Could something like a European Federation ever work?

Could something like a European Federation ever work?


What a preposterous idea. It could work if it was only trade based, but you know our politicians would fuck it up.

Wouldn't you just want to find out?

we will see a poster with the european flag right now

With closed borders, internal passports

It's not like you have a choice, pleb

well, it is mostly trade based and weak now, and its not hard to see how that worked out

Of course not. Keep the borders and trading open but that's pretty much it. We're too different.

amina koyim - hello

Of course it could.

It boils down to, to put it in Sup Forums language, literally memes.

What are they and how dank they are?

no, euros opposing and fighting each other for thousands of years is proof of it

But we didn't have wars with each other for over 70 years now

Thanks to NATO and having a common enemy.

In 50 years when everybody understands English - yes.


>common enemy


>Could it work?

>Should it exist?

Our president is shilling for this idea for a while now.
Fuck that, I say. Not with Jews and traitors on the helm.

Yes, prepare for war Euroshits.

You first. Post election riots soon.

>Implying anything will happen
They say this shit every election cycle

It doesnt even work at the moment and its not even there so why bother taking it any further?

Belgium doesn't work, Spain barely functions and Scotland only barely voted to remain in the EU, while Quebec has an independence referendum every other decade.

Magnify any single one of those examples by a factor of 50 and you have your fucking answer.

no, and stop asking

Of course it could if some kind of new deal and new ideal was proposed to Europeans. A better promise that what they have with their current organization. That promise could be a better handling of borders, a new sens of democracy, a better Redistribution of wealth (which is, no matter what one think, a fundamental value in continental Europe) and some colossal projects (like Mars).

>which is, no matter what one think, a fundamental value in continental Europe
Certainly... if by "fundamental value" you mean "a novelty among the milquetoast elites since the 1960s".

who cares about time. Couple based on love, caring about children is also fundamental and pretty recent.

>who cares about time
The "fundamental" part of your statement, Marx. Europe didn't fall out of the sky yesterday. If we want to talk about "fundamental European values" (if such a thing even exists in the first place) there needs to be some history behind it.

>Couple based on love, caring about children is also fundamental and pretty recent.
It's pretty recent and a FAILING construct. Not a single country in Europe has fertility rates above replacement level, and almost across the board European divorce rates are north of 40% (with Belgium even hovering around 70%! A Belgian marriage is twice as likely to fail as it is to succeed!). It's clear that the old model based on common interest worked better than this new model based on "love".

If your "values" are what sounds good rather than what is good, I feel bad for you son.