Eastern europe

should i move to eastern europe? i hate this shithole so much and i want to move out. i am a poorfag so i will probably living around poor ghettos in western europe.but what about eastern europe? how's the living standarts there?

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youll get beaten

stay away from europe roach

i will probably pass as local there m8. i have white skin

There are turkish areas in Bulgaria, but getting a permit to stay may be hard.

i don't want to live around t*rks. fuck that shit

Lynching non-whites is a common pastime in Eastern Europe.

You should move to Sweden or Germany. Their governments will give you neet-bux and housing, and the women will spread their legs for you.

>Their governments will give you neet-bux and housing
yeah but that houses will be full off niggers and not europeans

>and the women will spread their legs for you
that's a meme. but getting scandi woman is easy

Come home my friend. If you're a secular and overall nice guy you're welcome here.

well i am not a muslim

basically same shit (mentality wise) with less to no brown people
if you can't get your shit together in turkey, you won't succeed anywhere here. ofc if you count poland, hungary, czechia etc as eastern yurop they have far better living standards, so there's that. i still think no country needs poorfags, especially if it's full of its own already, unless you are going to work hard

also i'm thinking move to hungary or poland and to be a farmer in a rural province.

Move to Iceland

The only thing that actualy matters here is your kebab making skills

>using the name Czechia non-ironically

Why don't you just farm in rural Korea?

no you don't maybe in hungary or serbia but nowhere else and lose weight you fatass

h-how do you know that i'm fat

>not covering your webcam

>poorfag from shit country
>want to live in shit country full of poorfags

omae baka desu

I'm 12 and would have voted HDPKK but apparently my vote doesn't count the thread.

>not using the name Czechia.



No, piss of...

>tfw georgian
please save me from this shithole brother

You should killyourself for having furry meme images in your PC

Yes come, we love foreigners :)

Czechia sounds bad

>maybe in hungary
ur mom slavsquatted on my dick last week

Well, Eastern Europe isn't the best choice for people from Islamic countries, I guess.