peace and happiness edition
redddit/philippines right now cant find bad news at duterte that they are literally scraping facebook comments
holy shit liberal plebbitcucks are so desperate
>"And maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world: China, Philippines and Russia. It's the only way"
What did he mean by this?
Stop hampering our economy and get back to work.
So dutdutards are back huh
He's a commie
>Be Yourself
>Implying they're not jumping for joy now that the mayor druggie died since they can finally shitpost about duterte being involved in murdering that mayor.
Are you even watching news user?
hey fellow indon
i don't know is it me or just anyone, don't you ever think?
after this guy in rule, everytime you go to normie internet try to discuss or criticize something that involve him, his supporters, and his fellow men, you'll get sudden shitstorm from his minions even when you try to be the neutral.
i don't want to say this, but i think he made his own cult of personality about himself.
Is it worth it to learn Indonesian anons?
If you don't have anything better to do then sure. It's one of the easiest language.
Worth if u have free time, and want to have work in indonesia (since it one of requirement to work in here)
so boring
Jakarta is a big city with more internet penetration than the rest so chances of running into his normie fans is simply higher.
US election is coming flip commies are probably gearing up with bullshit propaganda
that one reeks of EJK the most
Can i expect to get a qt Indonesian gf '3'?
And what's the difference between Indonesian and Malaysian?
well depends, how is your looks? are like that faggy kpop boyband?
if yes, you will get many pussies
no matter how good ur race, you can't have a nice decent job since you are not bumputera
better live condition
get job as long you can speak indonesian, will get higher position if you are foreigner and can please the supervisor
worst condition if you live in such place near slum in big city like jakarta, medan, surabaya
Malaysian speak malay. I mean real malay. Indonesian speak a lot of unrecognizable languages. In Malaysia, you are second class citizen. In Indonesia, you can even insult the population without getting into trouble.
>you are not bumputera
>you are second class citizen
wtf??? explain.
The recent studies shows that chinese employers prefer their own kind or only calls those with mandarin proficiency to interviews since mandarin is used in workplace so it evens out.
natives, i mean you must be a real malay gene
>chinese for chinese
>malay for malay
so how long until there be "people's republice of north borneo (east malaysia)"?
so do you think that he mad his own cult of personality?
Borneo is special case since they are less concerned about race, only Borneo chinks are allowed to serve in subs and jets for example. The tension is mainly in west peninsula major cities.
Kelantan chinese are pretty banana too.
Indons, whats going on with all your edgy muslims protesting about something? turned on the telly this morning and saw reports of 150k pro muslims marching about something? are you guys turning into suadi junior.
>going to reddit
it's just a simple banter, libtard think they are gonna do something raycist to their beloved chink idol
but nothing get killed in the end, only small riot in the end because our president being coward and don't want to met em
we need to kill habibs and their relatives, all of them.
they're beyond parasites, they're cancer
That's insane my man, why is it allowed? i hate Malaysia now.
btw tell me more what's it like being a korean in Indonesia.
i'm not look like a kpop idol but i was quite popular with the girls while i was in Vietnam so i think my looking is not so bad :/
>president being coward
so you want jokowi to meet them and make them think they can get whatever they want with the rally?
c'mon, don't claim you hate libtards with that libtard mindset
do you have face and body like that kpop idol?
if yes, pussy coming for ya
if not, no you are just like a chink to us
shut up libtard, they have right to protest
i don't want my country turn into european where majority protest can be considered as raycist
They speak arabic, and put on this veil mister Kim plz
>"oh i can't meet them because i can't go to my palace"
>in same city
>they only met his vice president
>no on e get killed, only small discussion ih high level
welcome to 2016 indonesia
paranoid because majority protest minority
>be foreigner
>meet an agency
>become celebrity
>instant wealth and popularity
thats how it goes, also just marry weebs such as this and take her to korea, pretty sure nip lover gonna fall for koreans anyway.
its an obvious lie, pretty much what BIN would advice to avoid bigger protest.
kek, at your hypocrisy, typical butthurt libtard, even funnier because you think you're conservative
>peace and happiness
As long as kim fucking junggg and ms.president are around, I can't have those feelings
What is the aveage weight of Indonesian men?
i am 174cm but am considered a manlet even in gookland
I'm actually thinking to be a youtuber in Indonesia :P any Korean youtuber there?
kek you think i am a libtard
i don't hate this protest, neither support too
what i hate is not him who met and try calm down these protester, it's his vice
he met comedians in his palace
he met libtard in his palace
he met minority in his palace
but something like this?
yeah it's not such a surprise when we get more terorists in the future if he keep act like this
so when is the next nuke blast?
>they have right to protest
they do, but risking security is untolerable, it'll be better if it was nationwide protest and not concentrated mess in jakarta.
would provide better result with less risk.
habibs are parasite, they obviously desire power and want to change this country, you're the libtard if you support them
he invited them in. You'd think that the president would have to bow to every demand. If you give in once, what's stopping from the next group demanding?
we already have a 'bule' youtuber
>he met comedians in his palace
>he met libtard in his palace
>he met minority in his palace
these are not an act to force a decision, irrelevant.
terrorism is basically protest with smaller scale with bombastic casualties, so yes the government have to make sure nobody perceive that anybody could subdue them
>any Korean youtuber there?
a female one
no you are the one who libtard, yes it's national security, but don't you ever think that he should at least try to calm the protester like:
>"yes i will order the police to fast forward finish this case"
>"i hope everyone calm done, i hope police can be quick do the investivigation"
oh yeah he is no
no he was not in his palace dumbass, he was in same city but "blusukan " to other project, the one who invited them was the vice president one
so what next he do then?
>"I think the demonstration is backed by some politician"
not just make disappointment for protester, he now make another new problem
>ever think that he should at least try to calm the protester
he shouldn't even gave a shit and let the police handle this, it would be enabling this cancer.
just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
they're not even majority, they're only fucktard that happens to share majority religion claim to act on majority behalf.
yes majority thinks ahok should be prosecuted, but thinking they should go down the streets forcing a prosecution? lol no
xpayah jawab indon satu tu la
biarje dorng cakap nak klaim manaje
mcm semuanye dorng punya
now back again, you all said that this is for national security
then why didn't he try to calm a bit the situation?
the fuckin police act fuckin slow before this demonstration
if they want to protest, sure why not it's a democracy
but if you forbid it, they fuck you hypocrite
>so what next he do then?
undermine the importance of the rally which is
>"I think the demonstration is backed by some politician"
i think you're going closer to finally see your hypocrisy
Can't Jokowi just ride an Apache there and speak from the heli?
Would have been an excellent meme.
>national security has to mean concentrated security in jakarta
LMAO, if i was a terrorist or a smuggler, i'll be happy having these protests everyday
he said after the demonstration that some politician backed the demonstration
not just disappoint the protester, he just make a new problem by sparkling some kind of conspiracy shit, which he shouldn't do it
now everyone try to defy him about "what politician jokowi?"
Post Indonesian qts to get me interested in Indonesian plz.
better than tried not to meet
almost every city has this demonstration fucktard, but majority come to jakarta
>which he shouldn't do it
he should do it retard, he should converge "people power" bullshit into one single actors.
>now everyone try to defy him about "what politician jokowi?"
and where's the problem? what threat it impose?
You speak Indonesian and teach them how to speak Koria. Suck their nips here and there. Makes they feel special (like Indonesia is the only world and no one else is living on this planet but Indonesian), surely you will get tonnes of views. Find some cheap items in Korea, slap it with Korea loves Indonesia etc, then promote it in your channel with high price, Koreaboos will buy it no matter what or make them wish to buy it in the comment sections. The mass of Indonesia are easily manipulated, so please bear that in mind. Use it to your advantage.
l2 manpower fucktard.
i'll bed lmaoing if you don't think the protest wasnt a miracle considering the police didn't decide to put all the manpower in jakarta and doing some meme asmaul husna instead
now i know why i should stop talking to you, you even don't know how politic works
hard to cherrypick
>you even don't know how politic works
lmao, did you even have a mirror?
you think politic purpose to establish the people?
no fucktard, government are there to make sure the organization we call nation is working.
they don't care about casualties or your feelings, no
go back to your containment forums
Mark my word.
>i don't even know what kind of national priorities
politic is not just something to govern nation and shit, there ate hostility in politic too
don't you ever think that his enemies can attack him with this issue?
even MPR is involved now, which kind of rare in this case
why would you want SEAn gf anyway, lots of korean runs prostitution business, why don't you just try and ask them?
lol that's you asshole, they are more like you since they don't like jokowi to be criticized like you did
cool, prepare the popcorn
So let me get this straight. The only thing that unites SE asians is the fact that y'all hate China and you are scared of them?
again, i ask you.
what threat did it impose?
badmouth bullshit or actual physical unrest?
i wouldn't give a shit about critics if i was a leader.
and to think you probably also believe in "pencitraan", lmao
the fact we hate each other*
but that's valid for the rest of the world anyway
>being this dumb
i am done talking to you m8, but i think you should learn more about politic, how a country works, and shit
Good advice m8, i will try it.
That's not me dude, i don't find korean grils attractive.
and i'm curious what Indonesian gf is like.
Pinoy and Malay try to betray us for the china lately
Thailand, Cambodia, Burma already being owned by china
the left are brunei, singapore, indon, and viet
dismiss the question, nice.
your idealist view of politics blinded you, you're dumber than you believe you are.
have an introspection and read a books for once
here i'll give you a reference to start
here, the example of our product
also check em
>and i'm curious what Indonesian gf is like.
annoying, but i don't know how it would work when the dude is wanted by lots of females.
probably become submissive
forgot the pic
>that book
it's just a basic in politic dumbass
if you want to have a good realism in politic life try to read il principe and The 48 Laws of Power
also read more about history
마! 닌 뭐고! 썩 꺼지라 이기야
But i'm not sure i can have pre-marital sex because most of them are muslims.
Well i have a hijabi fetish tho
>why is it allowed?
Its complicated but Malaysia being majority immigrant, economic disparity, Bong divide and conquer means everyone lives in their own community, majority commie insurgent are chinese, only Malays drafted to fight insurgency, vernacular education means kids go to school with only their race, chauvanism and tons of other stuff exploded in 13 May 1969 where a riot happened in Kuala Lumpur and chinese federal police fought Malay army killing 200 people.
The Bumiputra policy was implemented to avoid a race war afterwards and now a tool for politicians to win votes.
Moral of the story don't take immigrant until they are 60% of the population or you will have the same fate as us or at worst go full Hitler.
That is really pushing it, we just want to solve our troubles without murdering each other so much and perhaps make monies. Thailand for example have occasional cluster bomb lobbing at Cambodia and shooting with Burma, Malaysia and Indonesia clash ships at sea, Philippine claims part of Malaysia, Malaysia annoys Brunei, Singapore pokes Malaysian airspace occasionally, Indonesia blows up 60 captured fishing boat live on tv for national holidays etc.
>il principe
basically accessible version of arthasastra, did you even read the fucking book you mentioned
The Uni that I need to continue my studies on is so fucking expensive. Been working since 19 for 3 years now and I only have enough net money for a single sem or so according to my computations. Why are my parents are so fucking useless, I think I'll grow old doing shitjobs without finishing 3 years of my remaining studies. They don't even have some relative which I could loan P.5M which is a a very small amount. What a hopeless life
Oh silly you, premarital sex should be the least for you to worry for. It's not like that Arabic country over there. Just don't pick up someone from Acheh. I think you'll be fine in Jakarta or maybe somewhere near Bali. There's a reason why many white Aussies going to Indonesia because bitches in Indonesia are very cheap. Like I said before, they are easily manipulated.
i have only 2000 php left til 15
fml f.a.m.
If only we had girlfriends that we can live with and leech our living expenses on.
>500k is a small amount
>says the faggot who can barely pay for a single semester
>falling for the university meme
lmao at you lad
>Almost 2.5x our public uni fees
Shouldn't it be cheaper?
Here the govt covers 70-75% of public school fees including dormitory.
who will win? trump or hillary?
I may not be sure about my future but I AM pretty sure P500k is a very small amount fellow poorfag
his face on the thumbnail is the perfect description of TESDAfags
>tfw government loan for my studies
>tfw I only have to start paying it back when I'm earning more than 50K a year
>tfw no interest
I think Hillary, but I wouldn't count Trump out yet.
On the current polls all he has to do is flip one state, and that is possible in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Colorado.
However, I would put Clinton as more likely than not to win still.
>everybody here goes to Reddit except me
makan meme
berak meme
engkau lucu lah xd
There's an attempt at Duterte's life using a weaponized Artificial Intelligence
Alert his key Facebook and Twitter followers. I don't have both accounts. Hopefully it will reach Duterte and he can take the necessary precaution.
Kek, good luck to soros then
And yet dutdutards still believe wikileakes
fuck it
chances of getting coup'ed just got higher