/cp/ Culture Pals

"carpet bomb southeast asia" edition

Come meet qts from around the world, practice your qt talk skills, hangout with other Sup Forumserpals, share qts, share qt's nudes, rate qts, recommend new qts to others, log the ip addresses from qts with iplogger, make fun about crazy qts, share replies from pastas, take the piss out of clowns, look for the incognito german """"chick"""", fuck my shit up, prep our qts' bull

/cp./ Discord chat:


OP pastebin:

mega with all the OP pics

>Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm fucking up again, fucking self sabotage

>have a qt that likes me
>have a hard time to respond to that

>frog not observing his 5
learn to name your memes pls

3rd for /lat/

Fuck females to be quite honest with you my lad.

You are going to suck on my fucking cock and balls and then I'm going to fuck you right in the fucking pussy cuz I'm going to eat your pussy and your ass and your tits I'm going to come in your mouth in your ears then I'm going to slap you with my good cock and cum on your tits then I'm going to come on your glasses and your eyes and I'm going to rip your hair out and stick it in your ass and it's going to feel good when I fuck you right in the nose and their eyebrows you fucking whore

at least I got dubs

I want to, and my qt probably wants muh dick because she is so thirsty for my attention but I just fuck it up.


Yes, a babyface saving cartoons on his computer calls others "autistic" - alright.

Im not really in Hamburg.

Oh I know that researches dont require you to speak german.
But so far every refugee has claimed that shit, and its mathematically not possible.

You're saying I should put below 26?

I'm not sure who I want to talk to, I'm literally socially retarded and I just want to practice.

so randum!

I wonder if old men get any action on this site.


I'm talking to Leda Hadey, ama leddit:)

who that

*Lena Hadey

Cersei from GoT


Only younger and prettier

Qt af tbqh

Are Georgian and Armenian girls easy? They look just middle eastern enough for me to cure my desert fever without the risk of getting beheaded or forced to convert.

Wasn't one of the prophecies about Cersei being dethroned by a younger and more beautiful queen?

More hoes for me


Ludwig is that you.

Stop making these beta ass fucking cringe threads.
Get a fucking life, you fucking losers. Some random girl in Russia doesn't give a shit about you or what you write to her on whatsapp. Their lives don't stop because some NEET they met online sends them stupid messages about how much they love them even though they've never met in person.
Stop getting emotionally attached to these girls and wasting your life on something that will never work out.

This is beyond cringe.


Of course not

can you rename and organize my memes?
every fucking chink profile this
shows up with his smug sexpat face
at least my qt hasn't been hit by him

Also, looks like someone in this thread got cucked and has a moderate amount of butthurt to spread.


Get fucked, faggot retard.

She's not "your" qt. She never was "yours". Dumbass


White men are pathetic.


Take that back or I'll fuck you silly.

Who hurt you, Cletus? My qt is faithful and pure.


>implying Portugal is white


Please respect Portugal.

Isnt it time for siesta?

lmao isnt cletus some redneck name?

Please do not mistake us for our castillian counterpart.

What is the difference?
el PortugANO

>tfw you want a qt European boy but you only get contacted by africans

getting real tired of this shit


What Hans said. Post it.

Im Franz you lazy moor.


I know this was one of you!
Tell me who did this to my russian qt and lied to her for a whole month!


>finally found a qt dutch girl from this one obscure dutch city i used to live in
>she sends me messages every day and seems to really like me just because I know about her city and speak dutch

wew lads

is probably the same guy and once he gets cucked again he will be buttmad again.


is this user a trap?

haha who is the bio nerd..


Makes you think...

post qt's

rate qt's



How do I break up with an Interpals girl?

She's so fucking annoying and I hate her guts, but for some reason she loves me.

pls stop posting your pic

just tell her you have a serious real life gf now , works for me

It's the Jew

no its a monkey.. common i know you are a retard but even they can recognize animal pics haha

Eu sou...

Você é...

How do you guys get nudes?
i'm scared that i'll lose my qts, i can't even ask.

don't ask straight up, say something along the lines of
"can i see more of you"

show her something (your k-cock) or do a nice favor for her and then ask her to repay the favor

What is a good favor you can do?

in the language that they are learning teach them something that is practical to them as an individual

What do you guys do to get a foot in the door?

Lets be real, I just want nudes, and I have got them in the past. Problem is it has always been through people I have genuinely formed friendships with.

I am just bad at this now.

Also, why do only slavs like to talk to me? Is this a common thing?

>call the irish army irrelevant due to a lack of manpower/equipment and inexperience fighting wars
>get blocked by butthurt leprechaun


This. I'm glad I stop using that shitty site. Most people ignored you anyways if you weren't an attractive male who goes to the gym everyday. I wouldn't even use this site even if I was traveling outside of the country with the small chance they would actually meet up with a random stranger

try and get their numbers/Skype accounts/whatever as soon as you can, then just flirt your way to nudes once you migrate. If she isn't a spaz and you've got smooth moves then it won't take too long

Amerifat logic:
>girls don't like me and my rolls
>must be the site's fault

I'm worrying about my cock is not enough for them

It probably won't be, ㅋㅋㅋ

Jesus h, that USfag has left a thumbs up on every qt's profile

Way to out your yellow fever


Everything on this girl's profile seems designed to trigger Sup Forums and /cp/
>animal rights activist
>interested in Indian and Arabic culture
>smug pepe pose

Must be a troll/fake surely but she's just hot enough that I feel like posting her here to let you guys have a go.

Nice photo

Nice photo :)

Nice photo :)

>visit mongol qt's profile
>scroll down
>see pic related
>proceed to chuckle
It's always the fucking Turks


You have a really comfy king, desu

He's a nice lad

>son of the guy who killed his brother
But he is a Bourbon so that does count for something.

None of us get to choose our fathers Pierre



Thred ded

I'm such a retarded fucking loser. I hate myself

found a qt who asks me 3 questions per message and asked me when is the best time to visit holland
i want to believe

>and asked me when is the best time to visit holland
>whenever my pants aren't on ;^)

>qt wants to visit
>offers to pay her ticket to come if I pay her return
>says she'll used the saved money to buy lingerie and have as much sex as we want
>says she'll prepare dinner while I'm away at work
>she wants to spend a weekend in NYC
Goddammit it was too good to be true

Hi guys

>if I pay her return

>if I pay her return

lol let me guess, she'll also needs a week on her own to fuck other guys on her free trip to the US?