>Sup Forums is making fun of us yet again
Sup Forums is making fun of us yet again
Sup Forums's one of the worst boards on this site
>paying attention to Sup Forums
Sup Forums wishes its memes were as good as Sup Forums's
Sup Forums is litearlly comprised of pedophiles and Sup Forums-core watchers
id love for them to come here and tell me what they like to listen to beside bane remix videos
bonjour reddit
nobody cares, dude
they manage to be worse than Sup Forums
If you take Sup Forums or Sup Forums seriously you might wanna kill yourself
say that again you faggot
>Lolwut? ITAOTS still gets mentioned in half of all threads whether relevant or not
This person obviously hasn't been here in a very long time.
ehh, fuck it. I can't stand any board on this site
Television, alongside video games, are the lowest forms of "art" and they only attract simpletons and pseudo-intellectuals. Because Sup Forums is more focused on the television aspect of visual media over film, they are of course all braindead morons who are only good for shitposting and you should never care about their opinions.
I can't actually decide whether Sup Forums is worse at movies or if Sup Forums is worse at music.
get a load of this guy
>Television, alongside video games, are the lowest forms of "art" and they only attract simpletons and pseudo-intellectuals.
Literally this
Sup Forums is full of bitch boys and shitposters
They're right
>Montie thinks Sup Forums is bad
Shit, I have to like them now
see you tomorrow
I never said I was leaving.
neither did he :^)
>Sup Forums is bad at music
something only a pleb would say
Can't name a single meme on Sup Forums besides bane.
>when bullying Sup Forums isn't fun anymore
Just fuck my shit up was huge
I don't usually listen TV.
Very good Sup Forums, very good.
Sup Forums memes r shit dawg.
Which board has better taste in their own subjects
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>cuck think his opinion matters.
Sup Forums is the chad of Sup Forums and Sup Forums is the numale beta who wishes he was half as good as /lit/.
Sup Forums has the worst memes
obviously Sup Forums
Easily Sup Forums
Sup Forums has goddawful taste in its own subject, they act patrician and cynical but they only discuss what would be the equivalent of top 40 on Sup Forums