What does Sup Forums mean when they do this?

What does Sup Forums mean when they do this?

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Black men outweigh women and homos and the oppression scale.

>homophobia is wrong

end this meme

It is wrong though

>all rap is homophobic


Misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, child and domestic abuse are just part of their culture you MRA fedora manbaby virgin

Just grease up and bend awa...you'll enjoy yourself, eventually. :)

Except it's not a feature in all rap music. Not even most rap music that I've heard. It's quite possible that a good deal of rappers that I like and listen to espouse/believe views like that but I haven't heard it in their music.

So guys, have you paid your cultural reparations yet and listened to the latest Black Rapper Masterpiece (9/10 BNM on pitchfork) while repeating the phrase "black culture is real culture, they are poets and kangz" to yourself when doing so?

I honestly don't get Sup Forums's obsession with rap -- especially when they made fun of the white kids that bought NWA albums in the 90's when they're the modern day equivalent

because who cares if some dude from new york was a homophobe in 1995? the music sounds good and it don't matter

this is like saying "if killing people is wrong why are you listening to sutcliffe jugend"

OP you're an idiot if you're not baiting

>killing people

Murder and war are the ways of the world. There is no possible way there could ever be true peace.

they're too dumb for art music and liking base uninspired black people music scores you virtue signaling points. it's a disguised form of racism. they realize black people can't do better so they're embracing the moronity with a crooked half-smile and irony, it's sickening

HELL yeah dude
kill em all


Excuse his autism
He's talking about himself

Here we go again

crooked half-smiles, irony, distance and cultural pestilence. Hey dude have you heard the latest It's positively u h banging slapping

name ten non-homophobic black rappers

Members of Souls of Mischief
Members of De La Soul
Members of the Jungle Brothefs
Members of Digable Planets
Members of Shabazz Planets
Members of Tribe Called Quest
Members of Brand Nubian
Members of KMD
Sel the Funkee Homosapia

All of them from the 90s when being homophobic was cool

>tribe called quest

not going to bother with the rest because you clearly don't know what you're talking about

this is the only OC of mine that ever stuck and i am proud

>I let my music dictate my political opinions
why do autists do this? Are you really this fucking stupid?

Vic Mensa
Lil B
A$AP Rocky
Shabazz Palaces
Andre 3000
Big Boi
Tyler, the Creator
Jay Z
Kanye West
Fat Joe

... several rappers who are LGBT+ themselves (Cakes Da Killa, LE1F, etc.)

>Adam and Steve
Wow why do people think these guys are good again?


Why does everything have to be a moral dillema

Homophobia is wrong, but that doesn't mean you have to be a pussy faggot and change the way you do things to not hurt people's feelings

and btw saying faggot on the internet isn't homophobic

Because young white suburban males think it gives them "street cred".

Because they made good music, dumbass.

You shouldn't be

>Lil B
>Kanye West

Lil B: "If Kanye West Dosent Acknowledge Me Over Twitter And Work With Me On Music, When i see him im going to fuck him in the ass"

Are you calling rap music gay

cause i agree

What's wrong with this?

ok so...............................

he has still had several verses advocating for marriage equality and has shown his continued support for LGBT people. Don't nitpick. You know that times are changing and hip-hop is becoming much more accepting of homosexuality.

Pretty sure Andre had a line about how disgusted he was about girls going lesbian in one song buy I don't remember too well. Either way, I hear homophobia in rap music all the time, it doesn't particularly bother me but if I were gay it might be worse. I do think it's hypocritical that people call out artists all the time for this kind of shit (hell, some guy from Deafhaven got roasted over an old-ass tweet containing the word "faggot"a couple years ago) but nobody ever feels like jumping on Future's ass. In an ideal world, of course, nobody would make such a big deal over this shit.

Andre has had homophobic lyrics in the past, but since then, he's apologized and has publicly voiced support for the gay community

It can be a little bit disturbing, but as someone who grew up being black and gay, I realized that homophobia was a big part of hip hop, but that is changing. I don't think it's a big deal and I've learned to tolerate it.

Though I think the hypermasculinity and homophobia is a problem, I think it's unfair to dismiss music that you may otherwise like for containing these things. If you can tolerate it, you might be able to get past it and see something that you like in it.

I also want to add that a lot of the homophobia in the black community is caused by the influence of prison culture, the hypermasculine gender roles, and the influence of the church, since the church was the center of the civil rights movement. I think that now that the influence of the church is declining and we are moving forward in general, a lot more people are starting to be more accepting of homosexuality across cultures.



>homo phobia
>phobia -fear of

Idk about you guys but I'm not scared of gays

I just don't like them

:^) tru

How are rape threats homophobic?

Hate against gays comes out of ignorance, and that ignorance is caused by you being too scared to come out of your little shell you call your life and actually figuring out how the world works.

You mask your insecurity in alt-rightism and homo-hate.

Oh I've liked hip-hop for years, I've never dismissed any music for homophobia, I've just noticed a lot of it and think it would be silly to deny that it exists, especially in a world where you can't even go to a Young Thug video on youtube without the comment section consisting of "faggot ass dress wearing nigga" x1000. I'm not OP or anything, I just chimed in because I see it as sort of hypocritical when lots of artists can essentially be lynched over nothing and when it looks like an almost tacit "yeah but this white indie rocker should know better, unlike those silly rappers" I find it rather offensive, or dare I say "problematic."

I'm a liberal, first of all
Second, It's not hate or fear. I live near tons of gays, probably more than you

I won't fire someone just because they are gay, but I won't be their friend either

and I will never think they are normal

>argumentum ad current annum

I just can't understand how an intelligent person can think gay people aren't "normal", probably in the same way you can't understand people can be gay.

homophobia is nowhere near as rampant in rap now as it was 10 years ago

Well, they aren't "normal," most likely, and neither are you to some degree I'm sure. I have so friends that turned out to be gay I've long since stopped thinking of them any differently, and I know some guys who have been with girls so hideous they might as well be a whole separate sexually orientation.

I don't mind homophobia as long as it doesn't become violent and you treat homosexuals as equals if you don't like gay people fine by me, it's your right nigga

*listens to rap music*

I can understand why people would be gay
Just like I can understand why people would be bronies

it's still weird and I find the "homo-culture" to be self-destructive. I know gays that act like normal people, but they are in the minority of a minority

hip hop was a reaction to manhattan disco to begin with


What's wrong with that? We all desire our complete and total annihilation.

>implying all hip-hop is homophobic

name two homophobic hip-hop songs that aren't be DMX or A Tribe Called Quest

Alright man, you don't seem like a retarded homo-hater. I agree with you that things like the gay parade are self-destructive, it hinders equality, because there is no parade for hetero's either.

You can't judge gays by that very small vocal minority however. The "gay-culture' as you know it is as prominent as the "hetero-culture". It's too generalizing.

what about the black, gay, and transgendered men?

>Members of Brand Nubian
>Lord Jamar
>not homophobic

if this is b8 I fell hard

>implying I listen to rap music

>implying rap is music

> it hinders equality, because there is no parade for hetero's either
Are you retarded?
Hetero pride isn't necessary
That shit is shoved in everyone's face
With books, films, music videos, etc
Even in public so get the fuck out with that bullshit