Canada, explain this shit

>“We define transability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by other people to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment,” says Alexandre Baril, a Quebec born academic who will present on “transability” at this week’s Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities at the University of Ottawa.

What a time to be alive

You could post this pic literally daily. A hundret times. What a great place the world has become...
I blame no one but anglos.

>BIID may become something we treat by letting doctors chop off limbs
fuck this gay earth

if anything this just proves that all this time i've been right when comparing trannies to people with BIID

It's exactly the same thing and there is no difference whatsoever between the argument and reasoning for trannies and BIID or otherkin.

the fuck is that and why haven't i heard of it before

This thread is confusing

it's the "i don't feel right inside my body so i should chop something off" disease

It's fucked up this isn't being treated as a mental disorder if real, but are you sure this isn't the alt right echo box picking on some fucking fringe nutjob? The cases in Germany/Switzerland sound more like paraphilia.

That's crazy. Why would a doctor cut off their limbs instead of treating their craziness

uuuhhhhh yo no hablo ingles?

doctors can't legally do it, so they tend to destroy their limbs to the point where the doctors HAVE to do it

Has this always been around or is it a modern phenomena?

probably has always been around in some form, but no real research seems to have been done on it

and if that guy in the OP succeeds, there certainly won't be as there will be a push to accept it as "normal"

>30 years ago transhumanism meant making us superhumans via biomechanical surgery
>today transhumanism is pretending to be a whale because you need a safe space
fuck this shit im buying a gun

I thought no doctor would want to do it since it will violate their Hippocratic oath?
Oh, well. Its their limb so whatever, but fuck that.

>I thought no doctor would want to do it since it will violate their Hippocratic oath?
that doesn't explain sex change operations

i think the eugenics bullshit was right and was not really bullshit.
everyday i see the west i get enlightened on whats wrong with humanity, thank you western civilization for sacrificing yourself to show the world what is wrong with them.


You cannot judge us, filipinos are the most powerful race. It's unfair to compare.

>Have amputee fetish
>Only people who willingly become amputees are psychotic and basically otherkin SJWs
>People who are amputees and aren't batshit are amputees because of a terrible traumatic accident they wouldn't like me getting hard at the results of

I feel uncomfortable in my natty body. Why are steroids illegal? I only want to be the muscley gorilla I was meant to be.

Who gives a shit what some University """""""academic"""""""" says? and since when do they speak for entire countries?

It's fun how """""""progressive"""""""" can be some people.

Social """""science""""" will bring a second dark age.