cathy thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>not asseater cathy as OP
her name is hui hyeon
look at him, he's fucking buff you dumb ass
>its early if its made but not posted before 310
>its late if its made before an early thread but posted seconds after
you're my booooyfriend
Pete Rock is a fucking musical genius.
Koreans are white people
people are too autistic about early or late threads
There is no rules against early threads
I'm buffer than Skeletor
this skeletor is buff poster is the gayest one we've had in kpg so far
is DIA on par with IOI? i don't follow sales or charts at all
>There is no rules against early threads
Gee I wonder why it says this in the rules then
>3. Please try to keep duplicate topics to a minimum by always searching for an old or active thread before posting a new one. Do not post a continuation of a thread until the bump limit is reached.
earlyshitters confirmed for literal retards
the point is calling stick figure idols skeletor doesn't make sense. stop doing it
Why didn't Dani make it into IOI?
>i don't follow sales or charts at all
>posts screencaps of charts every single day
get a life
If there are two kpop threads under bump limit Jannie will delete
this is nice
are you sure though?
we used to have guys erping about all sorts of gay shit
the guys erping as girls erping as idols is less gay than this skeletor is buff dude
whites are actually Korean
yeah but you also refresh the catalog every 5 seconds to find your "early thread"
literally jaywalking tier crime. no one really actually cares idiot
i've never posted a chart in my life
nice try tho
there is so much good kpop groups and kpop waifus so why do i stay stuck to my one fav kpop group and why do i only fap to my waifu
acoustic music time when
That doesn't concern generals. Generals are exempt from that rule I believe, it is barely ever enforced. Just stop forcing the rules and continue as normal because its just a fucking number
jesus FUCK where did all this influx of newfags come from?
i love seeing the other girls die inside every time the fans roar for chaeyeon
can early/late thread complainers be banned
can posters complaining about whether op image is a boy or girl be banned
can we finally get our own /kr/
lol i'm gonna make a new thread right now
I'm pretty sure it is the same people everyday.
I care when my shitposts get deleted
ya ain't got the thighs, kid
IOI charted for ages
DIA didn't really chart at all
IOI hit like 60 thousand sales on Gaon
DIA currently has 3 thousand sales on Hanteo (Gaon hasn't updated for June, and won't for another week or so)
It can't be because these fucking retards would know early threads get deleted by the janitor and it's annoying as fuck
this has literally been happening all fucking day
One already exists.
lets ask hiroyuki nishimura what he thinks about early threads
>Cathy going with the fans
such a cool girl
The janitor will end up deleting that thread for duplicate posting soon enough
chaeyeon gave dia a ton of recognition. if theyre not grateful theyre idiots
omo cathy
you can be simultaneously grateful and a little bit envious
that was a masterful play by kks
>he STILL didn't notice he's posting in "kpop generally"
>the manager telling them to go back or else
if i had to look at busted gooks all day i think i would kill myself
these girls are an international treasure
where the fuck is hyunjoo? this is incredible
you guys talk about Sup Forums rules, and other anons who post things you dislike more than you do actual kpop or even fucking korean shit
>janitor deletes the wrong thread
It's a good thing those regards don't get paid.
The janitor deleted my cheng xiao thread, I guess the janitor has favoured this thread as the winner
such a nice song based yebin
better than anything gd has written in the last two years
Wait, does this mean early threads are allowed janitor? Can we start making threads at 300 now?
shut up and post DIA you little threadcucks
you can post flippy here...
Jinsol though
only if they're cathy threads
the only reason busted gooks exist is because uggos like chaeyeon get ps and create busted natty gook offspring
isn't it past your bedtime you little shits?
I'm gonna post chengy here anyway
Janitor wants to have his cake and eat it too.
they gave us so much pits with tinkerbell
chaeyeon was cute pre surgery
it's 3pm on a saturday
>i will never touch yebin
i miss my hometown
me too. kpop for this?
This thread is for goddesses, stop posting whores.
Whats the autism behind people getting mad about an early thread?
showanon can you please post show stuff? thanks
you live in korea?
we're all janny in a way
the land with the kangaroos and things
I'm forever thankful.
What's the word for this fetish?
oh that deadly animal place
the word is dentist
you're a dentist
these dia streams gave me a newfound respect for idols. they have ugly gooks grabbing at them all the time and they still put on a smile
Sticking to the rules is what keeps us from being Sup Forums
what's the autism behind people so desperate for attention they can't follow a simple, practical rule and needing so bad to post whatever retarded shit they think is so important as the OP of a "kpop general" on a taiwanese spearfishing forum?
truly based
what rules say you can't make an early thread?
I've never felt such inspiration before. You made me realize my dream. I'll become a dentist in Korea.
there's nothing wrong with whores bitchboy
It's too cold outside
For angels to fly
>bitter muh rules shitters posting in this thread anyway
Sup Forums rule 3: Please try to keep duplicate topics to a minimum by always searching for an old or active thread before posting a new one. Do not post a continuation of a thread until the bump limit is reached.
Dude, the janitor deleted the non-early thread
This is a precedent that means that early threads are allowed. You've lost. Give up. The rules are only a set of guidelines that the moderators and janitors follow, it is up to their discretion to follow them.
what does she teach?
>they're still butthurt
literal teenagers in this thread