a fuck at concerts, most people are there for the music and not to sit in a circle and sing kumbaya. I'm saying the social aspect of the problem is not relevant.
Also, yes you can't be a third weel in a crowd. They're not some collective hivemind, the second you walk into the crowd you become the crowd. Even then, why are you so worried about fitting in everywhere. Just do what you want, people will appreciate that more than you being a social chameleon.
I'm sure you'll have some autistic argument that goes against what I said.
Austin Harris
you're soliciting advice, and then shooting down all the advice with your negativity.
go with another one of your friends, or a different girl you like to the show. if you see the first girl alone there, dope: she gets to see you having fun w/your friends or different girl, and she's attracted to you. if shes with another guy, whatever-- you still get to see the show with your people.
Michael Edwards
top suggestion
Levi Foster
so when you're in a group that's part of a crowd, you can't still feel left out of the group you're with? (not trying to argue, just wondering)
Carter Cruz
Playing games with relationships and emotions is for children. Tell her how you feel right fucking now. If she don't want in, it'll hurt, but you'll know. People who follow """""rules"""""" and play games in relationships aren't people you want a relationship with.
William Gomez
what if nobody else is available for the event?
Jayden Ortiz
>so when you're in a group that's part of a crowd, you can't still feel left out of the group you're with? (not trying to argue, just wondering) >feel left out >feel
That's all it is honestly, a feeling. Besides you are automatically part of the group, since you all want to see swans, it's something that connects everyone from the get go.
There's some quote out there about how you shouldnt worry about what people think of you, since they're too busy themselves thinking about what people think of them.
Nathaniel Diaz
That's true, but what would you do in regards to the trip and/or stay?
Christopher Barnes
I probably would not go, having to take a plane to see a concert is a bit much in my opinion.
Elijah Thompson
Oliver Jackson
If it's a band you really like, it's probably worth it. Make a trip of it and spend a few days in the city. I presume OP lives in a fairly remote area with few bands making stops there
Ryder Johnson
Yeah, you're right, I hadn't considered that.
Benjamin Ross
I feel that. Just wish Swans was coming to my state tho as that would solve the issue, have you seen them? (If so, how are they?)
Lincoln Carter
why does no one visit florida? i mean i could guess as to why but dang
Joshua Thomas
i know this seems prudent, but its pretty ill-advised and sophomoric. flirting and courting and the game of love isn't for children-- theres a layer of human communication and relation which isn't captured by simple, declarative statements. the heart isn't won by 'telling her how you feel'-- its conquered through timing and movements and gestures.
she doesn't reciprocate his feelings right now, obviously. telling her how he feels only will push her away; she will be less attracted to him, there will be an emotional distance, and he could lose her as a friend.
i don't know what you want anyone to say. you obviously haven't asked anyone to go with you in the time since i posted. you are asking questions, and any answer is met by a wall of resistance. this isn't an insoluble problem, despite your attempts to get people to affirm your belief that it is.
Parker Adams
i don't believe it's an insoluble problem/there's not really much of an issue to begin with since the band is what's most important, but it's just a semi-awkward circumstance to travel a long distance for. that aside, i'm not trying to exacerbate any insecurities i may or may not have about it obviously, just wondering about the perspectives of others out of curiosity mainly. what would you do in the situation?
Zachary Hall
i would definitely go. how i would go about going would depend if you can get friends to go, how far it is/how you could get there, where you could stay, the girl and your relationship, and her relationship with whoever else.
any insecurity and threat of humiliation would seem to only highlight what swans is all about. put some hair on your chest.
Robert Ross
if you want to be comfy and secure all the time, you probably don't really like swans.
Hunter Cox
you're very well right, thank you for the insight! you're not wrong
Ethan Walker
good luck dude.
Logan Miller
man what how do you know her first choice isn't her best friend?