>Post gear >Post desired gear >How long have you been playing? >Fav guitars? >Fav guitarists? >Projects? >Talk about and play music >General guitar and bass discussion
No way of telling really with partscasters, can you try before buy?
Christopher Russell
David Robinson
has anything good come out of summer namm yet?
Ryder Hill
Morning crew reppin. Might sell my jaguar today.
Ethan Lewis
the closest I played was an ibanez SR506, it had a flat part in the middle of the back of the neck, and it was one of the comfiest necks I've played despite being a 6 string bass. Unfortunately I haven't found any production guitar that doesn't have that thing as well aside from strandbergs, and they're way out of my budget. Ibanez necks are still really comfortable though, so I don't mind that.
Lucas Davis
Selling it for any reason? will you be funding more gear? if so what will it be?
Grayson Sanchez
have any of you learned how to sing after not being able to
Angel Myers
Post Ibeenhad.
David Lee
I'm assuming your thumb is supposed to follow that contour on the back? Neat.
Jackson Clark
Andrew Torres
Pretty cool. Had never heard of this model until now. Thanks user.
Mason Watson
Gear: Les Paul Studio Gem Series Sapphire Fender Marcus Miller Signature
Desired gear: Telecaster
How long I've been playing: 20 years
Nothing else to comment.
Isaiah Ross
>all these Australian posters where is ausbro again? I don't think it was melbourne
Alexander Hernandez
I like the P90 in the neck but that bucker in the middle and those switches look like fucking garbage.
Kevin Campbell
Iunno, but the rest of us seem to be
Nathaniel Jenkins
same, I don't know what this guy was thinking
Anthony Cook
Still working on it, but I think so. Just the sort of thing you have to practice to death.
Samuel Parker
they weren't produced in huge numbers but I think the models i've seen online weren't exactly expensive. The body looks super comfortable, kinda like a cross between their SR and S
Charles Long
I practice a shit ton and I've gotten a lot better at controlling my voice, but my normal talking voice itself doesn't sound very nice and it translates into singing :/
Blake White
Whats a good color for a Kramer 5150 project? I don't want to do an EVH paintjob but I want a nice hot rod look.
Thinking about going for a nice blue but I'm inclined towards warmer colors (red, orange, yellow) because dirty old maple fretboards don't look great with cooler colors.
Elijah Fisher
Thought about Horizon Blue? It's a pretty warm blue. It's also pretty much fluorescent.
Eli Bell
So I've decided that when I grow up (only 35 now) I want to play blues bass. Is a bass and one of these 'headphone amplifiers' all I need to get started on my road to suckage?
Given that there is about an 85% chance that by next week I'll have changed my mind and decided to instead devote my life to pottery, I'd like to keep the costs down a bit at first. When looking at a cheaper used bass (probably end up getting something from Music-Go-Round down the street), anything that should be on a 'no-go' list?
Jordan Myers
Just save yourself the time and money and start practicing pottery
Jordan Morales
cheap instruments are shit, put at least 300$ in the bass headphone amplifiers are fine
James Nguyen
i wish we had a /prod/ - Music Production board. /gg/ and the other generals are next to useless for discussing theory, techniques, styles, tips and tricks or other related stuff. all i see here is shitposting and gear-wanking.
Liam Hughes
>mommy, why do the kids at school keep saying my dad was an autoharp?
Cameron Cruz
All I can say is keep at it, a few years ago you would think I was tone deaf but now I can hold a note, practice practice practice.
Brandon Martin
Yeah I'm pretty sure hes more up north.
Thomas Moore
Anybody here ever sold their soul for amazing guitar powers?
Charles Bailey
That's not a bad choice.
I think I'll go with one of Testor's Model Master auto lacquer colors, since I can get them cheap at a nearby store.
Maybe Ford GTS Blue Pearl, though that might be a bit too fancy.
Gavin Flores
>/gg/ and the other generals are next to useless for discussing theory, techniques, styles, tips and tricks or other related stuff because no one ever mentions it, I never see anyone try to talk about theory yet everyone complains about that
Robert Johnson
Off you go then.
David Gomez
Thoughts? Running Reaper on Windows 10 if that makes a difference
hey /gg/ i've been getting into fingerpicking lately. I can just about do 'don't think twice its all right' by bobby d and i need some other fun songs to learn. Anyone got any recs?
Wyatt Diaz
You go to a store, play them both and then buy the one you like.
Parker Kelly
I've only just started fingerpicking but Mississippi John Hurt's Spike Driver Blues is quite fun.
Asher Lee
It's finicky. Offsets are always phases for me. Plus, I'm starting a band and want another tele style for alternate tunings. Probably pick up a G&L tribute to tie me over.
Sebastian Rodriguez
There are no guitar shops that carry them around me. They are both roughly 300 dollars off their original price and I only buy guitars on sale for good discounts.
I agree, but they're about 300 dollars off each, I can deal with a little extra abalone.
Luis Morgan
i got the solo and im very happy with it. the preamps are very good for the price, it has direct monitoring, headphone jack and if you want you can use it for a studio mic aswell. the problem is that a lot of guitar's pickups are too hot for the inst jack and using the line will fuck up your signal, even turning down the volume knob on the guitar is no good idea as that will cut treble too. you could get a di box to get a line level signal, but the problem is that a cheap one might have a slight effect on your sound. you could also go for the 2i4 which has a pad button as a work around to the problem of clipping guitars.
Ryan Lee
Shitty phone camera makes it look lighter than it is
Jason Price
Closeup of the finish
Joshua Smith
DayGlo is great but automotive paint will accomplish the same thing. If you won't be using a fluorescent color maybe look at something like Cobalt Blue.
Brayden Edwards
Looks really nice, and I dig the bridge. Logo is meh
Eli Bailey
Ryder Rogers
would you recommend this little guy?
Adam Martinez
too pricy, and really ought to have a real EQ.
Caleb Smith
im currently looking for a used fender strato mexican standard. i found one for cheap and its relatively new (2009) and hasnt been played much so frets are in good shape, its got 1-2 somewhat bad lacker scratches but whatever. the rosewood fingerboard kind of annoys me because i just like the look of maple more but i got him down to a really good price. i think i'll take it. btw does anyone know the excact name of the pickups used in a 2009 mim std?
John Butler
They are the stock no name MIM strat pickups.
Adrian Long
Why would you even post that here?
Only real fender owners belong. You? You can go back to Sup Forums.
Anthony Cooper
Aiden Hughes
>posts a company owned by fender >"ONLY REAL FENDER OWNERS REEEEEE" Damn nigga, let me live my life
Josiah Bell
Cameron Foster
Sasuga, Sup Forumsfags.
Squier is literally the Normie's best friend I want you all to die
Nicholas Morris
When did you grow up and switch from electric guitar rock/metal/blues/jazz to playing nylon classical
Sebastian Howard
I got a guitar with some Bareknuckle Nailbombs in it. Alnico V kind. Over time, I've realized that any time I really push an amp with it, it starts sounding really gross in the upper mids and treble range. I've read that this is a common complaint because of the 90s voicing and is a take-it-or-leave it thing with the Alnico V model.
Thing is, the guitar these are in is a baritone I want to use for a metal project, so I'm thinking of replacements. Is there a similarly voiced pickup out there that would be a little less nasal honks and chainsaws in the high end?
I'm not probably going with BKP again- these were on sale when I got them, and I'd rather go Dimarzio or Seymour Duncan if possible. So I'm thinking D-Activators or Nazguls, but there's so much marketing slush out there that it's hard to find any real opinions. And every audio demo is hella overprocessed.
Ayden Green
Post yours
Jordan Hill
ceramic pups. not quite bad, just not my cup of tea
Tyler Sullivan
Should I buy an American Strat or a Mexican Mememaster?
Jordan Torres
What kind of guitar?
Nathan Lewis
I've heard the Dimarzio Steve Special is good for metal
Cameron Baker
Why not just swap out the magnets? Magnets are cheap and Alnico 8s are really popular for the tonal alteration you're talking about (it's a very popular mode for SD JBs).
Liam Cox
...doesn't matter
Aiden Campbell
Don't I need LESS alnico, not MORE of it? 8 seems like way too much.
Daniel Turner
That's not how it works. The numbering doesn't refer to how much "alnico" there is, and alnico isn't some quantity that adds upper mids and high end. Alnico is just the composition of the magnet, which is an iron alloy with ALuminum, NIckel and CObalt.
The number just refers to the specific composition of the alloy, which existed before they were used in guitar pickups.
Alnico 8 is used to even out a tone, tightening up the low end while taming the high end and pushing more output. For a metal project they're an ideal magnet.
Julian Wilson
Rekt m8
Colton Smith
>alnico isn't some quantity that adds upper mids and high end. >implying it isn't This is epic bait
Jonathan Mitchell
can anyone tell me how to achieve Blake Mill's sound in this?
I read somewhere that pine bodies still retain a lot of sap and cause the body to expand and contract more then most other wood bodies. If the price is right, Id still try it. You can still sell it locally to someone not in the know.
Sebastian Scott
Thoughts on the danelectro fab fuzz pedal?
Jacob Price
just matte with no clear coat
John Cooper
He uses a vintage supro lap steel pickup in the bridge and a gold foil pickup in the neck. I've seen him using different amps. But he just seems to like a Fender-ish amp sound with a decent amount of low end. He also seems to get gain from the amp.
Luke Russell
that would require actually being good at guitar, and only about 1% of people who play guitar are good at it
wtf u smokin' bro, I think the dude's just ranting about ticket sale prices
Joseph Brown
Can you describe the problem with the highs a little better? What exactly sounds bad if you're able to describe it?
My immediate thought is swap magnets or sell them and grab a ceramic Nailbomb or a Holy Diver.
>but there's so much marketing slush out there that it's hard to find any real opinions. And every audio demo is hella overprocessed. Try and get your hands on some DIs. Then you can send them out to your own amplifier and get a much better idea.
BKP used to (may still) offer DIs if you asked. Nolly used to post them a lot for that exact reason.
Elijah Hughes
I had considered a magnet swap but considering the BKPs have a warranty and strangely-good resale value, I'd rather leave them intact. I've also heard that the BKPs are slightly harder to do a magnet swap on because the bars are sized different than standard.
I've resold intact pickups before, I think I'd have a harder time with a visibly modified one, particular for shit metal hipsters like such as these.
Used Ibanez RG something or other. Pretty sure it's mahogany. Previous owner did a lot to it, the electronics cavity is all fucked up and the trem is stopped and it has EMG routes that were sloppily gouged with a dremel to make room for passives and rings. Plays nice enough though.
Elijah Mitchell
You can reverse the mod. It won't be visible and it's not even worth mentioning if you resell, nothing will change.
Easton Thomas
Is it possible to get a decent Marshall/Laney/Engl/Randall/etc combo amp for fairly cheap or those kinds of brands simply out of reach for poorfags who simply want quality amps? Or am I doomed to shitty Line 6's and the like? My budget is $500
Julian Edwards
Need some help with picking out a low wattage tube head with a headphone out (live in an apartment building). I really love the Engl Ironball, but the price is a little bit too much for me, and I can't find it used. The Tubemeister is a great price, but the distortion on it sounds terrible imo
Samuel Smith
Dominic Brooks
that is the biggest meme machine ive ever seen
Sebastian Foster
maybe a red-ish fire orange, something they would make flames out of on a hot rod car, idk.
Carson Moore
Blackbird if you want the basic fingerpicking idk its just a fun one.