>A fairly regular Vancouver kid, with interests like anime, Harry Potter and Mariah Carey, it was during her adolescence that, as Garossino puts it, “something very strange happened.”
>“She changed into some kind of super-brain, exploring the internet all the time.”
>Teenage Boucher’s obsessions ranged from space travel, to the twelfth-century composer Abbess Hildegard von Bingen, to Russian existentialist lit. She crushed so hard on Dostoyevsky that she even flew to St. Petersburg to attend an intensive Russian immersion.
>But as with Grimes’ music, Boucher preferred autodidactism. Garossino recalls hearing Boucher teach one of Chopin’s nocturnes to herself, bar by bar. But only through the wall—at the time, Boucher had too much stage fright to even play the piano in front of her mother.
>“Something that people don't understand about Claire is her searing intellect and focus,” Garossino said. “Whenever you think you've figured her out, she's already three moves ahead. Things are never what they seem.”
>Her mother related how at McGill, the wunderkind wanted to take physics, but couldn’t stand introductory courses. Instead, Boucher entered higher-level classes and studied the prerequisite material at the same time. “She would nearly kill herself studying—surviving on almost no sleep for weeks at a time.”
>“And that's how she makes music today. In long, solitary blasts of blistering intensity.”
he wrote like 20 books and is really good author for teenagers.
Chase Myers
She knew about Hildegard way before the latter became popular on Sup Forums. Grimes > Sup Forums.
Easton Brown
Only trained composers are patrician.
Hate to break it to you. Popular music is never patrician. Only Art Music (look it up if you have a problem with this label - it literally means "classical" music and does not mean that all other music is not art, even if it implies that) written by people who know what they're doing.
Camden Young
>Only trained composers are patrician. Wrong, mr. elitist.
Camden Barnes
>harsh noise No thanks. I can't stand this shit. What's the point in listening to harsh noise?
David Allen
I don't even know she was popular on Sup Forums. For me it was always a codeworld for crazy women that are into mysticism, orientalism, feng shui, karma, kabbalah and shit like that. I first learned about hildegard from similar crazy person in 2000.
Adam Stewart
Jayden Edwards
Jonathan Parker
Levi Gray
Why do people always talk about this ugly grimlin and not the superior Grim?
Daniel Hill
Pseud is who pretends to know shit and have expertise. Claire never does it, quite opposite.
She could easily name some patrician musicians as her favorites, influences but she does not do that. Instead she names plebiest and shittiest musicians imaginable and that's her real genius is showing at PR.
Logan Ross
Noah Gutierrez
Daniel Jones
smaller than grimes chink pen15
Angel King
Caleb Cooper
that's rich coming from a dead eyed soulless whore
Jaxon Hughes
>comments are disabled on this video
Camden Gutierrez
I hate when people try to show off how weird, eclectic and esoteric they are.
Jaxon Lee
Isaac Ross
It's her mom, not grimes herself saying stuff. Grimes might as well hid shotacon manga in her dostoyevsky books.
Christopher Price
suck a pen15
Liam Sanders
>pen15 dude smosh lmao
Jose Miller
Your elitism is showing. You're mad because she knows all these artists. You can't accept this fact. Stay mad, hipster.
Logan Scott
Matthew Ortiz
if she named actually good/obscure artists as favorites every fag would start to call her pseud and tryhard because she has no music education.
Oliver Hall
Is Grimes the modern day Morrissey?
Carson Parker
Get the fuck out with your pseud intellectual shit. She likes what she likes. Deal with it.
Daniel Anderson
she don't like u though
Juan Sanchez
Is Morrissey the modern day Grimes?
Christian Lopez
How could she dislike me if she doesn't know me?
Jaxson Johnson
Grimes >>>>>> the whiny Morrissey
Julian Morales
If dubs i dont shower tomorrow
Kevin Gutierrez
Why are her breasts so small?
Julian Torres
tbf existentialism is probably the only way to deal with being sasha grey
Mason Morris
Morrissey is better looking though. Not being mean to Grimes, just saying.
Benjamin Baker
rude stirnerism is better
Nolan Watson
What that has to do with music?
Blake Parker
He was really out of shape in his genocidal phase
Dominic Thompson
she hasn't discovered 'intro to ayn rand' yet
Zachary Sanchez
Better looking? Is this a joke?
Owen Ross
>exploring the internet all the time aka frittered her time away and then quickly pulled up a wikipedia tab when her mom came to check on her
Julian Roberts
Ratko Mladics let himself go
Brandon Brooks
Absolutely not
Ian Bailey
>implying that if you did that she must did the same Check your logic.
Jeremiah Flores
I'm afraid it's a joke.
Michael Walker
he just took a blame for everything that Morrissey did on Srebrenica tour.
Hudson Sanchez
Stay mad
Jason Edwards
excuse me buster, i was too busy reading huxley and camus (first editions) to flush my time down the toilet that is the internet
Wyatt Russell
>cumus and hackley wow so hardcore, and now you spend time shitposting on mu.
Daniel Allen
You were busy reading shit.
Ethan Moore
>von Bingen 'no'
Blake Wright
she's a dilettante with nothing to say. celebrity was always her main goal
Nicholas Gray
Jordan Wright
yeah your posts in particular
Logan Sanchez
This picture is a Photoshop, you fucking sperg. It's been passed around as the real thing for years but the actual book before the edit was her autobiography.
Also, Grimes is trash tier. All jokes and memes aside, she is a fucking pseud. Her music is trash and her personality is even worse.
But what do I know, right? After all, this is the board that calls any meme rapper """"genius""""
Jayden Cooper
Pleb detected
John Garcia
Jayden Mitchell
Pleb argument
Benjamin Thompson
>You're bullshit. Have you ever listen to her discography or watch any interview with her, you stupid cunt?
Yes to both. How else do you think I knew she was a talentless cunt with an unbearable personality?
Ryan Cooper
>Also, Grimes is trash tier. All jokes and memes aside, she is a fucking pseud. Her music is trash and her personality is even worse. You're bullshit. Have you ever listened to her discography or watched any interview with her, you stupid cunt?
Hudson Gomez
You must be trolling. Really, your points are absurd.
Michael Russell
where can i find this?
Jason Butler
I assure you, you massive fanboy faggot, that I am not trolling. You must be tipping cam girls your shit wage in another tab, or browsing Tumblr? Either way, stop posting here, shilling for this grotty, unwashed cunt and fuck off already.
Matthew Lewis
So, you're not trolling, you're legit retarded? I thought you just pretended to be a fuckwit. Suck a pen15 faggot. Die.
Logan Williams
>mfw you'll never be so sad and obsessed that you white knight for a women you have never met and have literally zero chance of ever being in the same room as
Brandon Edwards
She's a filthy poser who likes the same surface level IDM as every other bottom feeder.
Oliver Bailey
>implying that calling faggots like you out on their bullshit = white knighting It's common sense, cunt.
Lucas Wood
It's privatized on youtube. That stuff vanishes if the views suddenly shoot up.
Nathaniel Stewart
I can see legitimately disliking her personality for some reason or just the sound of her music. But to claim she's talentless? No dice.
Shame about the audio quality. It doesn't do her any justice. Better check out her KEXP session: youtube.com/watch?v=FJ5XUw4qHZo
Christian James
Forget audio quality. Watch what she's doing with her hands and realize that it's all being driven in real time by what she's hearing with her ears. That is pure musical talent of the highest order.
Oliver Brooks
not even in teh right key
Zachary Lee
fuck sake the way numale music journos write about grimes you'd think she was pumping out drukqs-level shit on the regular
Bentley Lee
Yes, Grimes is doing her music mostly driven by feelings and instinct. It's amazing how amazing is her music if you consider her little to non existant formal training in music. Pure talent.
David Torres
Grimes albums > Druqks. Druqks is a messy overlong and pretentious AFX album with few highlights and no sense of direction.
Dominic Garcia
She has a harddrive full of Opuses, all self-pioneered.
Daniel Jones
eh, the whole discog is pretty outdated with Grimes around now.
Michael Flores
what am i HEARING
im sorry but grimes caint eeen compare to afx
Charles Long
i have heard that grimes had 10 TB of cp on her pc.