Be honest, how often do you shower during the winter, int?

Be honest, how often do you shower during the winter, int?

Every single day. Anyone who doesnt is on the spectrum.

Taking a long hot shower is pretty much the one high point of my entire day

Im ashamed to admit that on winter holidays I usually just shower every third day except if something come up or I went out, now I do it every day of course

as often as in summer. After I take a shit.

Every day as always.
I don't care if the daily highs are 30 degrees Fahrenheit, I'm going to shower and put on clean clothing because I am a disgusting 3D pig.

I usually skip a day on the weekends if I don't do any physical labor that day or if I'm not leaving the house.

>Be honest, how often do you shower during the winter, int?

Every second day.
If I have done some physical activies I'll shower immediately.

I'm too depressed to shower. I only shower once a week.

more like you shower only once a week because you're scared of dying

wtf how are such things even legal

>more like you shower only once a week because you're scared of dying
not really. i'm just too lazy and depressed to shower.
also, it's 110v, nothing to worry about, lads.

I never get winter

on day 3 of not bathing now, haven't left my place for almost a week.

Scary as fuck. Makes me uneasy every time I see this.

Works fine, come on guys.
I like it very much.

I think it's an absolutely convenient and amazing idea, but isn't it the amperage that could kill you?
I've touched plenty of electric fences in my time, but they were never deadly.
Not that you've ever been shocked by your shower head, of course.

I always feel warmer after a hot shower than before

insulation and heating, fuck yeah

>but isn't it the amperage that could kill you?
Well, kinda. But voltage is what drives current.
The higher the voltage, the higher the current (amperage)

>be fat
>rarely get cold
I really only ever get cold in my digits and all I have to do is go for a short walk.
Feels good being the master race.

erryday because of work and sex with gf. if not i go as long as possible without, as i know how my skin depreaciates it

Every 3 days or so + when I sport.

Once or twice a day

>tfw winter means that temperature drops from 35 to 30 degrees
Only normies can enjoy this weather near the equator

Have your ever experienced -20C? It's so refreshing, so feel-inducing, so cold and heateful yet comfy

too lazy to shower tbqh
i only shower when i have to do something
maybe 2-3 times a week, winter and summer

everyday wtf being sweaty after the gym is gross. have to smell nice when you go out wtf


Twice a day.
Once to get my day started and once after my workout.

Every time I exercise or such, plus sometimes a warm bath to relax after work if I spent the day taking care of machinery.

So 4-5 times a week altogether.

Start with a shower that warms in a fraction of a second thanks to superior Finnish water system that 3rd worders don't have, then turn it to 0 Celsius to simulate ice swimming.