Why is this getting praised so much?

Why is this getting praised so much?
2nd half of the album is pretty good. but the first half is such a dread and alot of songs overstay their welcome

I thought dean blunt's redeemer & black metal. did a much better job of showcasing blacks don't need to be boxed in a cliche of what music they can make.

Other urls found in this thread:


look at whitey over here

Dev Hynes is corny as fuck

To me it dragged until the fourth track but it's pretty good. I do find Black Messiah a better example of what he's trying to do though

I think he's crafted a unique sound that draws on his 80s influences without sounding like mere pastiche. The dance music, 80s R&B, and synthpop sounds mesh together to form something unique and contemporary. He's obviously in the footsteps of androgynous vocals and perspectives pushed forward by Prince, but I think he brings a pretty original modern twist on it. It also handles social issues in a much more nuanced and adept way than, say Anohni's Helplessness, which was wrongly lauded by Pitchfork et al. in my opinion. While these two albums are much different in terms of scope, I do think it's a worthwhile comparison and one that highlights Dev's ability to make an album that is simultaneously deeply personal, socially conscious, and interesting to people like me who have very little in common with his background, lifestyle, and tastes. It handles issues like race, gender fluidity, and religion with mindfulness rather than big, bold, and clumsy declarations, and I really enjoyed the use of recurring melodies and lyrics to tie different segments of the album into a cohesive project thematically. Just my thoughts after two listens, maybe I'll realize some new things as I continue listening to this throughout the year.

Hopelessness, rather

does it have collabs?
cupid deluxe best tracks were collabs, that one with caroline polachek is just perfect

Tons of different samples and female vocalists, it's fucking fantastic.

>gender fluidity, "social consciousness"
Album: discarded

I do think Black Messiah is better, but this album aspires to be just as abstract, even if it doesn't quite make it. I think like some have said it's a really fresh mix of classic sounds. I'm not interested in the topicality so much as it sounding like what a hipster Prince might make today. The Guardian review of it is good, which is able to step outside the U.S. filter that I think this year has been overhyping "statement" albums by black artists.

I found the first half very interesting because it did so much to establish the setting and context for the album. I think this is the type of album you need to go into paying attention rather than wait for it to sweep you off your feet. I really enjoyed it and it's going to take me a few more listens till I can say of I prefer This or Cupid delux.

>I thought dean blunt's redeemer & black metal. did a much better job of showcasing blacks don't need to be boxed in a cliche of what music they can make.

what now?

>I thought dean blunt's redeemer & black metal. did a much better job of showcasing blacks don't need to be boxed in a cliche of what music they can make.

but dean blunt makes high quality grime which is a black genre

Wasn't the point of Baby Father that it was shitty grime?

how is that grime lad
redeemer is a melancholy r&b album with a black guy playing a depressed SMOG
black metal is him replacing white genres like jangle pop,americana with hip hop lyricism

sorry, maybe i should clarify

>blacks don't need to be boxed in a cliche of what music they can make.

how is this at all relevant to you thinking the album isn't as good as other people think it is?

You're a dunce if you discard stuff without listening to it. Why would it be unacceptable for someone to talk about their own experiences? And I literally just explained how it handles social issues better than Anohni's album. I'm caught in the middle of two insufferable groups: SJWs and the equally retarded opposition.

"My album is for everyone told they're not BLACK enough, too BLACK, too QUEER, not QUEER the right way, the under appreciated, it's a CLAPBACK."

yeah, so?


I was mostly joking. I wouldn't have given it a chance in the first place, as I'm not really into this poppy schlock anyway.

As far as the social themes, I'm not in favor of black society becoming too "socially conscious" -- they don't process things very well.

And you're right, Anhoni is an absolute dipshit who made a nauseatingly didactic album that was obviously based on an SJW checklist.

maybe i should ask a third time

how is this at all relevant to you thinking the album isn't as good as other people think it is? or even the quality of the album at all?

>2nd half of the album is pretty good. but the first half is such a dread and alot of songs overstay their welcome

thosummed the answer to my question already. This album isn't for me

repeating what you've already said doesn't make it any more clear. are you stupid or just trolling?

a fourth time: please explain what you mean by "blacks don't need to be boxed in a cliche of what music they can make" in terms of how it connects to your evaluation of the 1st half of the album.

> are you stupid or just trolling?
I was thinking the same exact thing for you.
just readHe was nice of enough to explain everything I asked.

Cupid is one of my favorite albums all time and it took me a few listens to even really like it. I think this work is similar. Can't really judge it until I listen a little more.

first of all, making a dumbass claim and then pointing to someone else's comment as an explanation of that comment instead of elaborating on it for yourself does nothing for you other than reinforce my assumption that you're a dipshit

second, his comment doesn't even support what you've said. he likes the album, and he doesn't see it as an example of a black man whose boxed in and making cliche music.

you're an idiot.

I'm the user whose comment he keeps referring to without actually answering your question for himself... I feel bad for you having to deal with this shit lol, maybe just try to forget it because he seems incapable of answering a simple question. Also, nice job repeatedly getting dubs.

reread his comment again my friend.idk why you're getting mad. clam down

Best To You gonna be a SOTY but much of the rest of the album is forgettable. Imagine comparing this to Black Messiah just because they both deal with black issues. Black Messiah blows this out of the fucking water.

>Black Messiah
>it's a masterpiece!
What a dumb nog name for an album. Ahhh, the double standards we apply to blacks vs. whites.

Anyway, carry on...

its okay kinda forgettable

>dumb nog

go back to Sup Forums you fuckin swine

Nice job being yet another fucker to drag the conversation away from music and to "black ppl vs white ppl???"

>release by black artist is lauded by critics
>it's a statement album


>dumb nog

.... please stay on your white nationalist containment board... the reason for black empowerment is that we're constantly told that we ain't shit. Clearly that doesn't resonate with you and you don't understand that, considering that you've sent exactly 0 hours of your life as a black person so please fuck off sir

but the album op posted is black vs the bad white people

don't worry m8 your one of the good ones right

You wouldn't believe me if I told you the political websites that I frequent.

I predict that within 10 years, the left is gonna wake up to the idiocy of their positions on social issues... and it's gonna be glorious.

im black you idiot

Of course. Progressive society now, including just about all music review publications, is concerned with giving black and other minority artists a voice. There's a pretty major outcry coming through music that's important to the black community. What major publication is gonna be the first to say "sure it's an important, but it's not a good album"? Nobody, because it's more about the message than the music, and anybody saying this album isn't worth the listen because of the music is gonna get dragged. Pretty simple stuff.

Same poster with an add on: if you think this album isn't musically good you're a fucking idiot. Probably not anywhere near album of the year but it's still good.

>it's more about the message than the music
it shouldn't be

>Trying to force a white knight this hard because you hate black people so much

Sad state of affairs

why are you so vicious calling people idiots because I don't agree with you?

get some mental help keyboard warrior

it's a 6.5 at best. d'angelo's album was fantastic this is just mediocre

So albums should be only about music? Albums shouldn't have a message? That's ludicrous. You can judge the music on an album independently of the message, but to judge the album itself the message is integral. How can you think that.

>constantly told that we ain't shit
Then perhaps you should stop acting like shit.

Anyway, who the fuck is telling you that you "ain't shit"? Because as far as I can tell, every faggot on earth panders to blacks on every fucking issue. Stop inventing shit to bitch about and do something with yourself -- spread the word.

"Good" not "amazing". Lots of "good" albums are 6.5s. I agree with you. I think that Messiah is so far ahead of this album it's stupid, and I also think they're pointless to compare. Different kinds of albums.

>Being this mad that white people have started to care about black people a minimum acceptable amount

How's that going

when I read musical reviews I expect the music to be analysed not whatever agenda is being pushed
if an album has a political stance you could talk about it as a collorary but not base your whole dialectic around it like p4k and others do

Who are you to say how I judge an album?

le ebin trolle XD

Ok, if that is so, it's even worse. Maybe stop reciting unmerited alt-right buzzwords to dismiss something. The people that you're trying to impress by saying stuff like that don't necessarily deserve respect.

Music is so frequently a voice for the voiceless and a way to make statements about society. Of course, I believe that the music is more important, but having a message is of a pretty big importance as well. I find it ironic that some of the same people who criticize hip-hop for only being about drugs, misogyny, etc. are also some of the first people to dismiss socially conscious music as "fake deep" or "shoving things down their throats" (though I will admit that some of it does, but that's beyond the point). People will say that anything that deviates from the chiche is a special snowflake album also.


Recognize the power of the dubs

>albums shouldn't be about anything but the music

Are you mentally okay?
There is no right or wrong way to judge an album. stop forcing labels and problematic stances on how to listen to an album okay?

You literally just told everybody in this thread how an album should be judged dumbass

>Music is so frequently a voice for the voiceless and a way to make statements about society.
I agree, however that has no weight at all on its artistic merit. It's a very modern tendency to conflate the two (probably motivated by the habits of readers to look for things to reaffirm their worldviews even when it's totally superfluous) and I don't agree with it

> I'm not in favor of black society becoming too "socially conscious"
Because you are't black
I pray black society becomes so socially conscious it pisses autists and pieces of shit off

>who is telling you you "ain't shit"?
>literally just did, and justified it by making a blanket statement about black people
>pretending like this is not a contradiction

you just implied that nobody has a certain mentality and then at the same time acknowledged that people do, but that it's justified. Good effort

If somebody is gonna tell me there's a wrong way and it's X, and I agree it's X, I'm gonna come back and say it's Y.

No I didn't??
do not cuss at me again btw.

Wow, you are a crazy person. You legitimately think society functions like that on the whole? Obviously there are piggybackers but to think it's EVERYBODY who supports an entire race of people? That's an insane level of delusion.

I really dig the whole conscious angle. It reminds me of old reggae music with its namedropping and admonitions to good behaviour or revolutionary struggle. That an artist can give you reading list of literary authors of a certain persuasion by having guest singers quote their heretofore unrecorded works on his album is a completely new and exciting concept. Dev is the genuine article, I can see that with this last turn he's made, and I'm sure it doesn't end here for him. The hookiness of the material is another question - I'm completely certain from what I've read ITT that there isn't another You're Not Good Enough or Champagne Coast on this album, but I guess not everyone can match Prince or Jacko hit for hit. Go Dev!

>They don't care about black people
[Credible citation needed]
>statistics that are at the root of why blacks are disproportionately affected by poverty and profiling.
Do you not know what history is or do you have to go back to school this fall?

OP HERE could you guys stop the hate speech.ended the thread here
stop being problematic UGH Sup Forums is full of children gosh

>Not expecting autistic permavirgins not to be bitter, annoying faggots
One day user

protip: at least 60% of the posts ITT are bait


Thanks for actually discussing the album!

bland as fuck thinkpiece-core trying to cash in on people's political insecurity
leave music alone, you pathetic pieces of shit

>current year meme
>getting triggered by pitchfork reviews

boring as fuck anti-sjw core trying to cash in on popular social consciousness bashing
leave this board alone, you unoriginal piece of shit

>people's political insecurity
>Having political views whatsoever

>trying to autistically shove your political views in every sphere of discourse possible
>"social consciousness"

lmao how cute

Can somebody explain why sjw people always get so mad and start cussing at you?
Reminds me of christians who say god bless you when you do something they disagree with

Why so passive aggressive?

Their actions are completely based on emotion with no logic at all. How can you argue if you don't even understand what you're talking about? So they resort to personal attacks

That is exactly what you alt-right types try to do on every single media-related board on Sup Forums. You have no other interest, no other opinion than to prove that minorities have been statistically measured to be racially inferior. You will try to bait every thread into discussing race, then minorities, then crime, then gender, and finally a Jewish conspiracy. That is all there is to you people as individuals, and that is quite disconcerting. You don't see anything but identity politics in Dev's new album because you seem to be completely uninterested in anything relating to textual appropriation and deployment, the interplay of authorial voices, or even about the musical language of the album, which you were offering up as a more reasonable position from which to appraising the album - but it was just a red herring. You care about nothing but your racist political standpoint. I don't understand you.

You're literally the one shoe horning politics to begin with
Do you even read what you write?

>than to prove that minorities have been statistically measured to be racially inferior.
Than *trying to prove


Awful bait

>proving racial inferiority
>leading to a Jewish conspiracy
Not user, but could you be any more intellectually dishonest? Any more strawmen? You might as well have called him a bigot and moved on -- at least it would have been clear that you had no intentions on rebutting the double-standard that he was commenting on.

OP HERE again could a mod pls delete this. it's beyond the point of this thread

How do you not realize that we ARE talking about the album. It's a "socially conscious" work that was clearly intended to facilitate dialogue.

Go back to ranking artists, and bickering over genre-classifications if you don't like it.

that's a big strawman

do you? people in this very thread have been praising the "message" of this album or whatever

>still baiting

>I can't argue without resorting to strawmen and meme-y generalizations therefore you're baiting

is that actually him? wtf

now do you see why he got beat up and called a faggot a lot back in the UK?

inb4 someone from Sup Forums says "he askin 4 it~!1!!"