the weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
are these guys the saviors of music?
The weird frontier between pop and avantgarde
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Which one do you think has the most body hair?
Damn... RTZ looks less like a boy with that facial hair
green cap guy
Grimes > everyone else from that grid.
Yet they are all awful.
Do people actually think this?
Idk who the bottom left and top mid guy are but Dan and mr grips are probaly the only good artists on that grid
i need the names
who are top middle and bottom left
apart from the two idk they are
dean blunt, holly herndon, james ferraro, arca, oneohtrix point never, grimes, guy from death grips
OPN > Arca > Ash Koosha > Dean > Holly Herndon > Ferraro > Grimes
Flatlander is disqualified because he doesn't have any solo projects that I know of
I don't know who top middle is
>Grimes last
Put her first, idiot.
Does The Interview and Fashion Week count?
andy has this tune. actually better than a lot of techno out there desu.
>still no dan deacon
Easy there little autist, you can't /thread your own post.
U mad? I can, you big butthurt autist.
Avant-Teen =/= Avantgarde
Don't let these mediocre pop artists fool you into thinking their music has artistic merit.
Meant it for this faggot
Arca>Blunt>Ferraro>oPn>huerco S>herndon>DG>ash koosha>grimes
Why is Björk missing?
You're butthurt asshole? Stay mad fuckwit.
>grimes is there
>a. g. cook isn't
absolutely triggered
ag cook and the whole pc music scene is trash. grimes doesn't deserve to be mentioned with these talentless hacks.
wait so
who's top middle, top right, and bottom left? Top right looks semi familiar, other two don't.
>Grimes and Holly are the best avant-pop on that list
>Andy doesn't count since DG aren't really pop
>Haven't heard much OPN but from what I heard none of it sounds poppy
>Dean Blunt and Ferraro are hacks
>I haven't listened to the other three
Also music doesn't need saving
Grimes is a talentless fucking hack and anyone who likes her music needs to get their brains checked
Her singing: awful
production: terrible
style: disgusting
facial hair: exists, and therefore is disgusting
armpit hair: exists, and therefore is disgusting
All, false. Suck a pen15.
she has a 9 inch dick so all above points are non refundable
Go back to the smosh comment section
>she has a 9 inch dick
I mean it wouldn't surprise me if she had a dick considering that fucking jungle in her armpit.
arca looks like the cutest pedophile on earth
>made better more relevant electronic music than these hacks like 10 years ago
>much cuter
how based can you get