Short film funded by Mexican intellectuals tears Drumpf apart!
That was actually pretty good
Why are chicanos so butthurt towards Trump?
Seriously man, have you been sleeping under a rock for the whole election?
If all these US Mexicans being sent back are doctors, hot women and honest hardworkers, won't the wall make both the US and Mexico great again?
Why are they so mad? Everybody wins!
wtf is this
Why do Mexicans feel so entitled toward flooding other people's country?
Stay in your own shithole, thank you very much.
Trump told the truth.
He simply says you're really really bad migrants
What's wrong with that?
Change, don't cry and whine in front of cameras.
You're the ones fueling our country's ruin with your fucking addiction.
>thanks for your collaboration
its "cooperation" in this context you spics
because only dumb smelly white people care in which part of the world you live in
#noborders #1race
>More Mexicans leaving
That's not even true. It's also irrelevant. 20-40 million of you 4 foot tall, brown subhumans moved here during the past 2 decades. "140,000" means nothing now.
>his country is a shithole and has been a shithole for tens of thousands of years
>blames his rich neighbor
Take responsibility for your own shittiness. You are a perfect example for why Trump is right about Mexicans. Lazy, entitled, dumb.
Maybe to you Moor monkey. Looks more like a Michael Bay short film.
What was the meaning of this? Mexican doctors are bad? Trump will build a giant robot? Quetzalcoatl will return?
I see someone wants to hop the border ITT
Why do Mexicans even deny it?
You sent us your poorest and your dumbest people. We didn't get rich Mexicans. We didn't get "white" Mexicans. We didn't get middle class Mexicans.
We got the barely-human, illiterate, desperately impoverished Mexicans.
You can pretend that you're all doctors and engineers, but we all know what you have been endlessly pouring across our border.
an illegal migrant is already a criminal, by definition
surprisingly good
Yeah, it's 30 million plus LEGAL US citizens of Mexican ancestry, deal with it dumb fuck, and no, Mexicans are no longer migrating in net numbers and haven't done so in a decade, it's not irrelevant however much you anti-vaxxers, global warming denying creationist idiots like to ignore facts and reality.
You're nothing but an entitled piece of trash who's actually proud of his own ignorance, the reality is your shithole country is nothing but a lie built upon violence and greed.
Buen video
Which isn't the same as a rapist, a murderer or a drug dealer is it dumbass?
How do you even know those are Mexicans?
t-paco before hoping the border
No dumb fucking monkey, I'll be jumping no fucking borders
>LEGAL US citizens
The vast majority of Mexican-Americans are the descendants of undocumented migrants. As in, the people in this image have children, which are then US citizens.
The number of hispanics in this country jumped from like 5 million people in 1980 to almost 50 million people 20 years later. Our legal immigration rate is not nearly that high. The majority of spics in this country came from the children of illegal migrants.
>mexican intellectuals
wow thats very racist of you why are you calling me a monkey cant you see were not all monkeys
*posts graph
It is was a movie from Uruguay u retard
>bullying brazil
this. still shit though but funny
>the Canada of Latin America whining about Trump
Color me surprised.
I hate Mexico and Mexican people but a border wall is a fucking retarded idea and Trump is a dumb shit.
I didn't say that, did I?
You seem to be really angry and something that shouldn't concern you the least.
A country is sovereign over its own policies. Illegal Mexicans have to say on it. The very video is a very dishonest piece implying Mexicos illegals come to the US to act as doctors and hot women. Please.
Also it's very convenient to compare illegals to all native borns. I wonder if they compared illegals to white americans alone who are the actual people who vote.
> russian intellectual
That's a Salvadoran
Most of these look Central American as well
Cry me ariver, aren't you all about the law? Well then fucking respect it
Those are central american u stupid amerishit
We know Pablo, after all if you liked Mexico you would have stayed there.
>fucking gringo
>Trump is the racist one
Said mean things about the ones who flood America so they all took it personally.
The real reason is because tons of them have family in the US who soak up welfare checks or do menial labor work and send money to them, and they don't want the gravy train to stop.
Leaving aside it does concern us how our people get treated you seem to be missing the part about Trump wanting Mexico to pay for that dumb fucking wall and threatening economic war on us if we don't comply. Nevermind he means to force US corporations not to open pants here and raise fucking tariffs despite a signed treaty we are under no obligation to re-negotiate. Yeah, it shouldn't concern me in the least.
And you'd be surpised about what Chicanos have acomplisehd in the US, google judge Curiel.
>google the one person outta 50million
>we wuz doctor and engineers an shieettt
>for every gram of weed I buy fuels a Mexicunt's demise
feels good man
No man, most Mexicans do not, believe it or not I don't have a slave relative in the US sending me money so I can live in luxury.
If you really cared about border security or lived near the border, you'd know that a wall is just a colossal waste of time. We need to invade Mexico, and install a puppet dictator who will actually try fighting the cartels. Any other approach is like trying to put a bandaid on a severed artery.
Esta fue una mensaje para dunalt drumpf
na na na na na
3 more days till this shit ends, wew this is hard, it's just as if /stormfront/ and Sup Forums took over Sup Forums in these last few days.
it's not true though, mexicans are pretty based
no, dumbass, it's the one trump picked on, same as with the beauty queen, that's a reference to Alicia Machado who's not even Mexican, she's Venezuelan, you dumb asses are fucking uninformed idiots and yet want to debate this nonetheless.
Can't argue with you on that scumbag
>mexicans are pretty based
You already had a puppet in Calderón and it only made things worse.
literally me in the video
So? If you don't like the deal, get other economic allies. It's what everybody does. Russians aren't bitching because they get economic sanctioned by Europe. Why is Mexico? Because for some reason they and you feel entitled. You're not.
And you're seriously bringing up anedoctal evidence on one guy to represent all Mexican illegals?
I have no doubt not all Mexicans are undesirable trash. But that's why there are correct procedures on how to migrate into any country. So that a country has an ability to pick only Judge Curiels and not just about everyone.
Your shit country has leeched off the US for too long.
I can't fucking wait till NAFTA is destroyed and your criminal cousins are sent back.
The only thing Mexicans have done here is shit out anchor babies like fucking roaches and do their best to turn the US into Mexico 2.
That wall is going to be the least of your issues.
we need to legalize drugs and let Americans OD on them.
trump is retarded, and as someone currently serving he scares the shit out of me
>that much delusion contained in one post
WEW lad
> be amerifat
> playing life on first world easy++ mode
> try to get a job
> can't because an illiterate bean farmer took it and works twice as hard for half the wage
Your drugs are shit. Your weed is shit. Everything is Mexico is shit. Especially your bathroom after a sip of your water.
>be a beaner shitskin
>have menial slave job but is ugly as sin
no fucks given in that regard
are you confortable with Hillary's foreign policies involving Russia?
Trump will probably send you against some other desert people
Hillary wants to send you against Russians.
Of course it's the Jew Lena Dunham-looking bitch holding the sign.
can't tell about drugs, I'm not a druggie like you. The faster american drug addicts die the better my country will be.
>Mexican intellectuals
>surprisingly one of the best
Shut up you 5 foot 6 little bitch
> scared of Russians
Sand niggers defeated Russians pretty easily.
War with Russia would be a step down.
But the Russian government is bitching about it, you do realize /int isn't a forum in which actual diplomacy is conducted, don't you? We are so much not in control of what our government does our president actually met with trump, remember?
Also see you're fucking missing the point of that.
You people benefited the most from NAFTA burying our subsistence farmers and fucking fighting anything that implied fair competition, setting up quotas and monopolies, etc, So now that we are finally competing you want to go back on the deal? Perfect, as long as you fucking pay for our losses. Same as any other business deal jackass.
make me you inbred Cletus
>ODing on marijuana
nice meme
they beat you too
I assume you're memeing and not seriously thinking pitting two nuclear powers against each other a good idea...
t. cheap gringo couldn't afford a decent hotel
can't really tell, I'm not a degenerate like you familia.
Gringo isnt a race
honestly, the whole thing is shitty, but at least with clinton we are far less likely to see western military treaties diluted by rhetoric and perceived slights. I wouldn't be excited about a war with russia because I have friends who have immigrated to the US and they are all great people.
It is actually. It referred to the white settlers moving east after they'd sing a song that sounded like "gringo"
And you're missing the point of having controled borders.
That hurts my heart Pablo.
*west, not east
Come on, it's time to stop playing world police. Trump will sour international relations so you can go back to being isolated and everyone else can do what they want.
sorry :(
ITT: people unironically arguing /pol memes
There isn't going to be any war with russia if Hillary wins, she's not a moron who doesn't understand the concept of detente
It referred to the green uniforms of US soldiers in the Mexican American war. "Gringo" is what it sounded like when Mexicans yelled "Green, go!", telling them to leave. Any American is a gringo regardless of their race.
I love Spaniards. Gay Iberians pls come to California
>she's not a moron
[citation needed]
Bin Laden is dead nigga, we won
The russian is absolute joke
Most of their weapons and vehicles are garbage soviet handme downs. Their nuclear warheads would never make it to the US either, they'd be shot down or destroyed before they ever get into striking distance.
this beaner is right, NAFTA and TPP are huge net gains for the US. if we start messing around with this stuff in a big way countries that own US debt might open it up to be sold on the open market and really fuck our economic leverage. i realize some people lost their manufacturing jobs which sucks but in order for the economy as a whole to survive it has to change and adapt.
thank you for based tacos
literally WE
>the ''best'' special forces in the world literally lost a helicopter trying to land in a house with 3 guys and 8 women
>Their nuclear warheads would never make it to the US either, they'd be shot down or destroyed before they ever get into striking distance
y-yeah at least you'd guys would be safe...
we don't have to be world police to have strong international ties. isolationism is going to lead to another cold war.
60 years of peace and a happy resolution? Great.
It's okay. I guess.
do you know how many times both countries almost launched? it's amazing there's still civilization