Are you fucking kidding me? No Grimes thread?
Are you fucking kidding me? No Grimes thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
That user forgot to add Grimes in the first post... Not cool: those that don't wanna see her threads can't filter them and those that wanna see them can't find them with ctrl f.
fuck you
I found a pornstar lookalike to grimes. She's called Ashley Ableton
I mean Ashley Alban
Since Montie is dealing with a 1 day ban he sent me to say "grimes is shit and appropriates eastern culture"
Post-Grimes exhaustion. Didn't get home and into bed until 5am
Was this meant to be a music production joke?
Prove it :^)
What a jerk. It's like he's trying to be the most annoying trip-idiot ever.
Nice t-shirt.
based tripper
That is him. Ban evasion, you know what to do...
>Was this meant to be a music production joke?
Haha no, I fucked up the name. It's Ashley Alban
Where'd you get the shirt from
Saw her and Hana live last night. Got it there
I never heard of HANA til last night but now I rly want to fuqq her
Yeah she's kinda hot desu.
That song Avalanche is gr8 too
i luv grimes but her set was barely an hour long :(
are they always that short or is it cuz she's sick
Grimes is arty shit. She doesn't really do anything cool or interesting, she's just obnoxious manufactured p4k crap
M E M E ' D
E '
my friend.
the apostrophe really shoulda had a line of its own...
yea, i kno, autism
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Not only that she started way before P4K wrote a line about her, but she did it mostly by herself with a little help from some of her friends (to learn music software) and her indie label Arbutus that signed her.
>Really, the most important thing is eliminating self-doubt. This is basically impossible for me, but I've found that if I act like a boss, I can convince myself that I am a boss when I need to be one. I copy things that I've seen politicians and actors do; I make eye contact with people; I try to keep my shoulders back and my head high; I gesticulate wildly and sometimes take long pauses (silence can be very intimidating). I try to act like I'm powerful, onstage and off. I am often treated with disrespect, but I respond as respectfully as I can, because it makes trolls look stupid when you don't stumble. As time has gone by, I've noticed that the crappy people have been phasing out and I'm surrounded more and more by people I trust, and with whom I share mutual respect—which, by the way, breeds real confidence.
still shit m8, ugly af too
She's not ugly, she's beautiful, she even has it tattooed on her hand to remind h8ers.
For wanting to use filters and search how they should be used?
You: a sad fat bastard neet telling Grimes she's ugly? Delusional.
Ignore that autist.
>implying im sad
>implying im fat
>impying im neet
why is this the same answer anytime anyone calls grimes ugly? she's just ugly m8
Yes I imply that. Prove me wrong, you sad fat ugly neet.
So... how did she do at Glastonbury? I can only find one vid and it's not too bad.
Any britfags who aren't hiding in their council houses or hoarding their dole checks because of Brexit care to share if you were there?
Honestly, Grimes was fantastic at Glasto. Much better than Coachella. I loved every second. This may interest you:
laughing and not being normal
Flesh Without Blood
Venus Fly
Be a Body
Ave Maria
World Princess Part II
Kill V. Maim
Also you can watch her perf. on the BBC site, but you need a VPN if you're not from the UK:
not gonna post a pic for you m8, sorry
why are you so in love with this trash?
you get so irrationally pissed off at someone calling her ugly, but she doesn't even know you exist
I'm in love with her music. You will never understand that.
>you get so irrationally pissed off at someone calling her ugly, but she doesn't even know you exist
Because I can't stand neets like you talking trash about one of my favorite artists, especially if it's clear that those neets are completely wrong.
Now that you finished laughing, get the fuck out of here.
youre a tough guy
Thanks and thanks.
For you
>that nu-male fag at the end
the performance and the place and lighting were nice though
Is Visions your favorite Grimes album?
no im ON GP ride rn
Post your first experience listening to grimes
>visions being posted on Sup Forums
>on a whim download it and put it on my music player
>go on a drive through apple orchards to lake Ontario on a late summer day blasting it in my car
anyone else notice her nipples are visible in a lot of shots?
>fucking some slag at her place
>hear some music on computer
>"what is this? its pretty good"
>"its mine, im a musician"
I don't think I liked her music that much when I first heard it. It was a gradual thing. Little by little her music became essential to me.
Shame that so many give up quickly and don't have any patience to get into her music.
Surprise, a woman has nipples. How old are you?
Rude. Delete this.
You're kidding, right?
Grimes has beautiful petite breasts.
It's a given.
>listen to Visions
>cover makes me expect Death Metal
>whisper singing over Casio presets
>laugh in derision
>put Xeno & Oaklander back on
>implying that Xeno & Oaklander are better than Grimes
Step up your game. Xeno & Oaklander are good but far from Grimes's excellence. There's a reason why people are talking about Grimes way more than X&O: better music.
yes. i used to like art angels better, but all the tracks on visions really grew on me
>whisper singing over Casio presets
>implying that Grimes used Casio synths
>implying that Grimes used Casio presets
>implying that Xeno & Oaklander didn't use Casio presets
Here's X&O whisper singing over Casio presets:
Seriously, Xeno & Oaklander are way more basic than Grimes. I'm assuming you're just trolling.
Damn. That was really good. Where do I start with these?
Whats wrong with Casio and presets?
You're right. There is a reason why a bunch of young white guys online will not shut the fuck up about Grimes.
It is because she is their waifu. That's it. Everything else is secondary.
I liked their album Par Avion the most. Sets & Lights is also nice.
>It is because she is their waifu. That's it. Everything else is secondary.
Explain why so many called Grimes ugly. Sorry buddy, you can't rely on this argument. It must be music.
Try to find one. Just one thread about Grimes that is not just a buch of pictures of her coupled with retarded hyperbole about she is "the best at music ever".
Gee... I wonder why people keep talking about her.
And btw, since when the Grimes fans listen to her image? How much could you talk about image when there are lots of attractive girls, but talentless? They like her because her music is great.
>The more I looked at, jerked off to and spammed her pictures... the more I began to like her music.
it's very sad that we can never have a grimes thread without people sexualizing her. she would be disappointed
Grimes is O B J E C T I V E L Y shit compared to literally anyone in k-pop
This fact is irrefutable.
because ugly losers think they got a chance with flawed girl as in "one of us" almost
She talks and acts too much like a rebellious teenager while almost reaching her 30's. I cannot take her or her music seriously.
I also can't take her whole "girl power" bullshit seriously because of that, especially when her other lady friends are just as talented or even more talented than her, but they don't stand out as much because they're not "quirky" or "weird" like her, even though that quirkiness is just the normal attitude or a teenage girl trying to act quirky for the sake of being different and getting attention.
HANA, for example, is a much better singer, but will never get as much attention as Grimes.
Grimes is overrated and just boring. She's just another hipster girl, but got far because she comes off as weird to most people.
Damn. They have a new album out. Topiary.
Didn't even know... thanks Grimesfags.
Alpha as fuck
>absurd scenario
>even more absurd
>implying that kpop shit is even nearly as good as the worst grimes song
why don't you judge her based on her music?
You're welcome. I listened to it a couple of times already. Underrated band. Honestly, not as good as Grimes.
>There’s a psychology to success. I was reading all these biographies and watching documentaries about people who are successful. It seemed like the only thread amongst everybody is that unflinching, “Yes, I can do this and I am the best.” It’s a personal rhetoric that you can develop. Like, if you go and tell journalists, “I’m the future of music,” then people start printing that. So I’m just going to tell everyone I’m making the future of music. I’M GOING TO FORCE THE SITUATION TO HAPPEN.
>tfw Claire is shaping my masculinity and will turn me into a real man
Thank you Mr. Grims
what is the most underrated grimes song? i really like colour of moonlight
Not even the most delusional Grimes fan can refute this point.
Claire is inspiring.
Some of Grimes bonus tracks such as Ambrosia or Angel. Also her EP Lethe and lots of collaborations, like Dream World with Majical Cloudz.
>Feeling no emotion
>Step into the ocean
>Now my mind is everywhere
>And drowning is the only thought I have
She would be more respected if people knew how upset they can make her, people think reserving this part of yourself is a strength but it's really not.
She's always defending herself in some aggressive terms, though. Feeling sympathetic or sorry makes people extremely decent, they would start to feel how they should.
I like her aggressiveness. I can relate to her. Be nice with nice people and aggressive with nasty people. Fair enough.
They don't even bother replying to that obvious bait. There is discussion ITT, with Youtube links and everything. Put on your glasses if you don't see it.
>Not even the most delusional Grimes fan can refute this point.
That's because there is no point to refute. Even this thread serves has many prime examples of far more than just those two things going on.
Hana is a nice girl, but let's be real, she's not as good as Grimes. Her vocals aren't as good as Grimes. Proof: her singing backing vocals of Butterfly at Coachella. She ruined the song. If you can't take Grimes seriously, your loss. I'm sure she will not miss your support.
A fairly regular Vancouver kid, with interests like anime, Harry Potter and Mariah Carey, it was during her adolescence that, as Garossino puts it, “something very strange happened.”
“She changed into some kind of super-brain, exploring the internet all the time.”
Teenage Boucher’s obsessions ranged from space travel, to the twelfth-century composer Abbess Hildegard von Bingen, to Russian existentialist lit. She crushed so hard on Dostoyevsky that she even flew to St. Petersburg to attend an intensive Russian immersion.
But as with Grimes’ music, Boucher preferred autodidactism. Garossino recalls hearing Boucher teach one of Chopin’s nocturnes to herself, bar by bar. But only through the wall—at the time, Boucher had too much stage fright to even play the piano in front of her mother.
“Something that people don't understand about Claire is her searing intellect and focus,” Garossino said. “Whenever you think you've figured her out, she's already three moves ahead. Things are never what they seem.”
Her mother related how at McGill, the wunderkind wanted to take physics, but couldn’t stand introductory courses. Instead, Boucher entered higher-level classes and studied the prerequisite material at the same time. “She would nearly kill herself studying—surviving on almost no sleep for weeks at a time.”
“And that's how she makes music today. In long, solitary blasts of blistering intensity.”
HANA has a great voice, but her music is nowhere fucking near as good.
If we were talking about most pop you could go entirely on vocal prowess, not when they make the music as well though
Crystal Ball
i was excited for this until i realized it was a fucking uke
if you can play guitar play a goddamn guitar
I love you user, been looking for this for like 3 days.
Thanks to the reddit friends. Subscribe to /r/Grimes if you don't wanna miss anything related to her.
Ambrosia is one of my top Grimes songs. Very underrated!
I don't agree with her, I used to do that 2 years ago until I realized I percieved myself as others saw me 24/7. which is not good, you kind of lose your sense of identity
It depends on the person. Not all advices work for everyone.
yes, maybe
but, for example, her converting herself "characters" to perform live:
she convinces herself to be "grimes" when she performs, and says she couldn't do it if she was "claire boucher". she's just pushing away her anxieties by deceiving herself, can that be healthy?
but maybe I'm wrong, I could never convince myself to be another person now, really, I'm too self-conscious for that
closing it up, I think it's an alright thing to do if she needs to perform live, but always if she focuses on her actual self and solving her problems when not performing. I don't know if she does that
Grimes is a character. Claire it's just too shy to be herself on stage. That's why she avoids encores: she can barely deal with her anxieties. Being Grimes, it allowed herself to be as wild as her imagination. Watch her Glastonbury concert: that's her without inhibitions.
yes, I said that on the post you replied to, but my concern is this one
>I think it's an alright thing to do if she needs to perform live, but always if she focuses on her actual self and solving her problems when not performing. I don't know if she does that