You wake up in Montenegro

You wake up in Montenegro

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but i wake up in a montengro every day if you catch my drift

I go back to sleep.

is still better than your Shkoder albanian user

wow free vacation

Ulcinj is literally Shkoder though

Unnecessary insult

yes please!

Not an insult.Montenegro is better than most Balkans

*queue music*

More like




...get it

It means "black mount" in spanish

No shit

more like "black hill"

I go sightseeing, then take a bus back home.

literally kill myself

hill seria mas bien colina, no se si en chile usen la palabra "monte", pero aqui significaria eso

Go sightseeing I suppose

Montenegro is unironically one of the best countries in Europe desu

mount es "montar"

monte, cerro, colina, etc es "hill"

My last name is Montenegro.
I don't know why is there a entire country named in my honor. But I accept it.

Pic related is a house in my town that costs USD 1.1 million. (Obviously boat not included)

What is a house/property people can buy with USD 1.1 million in your town/city/area/state/province/country? (Post pic or link will be great)

Hide form Mountain Negroans and then go home.

>>wake up in montenegro
>gather my shit
>toss lit match
>proceed to go home
i try to leave things better than i found it

you're welcome

Montenegro is one of the better spots in the balkans desu

mount es montar boludo
monte serĂ­a bush, pasture, hill o mountain.. depende

ya te doxie