Edm isn't good

>edm isn't good

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But it isn't OP

lol, was this an attempt to prove someone wrong, because you failed, horribly

Listen to this EP and tell me EDM isn't music

I never said it isn't music

Just that it isn't GOOD music, most of the time

This ep is an exception

this is probably the worst album cover i've seen in my life what the fuck

That's what I'm thinking.
Looks like kingdom hearts

It's not an album. It's an EP

i have a soft spot for edm since i make electronic music and the production value of a lot of it is really insane but Savant is pure fedora-core, and that cover just makes it worse

if you want edm that isn't pure bullshit listen to:


or anything by FlyLo

Savant sure as fuck isn't good


Retarded faggot alert

>listens to savant
>uses "retarded" and "faggot" as insults

and they say summerfags are just a myth

how embarrassing, this is shit


muh chiptune ghghuruhrurr durrrr

It's a masterpiece imo

sorry that you're wrong then. savant just regurgitates edm tropes until they die and now he's riding the chiptune money wagon. how does it feel to be a mindless slut for substanceless trash?

>Savant sure as fuck isn't good
Agreed. EDM isn't my "main" genre but I still love to find new stuff where I can and this EP is just embarrassing shit.

>mfw I genuinely really like chiptune
>mfw this shit and fedora memes is what people think of when I mention that
god damn it

anything influenced by anime can not be good

not the EP i would have chosen to make this point but okay

honestly i get the sentiment but this EP in particular is oversaturated tripe


the least thoughtful form of edm production there is. it's just fidget bullshit for teenagers

this thread

why, because we don't like your garbage? i guess taste is 'edgy' now

listen to sweet trip or depreciation guild if you want chiptune without the "yeah I'm a gamer..." tag that goes along with it

Honestly I'd rec Anamanaguchi but I don't know what they've done recently

My Skateboard Will Go On is a top track tho

Listen to C-jeff and Disasterpeace

already have sweet trip and anamanaguchi. will probably check out deprecation guild though, so thanks
already love a bunch of the stuff off of ubiktune, it's a great label
tend to prefer stuff more like zan-zan-zawa-veia and shnabubula though


savant is literally autistic

>will probably check out deprecation guild though, so thanks
yeah, they're pretty decent

I'm sure there's other chiptune fusion shit out there but I've never really looked all that hard

oh shit, I've actually heard this before. thanks for reminding me to put that in my backlog then

all good

wow this is horrible damn

>he likes savant

This album art is atrocious