/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico

It's fucking sunday wagecucks

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first for based texas

Everythings better in Alaska



Why do religious cucks still exist?

thats beautiful. do they plow the street and do you guys chain there?
yeah, there's the french quarter. My dad told me to never go to new orleans for some reason.

My eyes have been opened

bedder bread

Really makes you think.

it's not happening


because people need their Santa to not do bad things

Stay outta Nunavut

It's all over

What did they say in July?

>tfw you realize that Switzerland was just a german puppet plot to reestablish the fourth reich

that they wouldn't prosecute her

how do you feel about Natives ?
would it be cool to have a Native president ?

now post suicide rate

an alcoholic president sounds like a bad idea

Native Canadian are all happy, hard working, law abiding citizens. Although they don't mind you make fun of them, you really shouldn't as they are a noble and peaceful people.

they are cool. My mom's dad was a hafie and my great grandma a full cheerokee.
sadly the reservations are a shithole where the elders get rich and the rest get fucked.

If you are in danger please press '1'

>Reading a book on criminology
>Drinking all the cop tears about how they wish they could profile people
>They even use the phrase "unfortunately, profiling has turned into a dirty word"
Domestic terrorist pigs BTFO!

yeah, the city cleans the parks and streets, although we got taken by surprise this year so everythings covered in snow. Literally overnight 30cm deep snow appeared.

Also what do you mean by "chain there"

Nothing wrong with profiling.

It can save your life.

They don't stop making revolts ;-;

>a Native pm
We already have a Native minister, I think its enough

>2 days

>inb4 the PDF comes to bash you.
you know, the chains that you can put around your tires to give traction in snow.
>it is okay to violate rights so long as mine are not violated

Hi /cum/ Jock McNaught here, just letting you know that catholics aren't human, so please stop interacting with Mexico.

good post

oh, havent really seen anyone use chains, we usually get through winter with winter tires with cleats in them

>It's OK to shoot black people because you don't know if they'll shoot you
Literally republican-tier logic.

well somebody wanted to stay alive i guess

Thanks britain will do


That's not what profiling means

Howdy neighbor

Nope. Mexico is American clay from Mexico city upwards. we gave it back to them, but it is ours, so I refuse.

why USA doesn't have an ID card mandatory for everyone like in France ?


We kinda do, many things for modern life need them, but if you don't want to do them then freedom to you

what do you mean. Your driver's license and Social security card does enough to idea you. you can buy an ID card if you want.
ask baja chan. He made it. I only gave him one photo before.

>"That black guy is walking funny. Let's go chase him."
A direct quote I heard from a police officer when I was on patrol with him.


Remember all Canadiens from the ROC to be eternally grateful to Quebec for all the great brands we've blessed you with


>ask baja chan. He made it.
Nope, i didn't

what happened next

Alaskans used to tell me this joke:
>Cut Alaska in half and Texas can be third


The black guy started running, the cop caught up to him and started smashing his face in (which he later bragged about).

Literally took me two seconds to find of a booru and sankaku.



>you can buy an ID card if you want.
here is the problem
imagine you are homeless and jobless
you don't have a driving license and no social security, basically you will be having a hard time proving you are you
in France the Identity card is free and you just a need a pic of your face, you can vote with that and do lot's of things
that's why Bernie lost
his voting audience can't even vote

Y yo te amo tambien no homo .

why did the black guy start running?


yeah I can see that is a problem, but most homeless will have some form of identification on them usually.

Probably because he was getting chased by a terrorist. If someone with a gun started chasing you, what would you do?

obviously run away from every police officer, youre right

watching BLM episode from SVU, shieeet man, I wonder the amount of but hurt this episode made.

Of course not. Just allow them to take away your civil rights and/or attack you without repercussions.
>Mfw copsuckers honestly believe this

none because nobody watches SVU.

Steven Universe ?

>tfw day 2 of getting ignored

dude im agreeing with your logic whats your problem

>not watching the best tv show in the world
Jesus no I know why you're such betas


Nice kot though

Please raid. Everyone is.

we all know that clarence is a top tier serie

Just say sorry

>cops get in trouble for shooting some worthless nog
>cops stop enforcing the law, just like nogs want
>nogs kill each other at higher rates


I'm actually a contrarian

Nice. Voting for hill on tuesday now. Literally made up my mind 2day

I dont speak portuguese. I only speak bad english and hey ese i am breaking in your car


>Law and Order


nigga you outplayed yourself.
it was good maybe in pre 2008


Basically that she was above the law.

This song is by Coldplay.

I do not know the name.

PLEASE help me find the name



Me too desu. But my vote doesn't matter anyway lmao I live in California. She's winning no matter what here


>Basically that she was above the law.
I dunno; she's been under siege for a long time.

>still reading the criminology book
>now they're saying that capital punishment is OK because "At least we're not burning them at the stake"
Foucault is rolling in his grave.

my friend's dad gifted me 15 capsules of kratom to help with my arthritis and depression. anybody know what to expect?

>I need pills in order to deal with pain and """"depression""""

Good goyim

Sorry lads, it's just the fucking nostalgy that brings me back to it. Remember watching the dubbed show in open television after eating dinner.

>hillary talking about raising taxes on the wealthy
Just fuck this shit. Its communism

>being straight edge

Dana White is really putting on the pounds isn't he


>>being straight edge

>>>being straight edge

>I am entitled to all the money I want!
Why do republicans say this?

Because it was earned.

im gonna take all 15 right now just because you're being so vexing tbph