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International #670
Sverigetråden - Falla av upplagan
Has anyone here tried teaching English in Turkey?
Do you like the direction your country is headed?
Be german
Why does Sup Forums hate the soviet union so much?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This is a English site, use English only!
What are the best and worst posters on Sup Forums?
ESP /esp/ Hilo Español
Can indian male even get laid?
Why are gooks so bad at banter?
Does Poland really look like this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Fly to America for fully paid Aspen skiiing holiday
Wtf i want a jewish gf now
Is being a handsome Asian dude the god-tier way to get White women Sup Forums?
How do Russians feel about the way they're portrayed in video games?
How do we make Russia great again?
Watching the american election
When was the last time you ate pussy?
Would you have sexual intercourse with a Quebec girl?
Is there structural racism in your country ? In France, clearly, the colonial past is still very strong...
What's your country's excuse for still not purchasing the formidable F-35 5th generation stealth fighter?
Int, explain Bulgarian elections to me. What's going on?
WAT WUZ U Sup Forums?
Show us your city, Sup Forums!
Are the european countrysides actually as comfy as depicted in magazines and shows?
/fr/ - le francofil
12:24am on a Monday. Little bored and on a small vacation. This really is true though...
Whichsmartphonedo you like better,iPhoneor XPERIA?
Australia will surpass Norway's HDI next year and gain our rightful position as #1
Your country
Countries you want(dream) of moving to
Madam President
Why are non-whites so bitter about Trump?
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ Canada, US, Mexico
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Your country
Do you agree with this?
Trips decideds who I vote for. If quads, I write in Jeb Bush
Why is chile so perfect?
Why do brits shower with flip-flops on?
Roll ITT. Last digit is the number of days you can't beat off
Is it true other countries, even nice Europeans, hate America? Why ;_;
/cum/ Canada United Sates Mexico
Panama Appreciation Thread
Germans kill Rome
Parents doesnt knock at the door
Name a city within the red line that deserves to exist
Chinese vs Japanese
Aussies vs. Kiwis
Before the war, what did you think of this country?
(∩`-´)⊃━゚.*・。゚ =~~/MENA/ + /Ummah/
Americans are actually going to elect Hillary because the media told normies he was a racist and a bigot and the...
We Japanese support Hillary
/nachtschicht/, ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
I intend to drive from Frankfurt to Zurich next month. thoughts?
/ita/ - il filo
Post attractive politicians from your country
Which one is master of Fast food?
Who would win in a war?
Le /Fr/ancofil
Why don't people respect Americans? We are the world's elites by every conceivable metric
The greatest nation on earth. All you meme countries don't even bother replying because you won't be taken seriously...
Tell me about Asian women
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
You wake up
1. your country
Do you like Dominican girls?
How do I get a gf?
Was there a heavy antirussian sentiment in Finland before WW2?
Tea or coffee user?
Fuck these guys
How does an individual escape poverty in America?
Message to Yanks: regardless of who wins the election, know this. You are not welcome to Canada...
Sverigetråden - Lillasysterupplagan
I lik spen do yu lik
Free healthcare is a scam
/v4/ + /balt/
Hilo latino /lat/
Finland's borders trigger my autism
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Tfw Sup Forums and Sup Forums made me hate being a nigger
What time you go to bed?
Americanski, do you really think you can beat THIS in war?
Why wouldn't you date an american woman?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why am I always alone?
How do you say " chile " in your language ?
Ask A Turk everything you ever wanted to know about Germany (as long as I know the answer)
Tfw you will never live in an alternate universe where the nazis win
/balt/ + /ausnz/
I guess I'm too influenced by american culture and getting sick of it...
Sup Forums Cup
Why are people of african descent so much better at dancing than people of european descent?
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Everyday Meals
You're a cunt
Your country
/fr/ - Fil de la France
To be considered white you need to have
What is Sup Forums about? Politics not allowed here, history neither, there are other boards for food and travel
Tfw you understand that you are not white
Does your country have different accents? what's objectively the best one and the worst one?
Sverigetråden - För svenskar och brödrafolk
What's the best general of Sup Forums and why is it /ita/?
2 more days
/ita/ - Il Filo
Which country needs Jesus the most
Aska A German everything you ever wanted to know about Germany (as long as I know the answer)
Faces of Sup Forums
Average quebec girl
1. you're cunt
Within the next 5 years the United States will be in possession of the world's 4 most powerful rockets
Why are Brazilian drivers so shit?
/deutsch/ - Bunte Ausgabe
/cp/ Culture Pals
1. you're a cunt
Tfw I was born to a Danish truckdriver and an Italian prostitute
Eastern europe
Ask me anything
You wake up in Roman London
Poland Appreciation Thread
What happens here?
/mämmi/-JOJO painos
How to say "Nygga' in your country? Here, in Brazil we say "makako"
Embarrassing battles thread
Describe Europe in 50 years with one photo
Google "[your country] is" and post results
There are girls browsing Sup Forums RIGHT NOW
I want Japansese School Morals
1. Your cunt
What will it take for you to stop being racist and start respecting other cultures, Sup Forums? Yes...
Post some flag bearers
/deutsch/ uezs
Could something like a European Federation ever work?
/urban/ + /architecture/
/fr/ - Fil de la France
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Peoples of the Caucasus - Reminder
Kurva anyátok
/ita/ - il filo
ITT: We create Sup Forums's language
What countries have the most interesting history?
That one edgy kid who refused to pledge allegiance to the flag
ITT: Sup Forums in 218 AD
Wow, really makes you think huh?
I'm gonna visit Finland, stand near them while waiting for the bus, then engage in small talk on the bus
/ita/ il filo
ITT: Celebrities from your country you want to punch in the face the most
Be 28 year old Italian
Is it true that Americans keep their toothpicks in the fridge?
Americans drink this
*Teleports behind you*
Your age
What happens in the blue part?
A lot of koreans want to leave korea and they want to stay in sweden or europe. Can you advise to korean?
Brasil > India
What do judges look like in your country?
Post McDonald's menus that can order only in your country
There are """""people""""" on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who have never seen snow irl
Are there any good countries wherein the majority of the population is black or Latino?
/ausnz/ /balt/
Who contributed more to humanity?
Be a Fenno-Swedish with very poor Finnish speaking skills
Anyone notice in Asian countries like Japan and Korea there is absolutely nothing for Adults on television or films...
Lmao semitic Y-J2 Chechen got triggered yesterday...
/ita/ - il filo
Why are continental Europeans so upset that Britain has chosen to leave the EU?
/asean/ - Memikirkan tentang YOU
Bleack Sea boardering countrys. How is Black Sea beach? And how touristy is it...
I really wish chinks wouldn't speak on behalf of real australians I don't give a fuck about refugees send them to the...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Romanians, what is the general opinion on the Romani in your country?
What's with the anglo obsession with leaves?
Birth rate is rising in Japan
2 more days
You know Germans you don't have to be this way anymore right?
What happens here?
/fr/ - le fil de la France
Why do Europeans look gay?
Sitting in train
Why European pan-nationalism only comes in it's left-wing socialist form?
Why don't greeks flush the toilet paper?
Blue Eyes
Hilo latino
What's up with South Korea these days?
What's your country's excuse for still not having an aircraft carrier?
Willkommen in Walhalla oder auch /deutsch/
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /natasha/
Americans don't know fries are meant to go with mayonnaise
On a scale from 1 to UK, how cucked does traffic get in your country when the first snow hits?
What do you think about South America?
Post your Spurdo Spärdes
One day we gonna be brothers again
Why don't people living in low temp places like Northern Europe and Scandinavia catch colds...
American Butthurt
Celebrate genetic diversity!
What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you see this flag?
Americans are sleeping, post the best American image / webm you have
How do you deal with embarassment in your country ?
Why are Russian men so much more manly than other """""whites"""""?
Your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Don't you want to one day get married and take care of your wife and kids?
>no /flag/tism thread
I-i dedicate this thread to norway
/kor/ - 한국어 제너럴
Whydoes football soccer popular everywhere except in the US?
Why haven't you moved to the Kamchatka peninsula yet?
Why are mediterranean girls so beautiful ?
Kurva anyátok
/cum/ - Crimea, Ukraine, Moldova
What is the best and most logical language that everyone should speak as a second language and why is it Esperanto?
Tourism by country:
Who /nightwalk/ here?
Sverigetråden - Kattflickeupplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Yfw Germany is trying to save itself by acting more Australian
New Worlders, what do you think of the European country that colonized you?
What are some untranslatable words in your native language?
ITT:We roast the country above you
Tfw have crippling chronic depression and haven't received treatment for it in many years
Your country
What are the significant second languages in your country, Sup Forums?
Poland is the best country in the world and you LITERALLY can't prove me wrong
Thinking about going to Argentina for vacation
I want to thank Nippon for enriching us with this beautiful piece of art
Why are Jews the most intelligent race?
How do Hispanics do it? Seriously?
Which country has the best fast food and why is it Canada?
How do I un-sour sour skittles...
Safest countries in the world
I'm so horny for trapsssssss
This is a Cambodian man
What country do you think will be the new super power after America
Short hair girls
Why are rich people so tall? I'm pretty poor but I eat healthy, I get exercise, I've had good health and health care...
Ahmed is my slave name
Some Brazilian favelados are blasting this right now somewhere near my apartment...
Donald Trump confirmed safe after security scare in Reno, NV
Know-it-all weeaboos' misunderstanding about Japan
/nachtschicht/ ehem. /deutsch/
Jew here. What's the difference between Christianity and Mormonism?
Chicano Thread
What the fuck is this place?
What did the americans contribute to humanity?
Faces of Sup Forums
H-hey Canada, would you take me in after the election?
Post countries you've been to
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Your country
Rate me by the westerner's standards
German """""""""cartography""""""""""
What makes the red man red?
Are men in your country masculine or feminine?
1. Your cunt
Swedes will cease to exist in your lifetime
Is called the United States of America
You wake up in Montenegro
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
I fixed Europe
You wake up in Whitehorse
This would make the world a better place
Italian wine
/cum/ Mexico Canada United States
Why has America allowed for shit like this?
/fr/ - four de /fr/rance
Reminder usa dont make the same mistake
Could i pass as local in you're country??
Do you think the West is doomed or are we on the precipice of a comeback?
Explain yourself right now Mexico!
/NATO/ Countries General
Itt: pics from your phone
What is the weather like in your cunt right now? It's 12:10 here and it's pic related. pretty surreal
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why do Italian men kiss each other when they greet?
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Mudslimes in Amsterdam piss me off
Does Moldova control it actually or are they totally autonomous ?
Hey poles and other euro anons
When people say word "scandinavia" they think of all nordic countries except iceland because we is a lonely island
You wake up in the International Space Station
Is there still a lot of work for English teachers in Russia? Do I really need a university degree to get hired...
Are any of you from one of this countries?
Is there a place in your country where you can escape people ?
Are there American themed restaurants in your country?
What country is best if I want rural lifestyle ?
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
What places would you show me in your country, if I were to stay at your place for a week?
Mexico is shit, poor and third world
/ita/ - Il Filo
Canada will be annexed
Welcome: Russians and friends of Russia
Is brazilian portuguese the most beautiful romance language?
User I'm bored
Do you like Portugal? I like Portugal
Poland has existed for 700 years
What do you think about french posters ?
Ywn live in a multicultural society
/fr/ - Fil de /fr/ance
Why are Germans so BASED?
/Mena/ = Middle East and North Africa
Why is Poland so shit? And why they want to stay shit?
You wake up in Auschwitz
Culture Pals /cp/
What happens on a first date in your country?
What do you think about Czechs?
How far do you agree?
How's trump viewed in your country?
Why do Australians AGGRESSIVELY make out with their homosexual children in public?
/tr/ - Warning: Graphic Edition
Be honest, how often do you shower during the winter, int?
Foreigners who have visited Spain:
What is your country's of the White House?
Chinese guy told me that white people are like black americans for asian people
What are you listening to right now?
Average american does not know the french prime minister
Would you interbred with a Colombian girl?
This is a famous Spanish politician in France
Sverigetråden - Reformationsupplagan
Sverigetråden - Momiji-upplagan
This evening I eat Tartiflette
1. Your country
Is Finland a fat, less elegant (gay) version of Italy?
Is it true in American supermarkets you have to show your receipt before you leave?
Countries you want to learn more about
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /natasha/
I respect Germans as fuck for this game
Are French girls ugly
Save me from this shithole country Sup Forums its getting worse everyday
So it's finally Friday
Do you love Poland?
I don't feel one way or the other about you, Estonia
/fr/ - le fil des /fr/ancophones
Do European women like black American guys?
Really makes you think
Today is my name day and we gonna have party
How does one say "horse" in your language?
Legit question here
What are the most common names in your country, are stereotypical names really used there?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/ita/ - il filo
RISK thread
His country allows gay marriage
Kurva anyátok
This bitch said Lenin, Hitler and Mao Zedong are the same shit, which exploded asses of Russian patriots...
Turks are superior to us
What is the most irrelevant language in the world?
Am i white?
Go out
Why olive skinned girls are so beautiful?
Ask someone who pretends to be a CTR shill on Sup Forums and Sup Forums anything
Do Spaniards and Italians hate each other?
1.Your country
Don't work or pay taxes - lives off welfare instead
Which state of USofA are you considering moving to?
Countries with the best cinematography aside from USA? I'm gonna go with Russia and Japan as contenders
One of these 3 countries must be nuked until they glow
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
/PIE/ general
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Ur country
Does your country have beautiful scenery? Yes, Canada does
In your country, does the largest meal of the day come in the morning, the afternoon, or the evening?
Sverigetråden - måne upplagan
I lók at wurd and hap
/afr/ + /carib/
ITT: We praise Poland to death
If Finland is considered MONGOL because of LANGUAGE, why don't they just change their language to swedish?
Where's the vocaroo thread?
Dear muslim dudes
Now, Korea is finding democracy
/hell/ /gr/
ITT we post the most embarrassing war results
What's the worst country you have ever visited?
How come tourist maps are so comfy?
American racism against Finnish immigrants
Why do you hate Anglos? Jealousy?
Dear Greeks
Your window view-thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Who are the best posters from these lands?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Dutch Friends - how do you feel about this
What's it like being British?
*walks aggressively towards you*
Post churches/mosques/synagogoues/temples from your country
Koreaboos and weeaboos
Sandniggers of Sup Forums living in Europe how do you feel every time someone replies to you with "you have to go back"...
Post your favorite flags, historical or contemporary
He doesn't have fall with blue skies like in Southern Europe
Why are American memes so cringy?
Why does Amsterdam look so autistic? How are the people there living in such narrow houses?
When will Turkey give Ionia and East Thracia back to Greece?
Lol uk is cucked finland is based and white
Hilo Español - /esp/
Mfw Europe get colder during the global warming
Why don't people living in low temp places like Northern Europe and Scandinavia catch colds...
What are you think about the World after president Trump
You wake up in warsaw, poland
/maghrib/ white people edishan
What is the best;
Finns are germanic Slavs
Lmaoing at your dirty sunburnt shithole
Remember the millions of Balkan Turks who has got genocided and deported back in 1912
/fr/ - le fil francophone
Percentage of people living in the capital
Country with sluttiest women and why do turkish girls suddenly turn into whores when they go abroad
So when will Australia remove the union jack from their flag? Its about time boys
/ita/ - il filo
What does Sup Forums think of Manila...
Your country
I really hate latinos
Why are the southern parts of countries almost always worse than the northern parts?
Casually browsing
You wake up in Gdansk, poland
North American union when?
How are NEETs treated in your country?
What happens here?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How can non-latin women ever compete ?
Does your country have Nomikai? It's a drinking party which is basically mandatory to join for wagies in Japan...
Let's play?
Whites gentrify blacks to bring in more whites
Why are Arab women so beautiful? Is it their darker features?
Maybe this isn't the right place to ask...
You wake up in Nagasaki
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
This region has predicted or caused every major change in American political culture and history
ITT: We rate determine ethnicities based on pictures of our hand
Kurva anyátok
Hilo latino
Honestly what can America even do about the Mexico problem? They have to eventually let them become citizens right...
Sup Forumsernational alcohol
Post your town city flag
I just realized that Sup Forums is a perfect example of multiculturalism
Do you love Canada?
If any finn here gives me 300USDs i go to benis village and put a finnish flag somewhere
When will germans chimp out and try to destroy Europe again?
Whites will abandon mainland Europe in your lifetime
Pls chess thread
Sverigetråden - Natt2dupplagan
Why are koreans the only ones in Asia who can act and make decent films?
Why are slavs such shit drivers?
1. your cunt
This is a map if countries that has a rich history
Is Russia really homophobic?
Please visit South Korea
What do you think of the next President of the world?
Be dutch
I lik spein do yu lik
Canada, explain this shit
How chinese/indians men deal with the lack of women?
What's your most honest opinion on Colombia?
How do we save sweden from themselves?
Which countries are you -boo of?
Tell me something interesting Sup Forums. It can be about you, you're cunt, whatever
Post countries that you secretly like
R-Russia are you okay?
If Cascadia (Northwestern US and British Columbia) became an independent country how would relations be between your...
H-how are shy people treated in your cunt?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...