ITT: Albums about the female experience

We have lots of threads about albums men can relate to, why not have one about women's experiences? Pic related is a really good example. It deals with issues that men might not relate to as much, and it does so from a woman's perspective. Let's keep this thread light, no gender wars nonsense plz.

Other urls found in this thread:

You're asking about something pretty specific since women don't really make as much music, and most of the popular and known music women make is pretty marginalized.

This MIGHT be what you may be looking for?

...A Psychopath is a strong contender for one of the greatest songs of all time.



It's not that uncommon really



I mean, women do make lots of music, it's just not as talked about/can be a bit harder to find. I just thought this could be a cool idea for a thread. Thanks for sharing :)

That one and Cry Wolf fucking destroy me


Björk björk björk björk björk

Hounds of Love

Running Up That Hill is literally a "I wish you could see things from a woman's perspective" song

Yeah, and Geek the Girl, and Cancer of Everything.

Actually, most of the songs make me feel.

Nice quads, but you have objectively shit taste m8.

The closest thing I know to Lisa Germano might be Joni Mitchell, but I haven't really paid attention to her stuff when I listened to it, especially in regards of her lyrics.
Same thing with the Patty Waters Sings album.
Maybe Julia Hotler, Joanna Newsom and Holly Herndon talk about their experiences in their songs too, I don't know, I'm not a English native speaker.
Eliane Radigue is sort of related to the subject, in the sense that her most of her music is just her brainchild as an aged woman who happens to know how to operate modular synthesizers and old tape machines.

Anyway, I want to discover more stuff like Lisa Germano too.

both GLOSS releases shred

also a fan of petrol girls



Quads don't lie. I'm not saying I dislike any of those albums (although I'm not too fond of Weezer) but the only reason they were posted was to be an edgy tryhard.

How is posting albums being an edgy tryhard? Just curious.

Excepting the case where that user wanted to suggests that "the female experience is the same as the male experience", I guess these albums and their themes represent the opposite of a hypothetically pure female experience mediated thru music.

lol don't play dumb, one of the albums is literally urge to kill, with the image of a man standing over an unconscious women holding a weapon. That's like the definition of edgy lol, especially considering the thread is about women's experiences + perspectives, not noise music with purposefully edgy sexist themes.

Just listened to this, good song.

I find the ep to be much better than the demo. I feel like the demo had some unnecessary guitar solos that kind of brought it down.

Thanks for the petrol girls rec, I'm really liking their music!

What is a pure female experience without knowledge of what makes a female a female? I should think that knowledge of what isn't a female experience should inform what is a female experience, especially in terms of purity.

I don't see how what you're describing isn't as much of a woman's experience as any other.

I'm also not sure how it's "edgy" either.