Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this cat could ball?
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that this cat could ball?
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i honestly don't give two shits that he's dead. none of his music ever interested me
maybe you're just like my mother, she's never satisfied
He could ball, write hit songs for himself and others, shred, play the music industry game, get addicted to opiates and OD/die. Plus hot chicks on the reg.
The fuck? How are you not gonna bob yr head to a prince song?
I'd give my left nut to be half the man that man was
so basically I'd become half a man to be half a better man
I have been a Prince fan for years I have never watched that meme-y Chappelle sketch, and I don't think I ever will.
Why not?
Almost every time Prince comes-up in conversation that sketch is referenced. It irrationally irritates me.
If you know the irritation is irrational, why not just watch the sketch and get in on the joke?
Charlie Murphy's narration is the funniest part, far more so than Chappelle's Prince impression imo
Been jamming to this album lately, fucking incredible smooth funk. Maceo Parker and George Clinton are on it too. Surprised he didn't release more live albums.
If you like Prince, you should appreciate that it isn't just putting him in a random situation.
Prince and his crew would regularly rent out community centers after shows and play basketball for fun. He is legitimately a good baller.
Agree, it's a funny sketch but it's been memed to death and millennials don't take him seriously because of it.
real talk tho, who gives a fuck what millennials think?
It's been confirmed as suicide
Damn, that's great stuff. I've never been one for live albums, but I'll definitely check this one out.
What is prince's appeal? All his songs seem so kitsch and overdone to me
I'm 1/2 black btw
Source? From what I know it was accidental.
What? From what I understand it was a accidental fentanyl overdose, which is pretty common these days what with ratfuck suppliers slipping fentanyl into their opiates to make them stronger
What have you heard by him? Some of his stuff is definitely overdone, but his output was pretty varied.
So was Prince, but that's irrelevant.
It's incredibly well made funk blended with a certain degree of electronic. Not everything he makes is appealing to me, and I could see how the over the top sexuality of it all could come off as kitschy.
But the music is good enough.
The part from Purple Rain where he explains that the orgasm sounds in one of his songs is actually a reversed sample of a woman crying was pretty dope.
They found a note. it hasn't been published so for all we know it's a fucking lyric journal or some shit
Sign o the time
What's your favorite song and which song has that reverse crying sample?
I'm not gonna say it definitely wasn't suicide but it seems more likely that he was getting fucked up and writing lyrics than suicide
Any legit sources? All I'm getting is gossip rags.
Computer Blue is objectively his best song.
which song?
If Prince decided to embrace it, why can't you?
Because I'm a hateful, terrible person.