I-i dedicate this thread to norway

I-i dedicate this thread to norway

I like you, i love you!!


We love you too. Don't let the Euro banter get to you

Dude you are gay ! :DDD

Benis boosting lakkupippu, fug

Norway has some truly memorable psychopathic characters
Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner, Thor Gundersen

They're also chill as fuck on this board and their accents are precious. Honestly they're in the top 3 friendliest posters along with Romania and Vietnam.

>tfw I know that some of the bad things they say about us are wrong but I'm too stupid to disprove them
It hurts sometimes

>Honestly they're in the top 3 friendliest posters along with Romania and Vietnam.
Why are the Vienamese so chill? I've never seen one get mad

its all wrong

i honestly wish europe was better than us, unfortunately it's almost entire untrue.

Must be something culture related, they have a %70-80 approval rating of US even though our war was the most recent.
The only folks they hate are Chinese.

>even though our war was the most recent.
I think the Chinese declared war on them right after they took the south

I meant aside from Chinese since they're the only ones they hate.

Everyone hates the Chinese though


Wtf I feel smart now

I would rather move to California than any European country other than Norway, and maybe Switzerland or Iceland. All the world's good animation studios are based in LA, and I sit here in this frozen nation of mediocrity looking for mentors and striving to improve my skills without much feedback.

If it was safe, economically and physically, I would have move to LA as soon as I could, but I probably need sponsorship. I also need to wrap my head around some major differences that I find worrisome like gun laws and health care.

Första tjejen jag knulla var norska so tack Norge

>but I probably need sponsorship
It's not that difficult to get sponsorship if you're reasonably talented and have a couple of years of experience

Guns are a meme so long as you don't go into niggerspic infested neighborhoods and your company will usually provide you with a health insurance plan

I (the guy you replied to) live in L.A.

I worked at a grocery store as a teenager in Toluca Lake, and there actually was a fair amount of Scandinavians who got jobs in the studios here - most of them were fairly young, so inexperience is relatively implied.

Like this guy said, as long as you're exceptionally good at what you do, you can get here.

What about the gun laws and health care worries you though?

Well, as far as the gun thing goes, I just don't have any experience with legal carry. We have guns here, but carrying in public is strictly forbidden. I would prefer not to carry, and stay out of the ghettos, but apparently that's racist.

With health care, I find the American system confusing. I'm not worried the quality of care, but the fact that health care in America seems like a business and not a basic right. I just cannot imagine being in financial ruins because of health related problems.

>I would prefer not to carry
You don't have to, just stay out of the nigger filled shitholes. Most people carry for peace of mind, very few of us ever have to use a gun

>I just cannot imagine being in financial ruins because of health related problems.
End this meme. You get health insurance through your company or through the state if you're poor, being bankrupted is something only the most retarded of people have to go through

>of all the states available to me, I'd move to the second shittiest one

Fuck off.

What do you think the shittiest state is


> being bankrupted is something only the most retarded of people have to go through

How do they do it? It's interesting when they do get covered and still go bankrupt.


>It's interesting when they do get covered and still go bankrupt
They go bankrupt because they were too stupid to negotiate for a plan that covers everything or to pay for a supplementary plan. Most people don't think that cancer or whatever will happen to them so they're blindsided when it does. It's not a problem if you know what you're doing when you're negotiating on a job

Why Minnesota?

Alright, sounds good to me. I'm a defensive pessimist, so I doubt that would happen to me.

keep in mind showbiz is a feast or famine type industry
you will be busy and loaded or broke and bored

If you do decide to come here you'll probably be fine

Don't you keep your """"""""""free""""""""""" healthcare for 6 months after moving anyway? Or is that just Canada?

I don't know anything about such a deal for Norway, but we have a Euro health care card when just visiting.

How hard is it to get a job in US hopefully Cali if you are from Norway and study computer science. Do I have to go through the HB1...?
Also any idea about how to get into a top us school for master / graduate school? I really want to go to Stanford.

Probably because it's a mud and snow covered flyover state. I would vote Michigan as the worst state, for allowing atrocities like Flint and Detroit.

Rude desu

How? The cities have been turned into third world backwaters. Why is it rude to point out?

I was referring to what you said about Minnesota