Chicano Thread

Let's discuss all issues related to Chicanismo. We are proud of both our Mexican and American side. Feel free to ask questions. Other Spanish speakers, feel free to join the discussion.

Los chicanos somos orgullosos de nuestras raices Mexicanas, pero tambien del hecho que somos americanos. Por favor no se burlen de nosotros, hermanos hispanos.

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Tienes que volver.

Why do you have the cringiest MUH HERITAGE culture going on? Not even Italian Americans and their "DON'T MESS WITHE THE FAMILY!!1" bullshit is even as cringe

Chinga tu madre gitano asqueroso.

>spanish will be official language of US in my lifetime
>wh*tes will get slaughtered like pigs in US in next 5 years

So you Fennoswedes except you are Finns. Pretty sad actually.


Mexicans where im from make fun of chicanos.

the funny part they always try to set up their cali gangs here and get fucked up or locked up. Once their locked up they're fucked because its only people vs folks here. So they flip.


Hey bro, how's it going?


Hermano del sur! Como van las cosas en nuestra tierra natal?

>tfw half mexican
>live in canada
>cant speak spanish
disculpe primo, i failed all of you


Vendido! Malinchista!

>mfw I can understand every word without using Google translate

>this thread
you are more cringy than /mena/

Ahi vamos señor, con las broncas de siempre, mas que nada preocupados por que ya terminen de enterrar al pendejo ese


I unironically enjoy the fact that the US will be a majority non-white country within my lifetime.

im seriously planning on leaving this place, my father had to go back to mexico when i was around 8, i didnt get to speak spannish after this and thats how i ended up not speaking a word of it after 12 year without practicing, but i started relearning it recently.

>tfw no hand-cutting vigilantes to protect you

When will the USA be known as Estados Unidos de America all around the globe?

>Hay chicanos en este hilo ahora mismo
no te creo que seas chicano pero...
Hola. Explicame de ser chicano en este ambiente.
Como se siente ser chicano aca?
Los estereotipos son mentiras o que?
its ogre




just go the fuck back if you love it so much faggots

what do you call a 1st gen Mexican in america?
is that what a chicano is?

Why on earth why? My chi friend visits family there and talks about dudes in armored trucks with machine guns mounted driving around and bullets falling from the sky.


>what do you call a 1st gen Mexican in america?
Mexican immigrant.

Chi's are ones born in america, though they're more associated with 2nd gens infamously.

in canada? because we dont have this in quebec


Based Brazilbro gets it.

THIS ONE IS FOR RONALDO TRANS............................

Pues si wey la neta que estoy exagerando un poco.


Pues en California hay muchos mexicanos y son pocos los que deberas cumplen con las estereotipicas. La gran mayoria somos gente regular.

>Trump gets elected
>Builds wall
>A wall keeps us in just as it keeps us out
>Deports all illegals
>still have like 30 million Mexicans
>still become a Mexican colony


De que te ries hambrientino?

so my kids will defiantly be chicanos? shit.



Relax dude.

Both my parents were born in Mexico but I don't identify with the stupid cholo/brown pride attitude. It's only low-IQ idiots that fall for that bull shit. The rest of us are actually quite normal. In my case, I'm actually in the minority that can speak Spanish fluently without sounding like a complete moron.

keep doing G-d's work brothers

Norte* America

He went to Mexico to visit family and that's the kind of shit he saw there.

MALINCHISTA! Como te atraves burlarte de tu propia gente? Al fin de cuenta somos hermanos con raices en la misma tierra natal!

can confirm, i'm literally being shot at right now

i have a chicano friend i made in the military and he's very chill and made me stop hating mexicans

A huevo wey.


Gracias por contestarme. No les respondas a estos mongolicos de /lat/.

>I'm actually in the minority that can speak Spanish fluently without sounding like a complete moron.
both my sisters are so fucking Americanized it's embarrassing. one can't speak Spanish worth a fuck, and the other speaks spanish ok, but decides to use Spanglish a lot.

i'm not saying I'm completely fluent in Spanish, i sometimes forget a word, but at least i can have a normal conversation in Spanish.


Now marry a Mexican girl and create some castizo babies.

Donald Trump is going to win and send all you filthy spics back to Mexico


Que asco me das maldito pandillero

>Donald Trump is going to win and send all you filthy spics back to Mexico


>Implying being assimilated is a bad thing

If you don't want to your sisters to be "Americanized" then take them to Mexico and stay there you fucking faggot

What if I were to tell you that the nazis won the war and within our lifetime non whites will be the scapegoat for the collapse and the 4th Reich will be a reality?


>wanting to assimilate into a "culture" where everything becomes bastardized and dies

>What if I were to tell you that the nazis won the war

>will be the scapegoat for the collapse
the collapse of what?


Los pandilleros son idiotas analfabetos que ni siquiera saben hablar el castellano. El hecho de que estoy escribiendo en castellano es evidencia de que no soy pandillero.

Time to ask your parents to give you their citizenship, the time is now.

que asco huele a chicano


It's not looking pretty good at the moment as Trump needs to sweep Florida, Nevada, North Carolina, and New Hampshire.

Sorry Billy Bob. Now quit scapegoating mexicans and blaming them for your failures that have condemned you to a life in the trailer park.

a Chicano is somebody born and partially assimilated into american "culture",

they don't need to become citizens because they are natural born citizens

Y para qué entras entonces ¿?pedazo de bobo

Yup, that's how the process has worked for the past 240 years so that people are loyal to America and not the country their ancestors are from.

So if you want your sisters to stay Mexican, then you can fuck off


asco los mayates congolombiano feos

I'm not Chicano and I don't even speak Spanish but I have a Latina gf

>pic related
It's her


>having chicano kids
just look at what theyll become

Aren't you usually for race-mixing Brazil?

If you would've taken 10 more seconds to read you would have understood I'm speaking about getting their parent's citizenship. You will want to have a place to escape once they start going after you for being Hispanic.


You both still in high school?


nice body

she'd be qt is it weren't for that 5-head

>getting their parent's citizenship.
do you mean helping their parents become citizens?

the way you wrote it made it sound like they'd be taking citizenship from their parents


>Yup, that's how the process has worked for the past 240 years

you should make a /mena/+/chicano/ and all jerk off about countries and people you've never been to nor knew together

That's exactly what I'm trying to say. Become a dual citizen, having American citizenship only can be a costly mistake if the shit hits the fan.

>That's exactly what I'm trying to say
then say it in away that's possible to understand

How many German-Americans speak German, how many Italian-Americans speak Italian, how many Irish-Americans speak Gaelic, and how many 2nd and 3rd generation Asian-Anericans fluently speak their parents and grandparent's language? How many of the above would die for their ancestor's country before America?

Seems like it's working just fine sempai. Only Chicanos are demanding the right to be a fifth column.

All that edge, really, what the fuck is with you dumb kiddie fascists always spreading hate?

>This butthurt monkey that posts and continuously lurks every thread related to Chicanos.

>How many German-Americans speak German

>how many Italian-Americans speak Italian
iv'e only met like 2 Italian-Americans

>how many Irish-Americans speak Gaelic
i've only met like 5 Irish-Americans
>speaking Gaelic

>and how many 2nd and 3rd generation Asian-Anericans fluently speak their parents and grandparent's language?
I've only met like 5 Asian Americans

>being proud of living in nation that kills culture, even it's own

Getting is different than giving, and the meaning was clear from the first post, but whatever. Take my advice, it doesn't cost anything and if your parents have x citizenship you qualify to become citizen of said country just because you're their son. And no you wouldn't lose your American citizenship.

this thread is making me puke

Go ahead and puke you faggot

>speaking Gaelic

Most of the first Irish immigrants who came to America during and following the potato famine were from poor areas of Ireland where Gaelic was predominately spoken.

Also, nice anecdotal "evidence".

>being proud of living in nation that kills culture, even it's own

Evidently this country is still good enough that you're willing to live here rather than Mexico.

If you're so proud of Mexican culture and so disdainful of American culture then again, why don't you fuck off to Mexico? The entitlement of chicanos is incredible. If I immigrated to Mexico and had kids, I wouldn't bitch if my kids spoke better Spanish than English.

>how many 2nd and 3rd generation asian-american fluently speak their parent and grandparent language?
if its the same as here, a lot

Well leaf, that's because you're willing to let so many in that Vancouver will soon become the first Asian colony in North America

I hear German every onece in a while, and they too are heritige fags here.
also had you asked how many polish Americans spoke polish?

I've said like half of them, I don't know many Italians, or Irish, but the Polish, shit where i live they got their own radio stations, you see polish flags and hear people speak polish all the time.

people only target Mexicans for that shit cause they're' non-whites