Hey Sup Forums, kind of a strange request, but here goes.
At my workplace corporate has created a rule that bans music in the workplace, on the grounds that someone complained that their copyright was being infringed upon or something.
Anyway work is hell in silence, the boss has agreed to play music that is public domain or not under copyright protection. Can Sup Forums recommend the best public domain/free music?
any genre but it's normies and customers we are talking about here.
it's not really my boss, she is just ignorant about the whole thing, it's the higher ups that have no sense
thank you for that, hope I can find something
Anthony James
make your own music with fl studio and play that
Ayden Murphy
not skilled enough for that
Dylan Rogers
just play happy birthday on a loop, that's public domain now. eventually everyone will agree to go back to the way it used to be.
Joseph Robinson
Put your soul into it, and sing too. Your coworkers will worship you.
Jayden Ortiz
Just make really weird and bad music that people hate. Then tell them you had to make it yourself because of the rule, and that you could listen to better music if the rule was listed
Angel Thompson
like I said, it's not our doing, nor the bosses doing (she is desperate for a loophole too)
it's the fucking suits
Owen Ortiz
or they could just tell him to shut it off if it's weird and shitty, it's not like they HAVE to put up with it just because it's something
Jack Martin
i'm sure they'd get a kick out of it, but i'm an introvert type, not my style to make an ass out of myself, even for cool points
Grayson Walker
that would take more time than switching jobs so wouldnt be worth it then no music would be allowed at all
how can people this stupid be capable of operating a computer? you've obviously never worked a job in your life. If you try to find a loophole in your bosses' rules and be a smartass, you're just gonna make everything harder and shittier for yourself
Tyler Thomas
can you not just wear earbuds?
Kayden Gomez
what kind of business is this? an ascap license wouldn't be too too much.
Christopher Murphy
not on a sales floor
i'm hesitant to offer too much info, I work in sales/customer service
Carter Miller
let your higher ups know they'd make up for the expense by increasing productivity and make people shop faster its basic management. that's why everyone thinks your questions strange, because it's normally a non-issue im surprised any business would do this
Ian Roberts
understandable, but if the store is less than 2000 square feet, or more than that but meets certain requirements for amount of loudspeakers, then you are able to play the radio without acquiring a license.
ascap.com/licensing/licensingfaq.aspx#general the section "What are the exemptions for the reception of radio and television performances in eating and drinking establishments and retail establishments?"
Jaxon Evans
it has already been brought up, there is no negotiation, it's been months since I heard a song at work and can't take it anymore. The customers don't like it either.
in my research it seems royalty free music isn't that interesting though
Gavin Evans
yeah royalty free music fucking sucks. If the customers don't like it then that doesn't seem to be the best business strategy
Carson Cooper
Play a heavily distorted version of Mary Had A Little Lamb on repeat the whole day. That'll tech em.
Matthew Sanchez
well then they sound like absolute assclowns
you considered getting into classical music?
idk about the legality but this guy sounds right this is exactly what i'm saying. they're losing profits by being a creepy silent shop that no one wants to go to
fuck off, who invited you
Daniel Scott
might just be silence then
but you guys are telling me youtube remixes and random bandcamps arn't royalty free?
Noah Gomez
>fuck off, who invited you Its an open forum and Ill post whatever I want.
Elijah Gutierrez
Do you work in a public space? Because your boss is nuts if he thinks that playing some music in your office or whatever is gonna cause somebody to come in and say "LMAO DUDE WE GONNA COPYRIGHT YOUR ASS FOR PLAYING THAT MUSIC OUT LOUD WITHOUT TELLING THE RECORD COMPANY FIRST LOL"
Carter Moore
I could do classical just fine, I don't know about the rest of the employees, the customers will probably like it, we serve plenty of older people
and yes, i'm well aware of how stupid it is, corporate has their head in their ass about just about everything.
Cameron Collins
kill your boss and start a self-governed marxist free zone in your office but also hit up this freemusicarchive.org/
Joseph Harris
I didn't mean the thread, I meant your job's policy is cancer. The thread is indeed better than most
Anthony Stewart
no the fear is legitimate, ppl have gotten hit by the licensing agencies before
well post yourself to china, first class, one way if he plays a distorted version of mary had a little lamb, his boss will stop all music whatsoever and he'll be worse off than he started you've got to play the game to their rules
I bet theres some classical stuff they'd like there's a London Underground station (Oval) that plays classical stuff like Vivaldi in their lobby. I find it quite pretentious but it's pretty pleasant, negl.
Blake Mitchell
Charles Clark
hey, some of the stuff on here is playable, thank you!
I'll test the waters with classical, i'm basically building the playlist for work (only tech literate one there, they are begging for something that the district manager wont get on our case about)
Michael Carter
be wary that the recording itself might be in copyright even if the music was written 300 years ago
Cooper Walker
I fucking hate copyright law so much.
this is karma for all those gigabytes of Films/music/vidya